Part 137

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Within the guest den of the Paltu brothers, they too are discussing how to deal with certain issues amongst themselves. Issues that could hinder Yune's well thought out plan.

They're seated near the pit for their discussion, speaking softly so they don't attract any eavesdroppers from outside. Yune sighs heavily at his older brother, and the banged boy can feel the disappointment radiating off of him.

When Neteyam gives him a break, Yune finds his way to where Aonung trains with Jake, and over the past few weeks he's seen the boy's skills greatly increase.

It's a good thing, for the clan, but not so much for his plan.

Tsireya may be learning fast, and performing well, but in his eyes, she poses no threat to Aonung's position, because of the competitive nature she lacks, and also Aonung's unwavering loyalty to his role.

Yune- If we don't do this, you will die, Na'haji. Are you forgetting that?

Na'haji- Of course not. But I cannot use her the way you want me to.

Yune- Because you are not willing to push her.

Na'haji- I don't want to be a manipulator. She is so kind, I just-

Yune- This is no place for your soft heart, brother. This is your survival, and when one needs to survive, they do whatever needs to be done.

Sorfé-Which leaves some wondering if they should have even survived in the first place.

Yune- Are you saying our brother should die?

Sorfé- No! But if he turns into a user, and manipulates this kind girl, then he will no longer be the person he was . . . The person that deserved to live.

Yune- Sometimes situations force people to change, it is nothing new.

Sorfé- What if he doesn't want to change?

Yune- Then he does not want to live.

Na'haji and Sorfé exchange a look, and the oldest brother begins to ponder this situation deeply, which leads to a conclusion he'll stick with, whether his brother agrees with him or not.

Na'haji- So be it.

The youngest looks at him with worry, unsure what he's decided.

Sorfé- What do you mean?

Na'haji- If I am to die early, because I am not willing to stoop so low, then so be it.

Yune- But, brother-

Na'haji- I will live the rest of my days as I want, and you cannot change that.

Sorfé smiles and sighs in relief. He doesn't want to lose his brother, whether it be by death or transformation, but at the end of the day they don't know when he would be killed anyway.

Even if it's sooner than they expect, he'd rather enjoy the time he has left with his brother the way he used to know him to be, than to spend the rest of a lifetime with whoever Yune was attempting to create.

One look at Na'haji's soul orb is enough to tell Yune he's no longer on board with him, especially since he was barely with him from the start. Which means that now, plans have to change, yet again, because unlike them, he's not willing to give up on him.

Yune- Very well. If you will not help me, I will handle this myself.

He stands from his spot, then leaves the den, ignoring his brothers calling to him.

Na'haji- Yune, come back!

Sorfé- What will you do?!

They both become silent in defeat. Their brother has now excluded both of them from his plans, and neither of them know his intentions.

The thought to warn Aonung comes to Sorfé's mind, but if he did then he would surely have to explain himself more, and would no doubt end up getting all three of them into trouble, since they've known the entire time.

The last thing he wants to do is break their trust, especially since he's become very fond of Kiri, and doesn't want to just throw that away. He only hopes that whatever Yune is planning to do, the future clan leader can endure it.

Mune Olo'eyktan [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now