Chapter 108: Scars

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The journey back to Alexandria wasn't that long, but it felt like it for Xander

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The journey back to Alexandria wasn't that long, but it felt like it for Xander. Especialy since it was strange for the Grimes man to come here without his wife and daughter. When they finally reached the gates, they saw that Laura was on lookout.

"Xan?" She asked looking down at the group.

"Hi Laura! Can you be a dear and open the gates?" He shouted up to her.

Her eyes were widened and trained on Lydia "I-I have to get Michonne."

Michonne then appeared on the watchtower a bit later, also looking down at them. "Henry's hurt. You were closest. We wouldn't have come. We had no other choice." Daryl explained.

"What about her?" Michonne asked, nodding to Lydia.

"She's with us." Henry defended.

Xander nodded in agreement. "She is."

Michonne turned to Aaron, having a quick conversation before ordering, "Open it"

Xander was very excited. He hadn't seen Judith in a while, and he couldn't wait to see his baby sister.

The guards opened the gate under Michonne's orders after a moment's hesitation. Everyone greeted each other, then quickly made their way into the infirmary for Henry to be looked after.

Michonne didn't fail to take a good look at the new face, then turned to Daryl and Xander. "So where to next? The kingdom?"

Daryl wiped blood away from his hands in a water bucket "Well, probably not straight, but, yeah... Carol should know."

Connie raised her notepad to Michonne. 'This wasn't the plan but i'd do it all again.' Then another page. 'With different shoes.'

Michonne's lips twitched upwards into a light smile before she walked inside, Connie stopping her to thank her.

Xander gazed around the neighborhood in the search of his younger sister

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Xander gazed around the neighborhood in the search of his younger sister. But Judith was nowhere in sight - probably playing with her little brother and the other children.

After some time looking for Judith, Xander finally found his baby sister sitting on the docks of the lake with Daryl. He smiled as he started walking towards them, all of the wood panels below him creaked as he approached, Judith spin around to meet her big brother's eyes.

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