Part 154

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Once they return to the others, Neteyam and Na'haji walk boldly into the cave, with Aonung right behind, drawing everyone's attention to them. Na'haji's eyes land on his brother, whose piercing gaze is staring right back at him, already aware of the tragic news he has to tell.

Neteyam- Okay, I'll put it simply. We're stuck here until further notice. But instead of complaining, we're gonna make this work until we can leave.

Dale- Let me guess, you're in charge.

Aonung glares at the boy from behind Neteyam.

Aonung- Got a problem with that?

Dale- No. Well, yeah. Why aren't you in charge?

Shore- He couldn't handle it.

Shore sneers at their supposed future leader of the Clan, and Coona smacks his arm.

Coona- He's still the heir, idiot, don't disrespect him.

Dale- If we're really stuck here, then we're cut off from everything, and on our own. Doesn't that mean there is no heir?

Tsui- That's not a bad point.

Coona- That's the dumbest shit ever. This is only temporary. Right?

Neteyam- Well, yeah, we hope so.

Dale- He hopes. (laughs) Face it, you don't know what the hell is gonna happen.

Yune- Neither do you, which is why you're lashing out. You're so scared of being stuck out here forever, you hardly know what to do with yourself.

A few others snicker at Dale's exposure.

Yune- So, let's let the calm and composed people make the decisions here, shall we?

Dale shuts his mouth with a scowl, then with everyone silent again, Neteyam resumes his announcements.

Neteyam- Like I was saying. We need to make a life here for ourselves for the time being, starting with our chain of command. Na'haji, Aonung, and I are in charge. We have experience, as sons of chiefs, for those who need a reason.

Dale- Thanks for clearing that up.

Fayne- Shut the hell up, will you?

Neteyam- For your own sake, try to be responsible. We've already lost one of us, and the last thing we need is to lose another.

Neteyam notices the guilty look on Kiri's face, but so does Tsireya, and she rubs her back comfortingly.

Neteyam- We already found a better place for us to stay, so before we go into everyone's roles, we'll get you all there.

Yori- Roles?

Neteyam- We need to work together to provide what we all need. Everyone will have a role to fill, just like we would helping out back home.

Na'haji- For now, let's just go. I'm sure Somtra could use the help.

Neteyam nods, and gestures for everyone to follow them. Yune grabs Sorfé's cloak and takes it with him as he follows Neteyam and Na'haji out of the cave like everyone else. When the older Paltu boy attempts to speak to his brother, Yune turns away from him in silence.

The last in the cave are Lo'ak, Rotxo, and Tsireya, who are comforting Kiri. She hardly remembers anything, other than the incredibly painful feeling of nearly freezing to death in the ocean.

Tsireya- It isn't your fault, Kiri.

Kiri- As much as I know that it wasn't my intention to end up needing to be saved, I still can't help but feel guilty. He didn't have to do that.

Lo'ak- He was always really nice, it's no surprise he put you before himself.

Kiri- Did you see Yune's face when he realized Sorfé wasn't here? He looked so lost. I feel like I should be apologizing to them.

Tsireya- You didn't do anything wrong. Come on, let's go before we get left behind.

Kiri lets Tsireya help her up and pull her along as she exits the cave. They walk past Aonung entering as they leave, and he stops in front of Lo'ak and Rotxo.

Rotxo- Aonung!

Rotxo greets him happily, glad to see him moving, since he hadn't seen him in the cave when he woke up.

Aonung- Hey.

Aonung doesn't share his excitement, and Rotxo immediately tones himself down.

Rotxo- You feeling alright? Head still hurting?

Aonung- Uh, no, my head's fine.

Rotxo- Oh good. Come on.

Rotxo attempts to leave the cave, but Aonung quickly grabs his arm, gently pulling him back. Lo'ak's brows furrow, confused by the gesture.

Aonung- You can't go yet.

Rotxo- Uh-

Lo'ak- Why not?

Lo'ak becomes defensive of his mate, despite knowing Aonung is no threat to the smaller boy.

Aonung- I have to talk to you, about our new shelter.

Rotxo- Alright.

He lets Rotxo's arm go, glancing at Lo'ak, who stands firmly, not leaving. It's then the confused boy notices Aonung holding something behind his back. With a deep breath, Aonung pulls his arm from behind himself, and holds his hand out in front of Rotxo, showing the Na'vi toy.

With a suddenly terrified expression and a gasp, Rotxo smacks the toy from his hand as if it's something dangerous, and takes a step back. Lo'ak glances from the toy on the ground, to his fearful mate, utterly confused.

Rotxo- I can't believe you . . .

Aonung takes a cautious step towards Rotxo, a pleading look on his face.

Aonung- Rotxo, we have to stay there now, but it's just unt-

The sting of a clear slap across his face interrupts his words, and Lo'ak flinches back from the two in shock.

Rotxo- I told you I never wanted to see that thing again!

Aonung- I know, but we-

Rotxo- You promised I wouldn't have to go back! You promised!

Aonung- Rotxo, I kno-

Rotxo- I won't let you take me back!

Rotxo suddenly tackles him to the ground, bewildering Lo'ak completely. They fall into the leaf curtain, tearing it down as they hit the snow just outside the cave. Lo'ak's golden eyes stare widely at the sight of Rotxo punching Aonung in the face a few times.

Rotxo- You liar!

Lo'ak stands shocked still, until Aonung shoves Rotxo back, and flings him to the side just to get him off of him. As he stands from the snow, Lo'ak's body moves before he processes what he's doing.

Mune Olo'eyktan [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now