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The drama played by Wen Yu is a fairy tale drama, but it has a human plot, and her parts are all human.

  The male protagonist met Bai Yueguang when he was going through a tribulation in the human world, but when it came to an ambiguous plot, something happened to him. In order to save him, Bai Yueguang went to the enemy camp alone, and the beauty left a deep impression on him. Later, he went through the tribulation. When he returned, he saw a heroine who looked similar to Bai Yueguang, so he rescued her again and again.

  There are not many scenes, only eight scenes in total, and there are very few individual plots.

  But because of the character, the makeup requirements are very high.

  As soon as Wen Yu arrived at the set, she was taken to the dressing room and began to put makeup and styling on her. Assistant Yu Yu followed beside him and was responsible for serving tea and water and asking questions.

  Wen Yu closed her eyes and let them follow their instructions, while asking Yu Yu to help read the script.

  Fortunately, she was controlled by the plot and fell in love with Jiang Yunjin, so she joined the same crew. For fear of being looked down upon by him, she had already memorized her part, but because her brain was used too much today, she kind of forgot about it.

  After Yu Xiao read it twice, she also remembered it.

  The makeup was done in less time than Wen Yu expected, and was done in two hours.

  Wen Yu looked at herself in the mirror. Through the skillful hands of the stylist, she wore a beautiful bun. Her long hair fell halfway down to her waist. She was wearing a light blue cross-collar dress that looked grand and elegant. Her gentle makeup and arched eyebrows add a bit of dignity and beauty to her delicate face.

  He looked up and smiled, looking very good.

  It was still early, so Wen Yu admired herself for a while, and Yu Yu kept taking pictures with her mobile phone: "Boss, your look is so beautiful! It looks even better than when you put on makeup!"

  Yu Yu covered his mouth again after finishing speaking, fearing that he would say something wrong . Her words offended her, and he added: "Of course, the boss's makeup photos are also beautiful, but you are more vivid now. You must be more beautiful in person than in the photos."

  Wen Yu smiled: "Thank you for the compliment."

  She was not surprised by this answer. After all, between being controlled by the plot and being completely freed from control, the latter is definitely in a better state. After all, if it were not for the control of the plot and beating her to death, she would not be able to do this kind of thing of chasing a man and not letting him go after he has a girlfriend!
  Thinking of this incident, Wen Yu panicked. If it weren't for the plot, how could she become married?
  Otherwise, now that I am regarded as the adopted daughter of the Jiang family and have my parents' inheritance, I don't know how happy my life will be!

  Wen Yu sighed, picked up her skirt and walked out.

  The place where makeup was done was not far from where the filming took place. It hadn't started yet, and the staff were working on the scenery. This was a banquet scene, and Bai Yueguang made his first appearance with his mother.

  Not far away, Jiang Yunjin and Su Lengyue stood together, one in ancient clothes and the other in modern clothes, but the two of them moved so intimately that people around them peeked.

  "Some people are so shameless. They chase after a man who has a master and bring money to join the set. Our crew is really unlucky. We will probably have to stay up late tonight." A low voice murmured, somewhat concealed, But a little deliberate.

  Just within the hearing range of Wen Yu.

  Wen Yu subconsciously followed the sound and saw two girls standing not far away. One of them caught her eye and immediately moved away in disgust.

  Then another girl said: "Hey, don't mention it, I've already bought the coffee."

  "I bought it too." The first girl smiled and said: "Fortunately, she is determined and didn't do that kind of scandal, otherwise I would I'm really afraid that the whole crew will be ruined."

  "Isn't it true? But the only ones who are unlucky are those of us who are filming together. It's really funny for a person who got into this crew just for fun."

  Wen Yu frowned.

  Yu Yu immediately raised alarm bells and reassured: "Boss, don't think too much. This role is very simple. You will be fine."

  Wen Yu shook her head. She didn't think much about it, she just felt embarrassed.

  Fortunately, the assistant director saw her at this time and called her over: "Teacher Wen, let's come and watch the show."

  Wen Yu quickly ran over.


  joined the crew with money and didn't have a lot of filming experience. The crew was actually worried that she would have problems and be delayed.

  Night scenes are already tiring, so the assistant director specially tutored her alone and told her the essentials.

  Wen Yu listened carefully, this was related to her money.

  In the plot, she was kicked out of the crew. After withdrawing her capital, due to the emergency, she finally found an actress to change her face through AI. Therefore, Bai Yueguang, who should have been impressive, became the only failure in the play.

  Now Wen Yu hopes for perfection.

  She listened carefully, and the assistant director felt very comforted: "You don't have to be too nervous, you will be fine with your ability."

  Wen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you, assistant director, I will try my best."

  Soon it was completely dark. The candles were lit, and the director shouted into the loudspeaker at the top of his lungs: "Get ready--"

  Everyone was ready, wind instruments, strings and bamboos sounded, some supporting actors entered the scene one after another, and the camera panned over and over again, not one shot to the end, but rather Stop and close up the scene.

  Wen Yu followed the person who played her mother and walked into the hall amidst the eunuch's voice. She covered her face with a veil. Just looking at her features, she felt that she was stunningly beautiful. Many people were fascinated, including the male protagonist who was pretending to be drunk.

  This scene was also shot alone.

  Wen Yu looked at it and felt that actors still need a sense of belief to show stunning performance in front of a camera. Not to mention, Jiang Yunjin performed very well.

  After Wen Yu finished her appearance, a supporting character challenged her to perform her talent in public.

  It's quite a coincidence that they were the two girls who just openly complained about her.

  Wen Yu couldn't help but curled her lips, and her eyes showed a little smile.

  At this time, the camera was not facing her, but the two girls, but the other girl didn't seem to expect that Wen Yu would smile at them. She was suddenly stunned, her mind went blank, and she didn't say the words she was about to say.

  "Ka ka ka!" The director frowned: "What's going on? You can't say just two lines?"

  "I'm sorry, director, I'm too nervous." The girl quickly apologized.

  The director waved his hand and started again.

  This time it went smoothly.

  Bai Yueguang, played by Wen Yu, frowned hesitantly. At this time, the male protagonist took the initiative to come to the rescue. With Xiao accompaniment, Bai Yueguang walked onto the stage.

  Together with the male protagonist, he completed an amazing performance.

  But when she was going down the steps at the end of the performance, she stumbled.

  The male protagonist who happened to be walking behind her helped her, and as a result, a long shawl crossed her cheek, and he pulled down the veil, revealing her true face. The male protagonist at a close distance seemed to have been hit hard, and her heart was moved for thousands of years at a glance.

  This scene was filmed several times, mainly with various camera changes, so Jiang Yunjin stared at Wen Yu over and over again, and her eyes were particularly moving.

  "Ka!" the director shouted: "Take the next scene."

  The staff immediately came over to change the scene, and there was no more Wen Yu's scene.   

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