"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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Things were better now, it's been seven months since the war ended and Negan was beaten. Rhea was now nine months pregnant and everything was doing good with her baby.
Xander was always there to help her with whatever she needed. To go down the stairs, or to go to the bathroom, he was always there for her. When ever he was not in Hilltop, Enid and Alden would be there to help the girl.
Jesus too, and so would Maggie.
Rhea and Xander were living in Hilltop now, Siddiq was traveling from Alexandria to Hilltop for her check ups, or she and Xander would travel to Alexandria to visit.
They visited Daryl often too. After the war, Rick asked him to be leader of the Saviors. To help with the Sanctuary, to say that he was annoyed would be an understatement.
But surprisingly Rhea and Xander made friends with some of the saviors there. The young couple quickly made friends with Arat, the former lieutenant of Negan, after knowing her better Rhea found out that she was quite cool.
There was also Laura, the first person to surrender in the war. Whenever Rhea was at the Sanctuary her and Arat were there to help her with whatever she needed and there was also D.J, a cool guy who became friends with the young couple quickly.
Today Rhea went to visit her father at the Sanctuary. Xander was at Alexandria to visit his baby sister and father and Michonne. Since she was close to giving birth the couple decided to have CB in each other's so, if Xander was out and she was going into labor, she could call him.
She took a horse and slowly she got to the Sanctuary. Rhea was close to the Sanctuary, when the gates opened for the girl. D.J and Jed were at the gates, and they were the ones that opened them for the girl.
"Hey little mama." D.J greeted her, as he and Jed ran to the girl to help her get off from the horse.
"Hey guys." She greeted them. She carefully moved her leg over the horse, D.J quickly grabbed the girl helping her to get down.
"What are you doing here Rhea? Xan not with you?" D.J asked her as he grabbed her stuff and helped her walk towards the entrance.
Jed walked inside to inform the others that Rhea was in the Sanctuary.
"I came to see dad. And Xan is in Alexandria to see Judith, and I was getting bored so I decided to come see you guys." Rhea said with a smile.
"Well it always nice to see you here." D.J said as he smiled at her.
"Rhea!" Her and D.J turned towards the voice and saw Daryl walking towards them. "What are you doing here sweetheart?" Daryl asked her.
"I came to visit." She said with a smile as she hugged her father.
"You're close to pop Rhea you should be home, in bed with your feet up, not traveling on a horse." Daryl told her.
Rhea rolled her eyes at her father, making D.J laugh. The three walked inside. D.J went somewhere leaving the father-daughter duo alone.