Chapter 89: The lost and the plunderers

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Xander felt numb from inside as he watched his little brother's grave

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Xander felt numb from inside as he watched his little brother's grave. Grave, something he never though he would of had to dig for his little brother.

He looked towards his broken father, who was kneeling beside him. Watching the grave with a teary face. Rick then stood up and walked away.

Xander's tears ran down his face as he stayed with Carl. Michonne approached the broken boy and kneeled next to him. The woman stroked the boy's hair, as he wiped his eyes. He looked at Michonne as he leaned against her, hugging her.

Michonne holds onto the boy and she begins to cry as Xander lets out loud sobs.

He had never cried this much in his entire life. Not even even his mother died. Xander stood up and looked around at all of the walkers around coming in from all sorts of places.

Michonne told Xander and Rick that it had been time to go. The three were packing up and Michonne looks ahead "He used to sit on the roof."

Xander looked ahead and remembered how Carl used to sit on the roof of the shed ahead. Xander closed his eyes, as he tried not to cry again, he cried so much for the past hours that he didn't have anymore crying left on him.

Michonne and Rick were running ahead with a fire extinguishers. He didn't moved a muscle. He felt so numb inside, as the Grimes boy watched his father and his girlfriend killing walkers.

After that, they had been getting ready to go. Xander looked at the two as they were about to get in the van.

"Xan..." He looked up at his father "Come on. We gotta go." Xander looked at the two, and he put his gun in his holster and he shield his sword, but he didn't move a muscle.


The boy looked at his father and mutters out "I can't."

"Son we-"

"No dad... I need some time alone and to find Rhea and Judith. I need to be with them. Rhea... she needs me right now more than ever, and I need her now." Xander told them, before he turned away from them and started walking towards the woods.

"Son..." Rick called for him and run towards his only son now. Xander stopped and looked at his father. Rick pulled towards him and gave him a big hug. "Just... be careful son."

Xander looked at him and nodded his head "I meet you guys at the Hilltop."

He turned away from from them and started walking.

The only thing Xander could hear for hours, had been the leaves beneath his boots

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The only thing Xander could hear for hours, had been the leaves beneath his boots.

He looked around at the familiar woods and no one had been around. He leaned against a tree and let all his emotions out. He wasn't sad anymore, now he was angry. Angry at the world, angry at the stupid walkers, angry at everything and everyone.

He started sobbing loudly, as he fall down on his knees and looked up at the sky.

For an hour, Xander remained on the ground, looking at the bright sun. He then heard the sound of walkers, not one, not two, but atleast ten. He looked up ahead and saw a little herd of walkers walking towards him.

All his sadness went away and was replaced with rage. He stood up and unleashed his sword as he glared at the walkers. Those things killed his younger brother. One by one he started killing the walkers, yelling furiously.

Along the way, not too far from Xander, the residents from Alexandria had heard the yells of Xander.

Daryl and Rhea run to go check on it themselves and had spotted Xander standing around the bodies of the walkers he killed.

He stood in the middle on his knees, looking numb.

"Xan." Rhea quickly walked towards him, as she fall down on her knees in front of him "Xander?" She put her palms on his cheeks and lifted his head to look at him.

He looked at the girl he loved, he looked into her green eyes and all the anger vanished as tears started falling from his eyes again.

He fall right into her arms and cried as she holds him. Xander let out heartbroken sobs, that broke the girl's heart.

From her own eyes tears started falling too, as she holds the love of her life in her arms.

He lifted his head and looked at her "H-h-he's gone Rhea. M-m-m-my baby brother is gone. Forever." He cried out.

"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry." She cried out as she holds him in her arms.

The young broken couple hold each other feeling broken from the loss of a brother, soon to be an uncle, a son, a best friend.

The loss of Carl Grimes.

The loss of Carl Grimes

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