"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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They were a few feet away from Meridian, circling the horde around for a few hours, until it got dark before they started to move in.
Upon moving in, an explosion occurred causing several of the walkers to explode, leading Rhea to whisper.
"Watch out for the mines." Her message was echoed by the others.
Maggie, Rhea and Gabriel, breaking off from the group and sneaked around the side of the building. The trio stopped, when a Reaper came into view above them and Daryl's voice sounded.
"Hey, man, you're missing all the fireworks." Daryl says, coming into view.
"Dixon. What are you doing here?" The man asked.
"Pope told me to walk the perimeter, so I'm walking the perimeter. You wanna smoke?"
Daryl and the man shared cigarettes, before there was a grunt and the man's body fell from the lookout post.
Maggie and Gabriel immediately grabbed the body, dragging it over to the fence and searched it, taking the walker talkie.
"Hey, hey, around that way. Go." Daryl whispered shouted to them before the three took off.
Gabriel, Rhea and Maggie went through the hidden passage, climbing out on the other side of the fence into Meridian. It looked like they were in the garden that smelled horrible.
"What is that smell?" Gabriel asked, glancing at the woman.
"Anything too rotten to eat or use. That's why there's nobody out here." Maggie whispered "You remember where you're going?"
Gabriel nodded "Top floor, second room, southwest corfer of the building."
"Just remember to wait for my signal." The man nodded. "We do this, then we get the food, and we go home."
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Daryl stood on the roof of the building with Leah and Ancheta as they set up their ultimate weapon.
It seemed to be some sort of catapult-type structure with hundred of holes that held what looked to be spiked rockets.