Part 121

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Chapter 8

A storm drenches Awa'atlu in rain, and high winds ram against the dens and trees on this dim morning. Nevertheless, people are still hard at work, not letting up for even a moment, on Ronal's orders.

The Sky people's presence has become more frequent within the many waters of the Metkayina region. Jake was quick to point out that they've likely made a base somewhere near the clan, specifically because they know he's within it.

He's been working for three months trying to locate it with a squad, his goal being to create a scouting route, and for those three months he's left his new student's training up to his oldest son.

Once he's located the base, he'll need a scouting team, and Ronal keeps insisting that he let Aonung be a part of it, so it's Neteyam's job to make sure he's ready.

Currently, Neteyam is making his way to the head family's den, to retrieve Aonung since the boy didn't show up at their usual meeting spot like he was supposed to.

As he carefully walks through the slippery woven pathways, he spots Lo'ak in the distance with Rotxo, both heading to the shore to prepare for hunting in the reef. It's Rotxo's best skill, and Lo'ak is pretty good at it as well, so the other hunters are glad to have their help.

Kiri has been spending most of her time with Tuktirey, and the lingering Paltu boy, Sorfé. They don't have any specific duties besides looking after Tuktirey while she does pretty much whatever she pleases.

The oldest Paltu boy has been spending his time training Tsireya. He used to see Spider with them as well, since he and Tsireya have gotten pretty close, but the lone human was sent back to their forest home with Norm a week ago for something important.

The whereabouts of a certain bright eyed boy, however, are never right in front of him. Yune sometimes drops in while he's out in the woods training Aonung, often watching them from a distance and never showing himself. Other than that, he doesn't know what the boy gets up to, but he supposes that's to be expected from someone who seems to prefer solitude.

It's been a few months since they returned from Paltu, and since then things have been busier because of the panic Sky people cause. Almost all of his time is spent working with Aonung these days, which really pulls at his heartstrings, and when they're apart again the pain lingers.

It used to be worse than it is now.

For the first month he couldn't teach Aonung a thing, because the two often ended up in arguments that he stormed away from, and was scolded when his father found out.

The second month, he tried harder, but was still unable to deal with the marine boy's defiance and harsh demeanor towards him.

Aonung wanted to be trained by his father, not him. He didn't think him good enough, for one, and had the nerve to shame him for feeling the things he does. Fortunately, Jake put Aonung in his place as well, and because of that, last month Neteyam had been able to finally make some progress, which has led to this month's progress.

First thing he was instructed to teach Aonung was how to use and assemble a gun. Sure spears, knives, and arrows are effective, but bullets are needed to fight bullets. The marine boy's aim has improved now that he's gotten used to the impact that accompanies the pull of a trigger.

He's been very patient with him, and makes his instructions as simple as possible; Trying to keep himself from speaking too vaguely on details because it's become second nature to him.

He wishes he could say he enjoys it, which he probably would have as he did teaching Aonung to climb a tree during their time in the clearing, but this has been nothing like that.

Aonung used to respect him, as if he were more important than anything else. He's never had to work so hard for it before, and hates that it requires so much effort only for him to fail. He's really starting to realize just how spoiled he's gotten because of the way this boy used to be with him.

Once he reaches the head family's den, he stops at the entrance, seeing no one there. He steps in with his tail shaking water off the tuft, then goes to the back room, where the missing marine boy is lying in his hammock, still asleep.

With a sigh, he walks over to the side Aonung's facing, just to get a look at his peaceful sleeping face. The only time this boy really seems like himself is when he's not running his now cruel mouth, but the moment it opens it, it's as if Neteyam is talking to a stranger.

Before he starts admiring his face, it suddenly twitches a bit. As does his tail, that previously lied still, relaxed off the side of the hammock.

Neteyam takes a step back, thinking he's waking up, but his eyes don't open immediately. Instead, they clench tighter, and he takes a large breath before abruptly jolting awake.

Aonung takes another deep breath, calming himself, before noticing Neteyam's presence, and of course, glaring at him.

Aonung- Why are you in here?

Neteyam- You didn't show on time, so I came to retrieve you.

He hums in response, then slides off his hammock on the other side and walks towards the entrance.

Aonung- Let's go.

Neteyam jogs after him, then stops in the middle of the den, next to the pit where there's a basket of fruits next to one with vegetables.

Neteyam- Aren't you gonna eat first?

Aonung- No time, you said I'm late.

He continues out of the den without him, making him roll his eyes as he grabs one of the fruits and goes after him. When he catches up, he holds it out in front of him, making him stop.

Neteyam- Here.

After an annoyed look, he reluctantly takes the fruit and bites into it as they proceed.

Aonung- You're too soft.

Neteyam- Be glad I'm nice enough not to let you go hungry all day.

Aonung- Wouldn't have worked up much of an appetite with the same old target practice.

Neteyam- That isn't what we're doing today.

Aonung- Finally.

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