Part 148

141 9 2

The couple start a little splashing game when a few others join them, and then Lo'ak suddenly realizes he hasn't seen his brother since they arrived. He turns his attention to the little dance session on land, scanning each person there, but he doesn't spot Neteyam.

Rotxo comes up to him, stepping away from the game for a moment to see why he's stopped.

Rotxo- What's the matter?

Lo'ak- I don't see Neteyam. If he's avoiding this because of me-

Rotxo- Go find him, and talk through this. You can't let it go on, you're going on a mission tomorrow.

Lo'ak- (sighs) Alright.

Already feeling nervous, he heads back onto the beach to start his search. He's hoping his brother doesn't end up returning the punch in the face he gave him, though he wouldn't blame him if he did.

As he wanders around, the thought of a probable location comes to mind and he heads towards the familiar cave. When he nears the entrance, he sees two cloaks lying on the ground folded neatly, letting him know people are there.

Though, the thought of what the indication of two people being out alone might signify doesn't cross his mind until it's too late, and he walks in on Neteyam and Aonung making out blissfully.

He freezes in his tracks with wide eyes, but for multiple different reasons.

Lo'ak- Oh shit-

He accidentally voices his thoughts, and his brother quickly pulls away from the kiss he was enjoying, and turns around without removing himself from Aonung's lap on the floor.

Lo'ak- S-Sorry-Wait, you two are-Since when are-You're back together?

Aonung hides his face in Neteyam's shoulder, while holding tightly around his waist to not let his shield leave him. Neteyam finds the sudden shy behavior cute, but doesn't stop to address it.

Neteyam- Uh, yeah.

The two sit in an awkward silence for a moment, since they haven't spoken to each other directly for quite some time.

Lo'ak- So, um. I'll just leave you two alone then, I guess.

Lo'ak starts to walk off, and Neteyam almost lets him, but Aonung finally stops hiding and gives him a stern look. He takes the hint, and stands from his comfortable spot, calling out to his brother.

Neteyam- Lo'ak, wait!

He runs over to the cave opening, and nearly bumps into Lo'ak, who had turned around immediately after hearing his name. Now, face to face, Neteyam looks over his brother's nervous state, and feels guilty for not speaking to him for so long. He wants to give a full apology, for everything, his behavior especially. But the only thing that makes it out of his throat, ever so hesitantly is . . .

Neteyam- I'm so sorry.

Lo'ak- No, I'm sorry. I hurt you.

With a sigh, Neteyam pulls Lo'ak's forehead to his.

Neteyam- Between you and me, I needed that.

Neteyam smirks at him, and he chuckles softly before they pull apart and look back at Aonung, who has been observing at a short distance. With a small smile, he comes up to them, and Lo'ak gives him a mischievous look.

Lo'ak- So, did you two have any plans before I interrupted, or . . . ?

Aonung pushes the younger sully boy off to the side as he takes his place next to Neteyam while they start heading back to the others. Lo'ak laughs at himself, then rejoins them, walking next to Aonung.

Lo'ak- On a serious note, I'm glad you finally came to your senses. Neteyam was killing me man.

Neteyam- I'm right here.

Aonung- It's kinda cute you can't function without me.

Neteyam- Not true.

Lo'ak- Bro, the only reason he couldn't function was because he wasn't allowed to murder you.

Aonung turns to Neteyam, who smiles at him with a wink.

Lo'ak- Yeah, I'd think twice about messing up again.

Aonung- Well, I'm nothing like you so that shouldn't be a problem.

Lo'ak rolls his eyes then flips him off, and Neteyam chuckles at him.

Lo'ak- I'm getting hungry. Who's hunting?

Neteyam- I had almost forgotten there's a bunch of people to feed.

Aonung- I already told them to be prepared to hunt for their own.

Interrupting their conversation, a sharp breeze blows against them, nipping at their skin. Aonung's ears lay against his head for warmth, and he holds his arms around himself, rubbing them a bit, but suddenly stops in his tracks.

Lo'ak- Damn that was cold. Should've kept my cloak on.

The cold feeling subsides, but another gust of wind brings it back, making the Sully boys shiver again.

Lo'ak- Why the hell does it feel like this? It was warmer when we got here.

The two exchange a look of equal confusion, then realize the marine boy is no longer walking between them. They both stop and turn around, then see him catching up to them with his and Neteyam's cloaks.

When he reaches them, Neteyam is quick to put his own on, pulling his hood over and all. Aonung wraps his own cloak around Lo'ak.

Lo'ak- Why'd you give me yours?

Aonung- I don't need it. My body is already regulating itself.

Since the lives of Metkayina are so water dependent, their bodies can adjust quickly to keep their insides warm in some of the deeper and cooler waters they venture into.

Neteyam presses a hand on Aonung's arm, and gasps lightly before wrapping himself around it as they walk.

Neteyam- He's a walking heater.

Lo'ak- Come on, so I can go squeeze the hell out of Rotxo.

Mune Olo'eyktan [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now