Chapter 139: A new deal

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After Daryl and Rhea tied the walker with ropes, they all hid, waiting for Hornsby and his men to come down and when they finally did, Aaron and Annie took out the two men

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After Daryl and Rhea tied the walker with ropes, they all hid, waiting for Hornsby and his men to come down and when they finally did, Aaron and Annie took out the two men.

"Okay, this ends now." Hornsby said, storming into the area with his gun aimed at Aaron and Annie.

Daryl and Rhea out from behind Hornsby as the troopers surround the other pair.

The Dixon- Grimes woman grabbed the shithead and held a knife to his throat as the rest of her people came out where they were hiding, all of them aiming their guns the troopers.

"Put the guns down!" Daryl shouted "Put them down now!" He turned towards Hornsby, pointing his gun to his head "Tell them! Do it!"

"Weapons down!" Hornsby told his troopers as more of his men came in.

None of his men listened to him as they all continued to aim their weapons at Rhea's people. However, the troopers did when the familiar voice of Mercer bellowed.

"Everyone! Stand down!"

The troopers cleared a path for Mercer, the Governor, Carol, and Negan.

Rhea spun Hornsby around and shoved him up against a crate with her knife against the man's throat.

"You heard him." Pamela Milton stood before Rhea "Lower your weapon. This is not just about you. I need him alive."

Mercer stepped forwards when Rhea didn't move "Rhea, not here... and not like this."

"You're choosing this piece of shit?" Rhea snarled.

"If I was, you'd already be down." Mercer pointed.

"Do what you fuckin' gotta do. I'm going to gut this little shit!" Rhea sneered not letting Hornsby go.

This time Carol stepped forwards "Rhea."

Rhea finally looked away from Hornsby, her Dixon green eyes were like flames of rage. "What the fuck have you done?"

"I made a deal for us." The woman replied, causing Rhea to look back at Hornsby and let him go.

Hornsby glared at the woman, straightening up before his wrist was grabbed by Rhea and slammed against the crate. She stabbed her knife into the shithead's palm making Hornsby scream out in pain.

She glared at him "That was for almost killing my husband and my father! Next time I see you... nobody will be able to stop me from gutting you!"

Pamela looked shocked, as Rhea pulled out her knife causing Hornsby to cry out again.

The Dixon- Grimes woman walked forward the Governor with Daryl following and said "Don't worry. He'll live."


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