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Chapter 16
  Wen Yu's heart moved slightly. She was familiar with this feeling. Jiang's mother would be like this when she was wearing her down. However, she was not as restrained as Jiang Yunyan. She would also poke her forehead or pinch her cheeks. .

  But it's still indulgent.

  At this moment, Wen Yu felt that Jiang Yunyan was from the Jiang family after all.

  Very nice to her.

  Even if Jiang Yunjin cheated her, even if she did so many annoying things under the control of the plot, as long as she is willing to change, Jiang Yunjin will no longer hate her.

  Jiang Yunyan looked deep and cold. In fact, he had taken great care of her since the two got married, as if he had accepted the task of taking care of her from Jiang's mother.

  Wen Yu knew how to climb up the pole, so he immediately climbed up again, his voice so sweet that he said: "Brother, I want to eat tomato beef brisket! I also want fried pork ribs, and garlic chicken wings..." "

  Only one!" Jiang Yunyan said coldly road.

  Wen Yu pursed her lips in grievance and said bitterly: "Okay~ Then I want tomato beef brisket!"

  She snorted and followed behind, watching Jiang Yunyan bend up his sleeves, put on an apron, and transform from a social elite to a snail boy. Her thin but strong waist and apron matched perfectly. She smiled happily and looked forward to it.

  Wen Yu was uneasy at first, fearing that Jiang Yunyan would be angry, so he just coaxed her. When he saw that he really started to cut the beef brisket, she felt relieved. She lay down on the sofa, looked at the time and logged into Weibo again.

  At this time, the Weibo post she posted in the morning had tens of thousands of likes and comments.

  For a person like her whose works only have a few small roles, this is really a lot. Looking at the number of views of the video, it turned out to be 5 million. She sent out the photos she had prepared, starting with Jiang Yunjin's heroic rescue of the beauty, to She ended up throwing herself into his arms.

  As soon as six o'clock arrived, the netizens who had been waiting for a long time ran over to take a look: [6]

  [Holy shit, shit, you read that right? ]

  [ Wen Yu threw himself into Su Lengyue's arms? Aren't these two love rivals? ? ? ]

  When everyone was shocked, Wen Yu replied to the comment: [First of all, it's his food, then it's his food, and finally it's his food! ! ! 】

  Netizen: 【Hahahahahaha】

  【Courtesy: Are you Jiang Yunjin? ]

  [I'm sorry, I really believed it. If Wen Yu still liked Jiang Yunjin, she wouldn't have said this. You don't know that in those days, Jiang Yunjin posted his achievements on Weibo every day to prove himself, and even wanted him to turn over his brand, as long as he said Just food.]

  [Wow, beautiful lady Tie Tie, is she a love rival? I don't believe it anyway]

  Wen Yu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw this. Is there still this problem? Jiang Yunjin cares so much about being judged by her? Suddenly after refreshing, Jiang Yunjin's figure appeared in the comment area: [So were you beaten last night? ]

  Comes with a smiling emoticon.

  One look at it puts a smile on your face and a dmp in your heart.

  Netizens immediately asked: [Who will beat me? 】

  【Who was beaten? what happened? ]

  [If you half-talk, you won't have a wife in the future! 】

  【Laughing to death, @文宇, watch him retaliate, hurry up and take revenge! 】

  Wen Yu didn't reply. There were too many scandals between them before, so there was no need to respond one by one, but she still couldn't help laughing. Jiang Yunjin really didn't mind being talked about, and it was true.

  Then I refreshed and found that Su Lengyue appeared in the comment area: [Were you okay when you went back last night? ]

  Wen Yu's smile paused, then expanded slightly.

  She did not have Su Lengyue's contact information, and the two did not deal with each other. Su Lengyue was not a hot-faced but cold-assed person. There was no peaceful time when the two parties met, and there was no chance to add contact information.

  But the heroine is a heroine after all, she is grand, and in this situation, she is no longer blamed for what she did before.

  Although it was mainly for Jiang Yunjin's sake.

  Wen Yu replied this time: [No, I went to bed when I got home, and now I'm waiting for dinner. Thank you beautiful sister for your concern~[post]jpg]

  If nothing else, Jiang Yunjin should be furious when she sees it, right?
  Wen Yu clicked her tongue, "You want to harm this young lady?" Not that easy!

  But she couldn't see the way Jiang Yunjin was jumping.

  However, the netizens in the comment area were particularly enthusiastic and helped Aite Jiang Yunjin in the conversation between Wen Yu and Su Lengyue. Many netizens were surprised and wondered: [Aren't they love rivals? 】

  【Two beauties posted each other, they fell in love, it turned out that the stinky man was an accident, the beauty is real

  】 From experience, maybe Wen Yu and Jiang Yunjin are love rivals. In order to get close to the beautiful sister Su Lengyue, Wen Yu did not hesitate to pretend to be in love with Jiang Yunjin and cause harm...]

  [I was firmly opposed to the teacher's withdrawal from the literary world! ]

  [Hahaha, if you don't refute the rumor, I will really believe it. Pass on, Wen Yu loves Su Lengyue! ]

  [Pass it down, Wen Yu and Su Lengyue are true love! 】

  On the other side, Jiang Yunjin just finished replying to the work message and saw so many Aite on Weibo. Jiang Yunjin clicked in curiously and her face turned green.

  I wish I could rush to my eldest brother on the spot and complain: They are both younger siblings, why should they beat me but not her? !
  Su Lengyue, who calmly looked at Jiang Yunjin going crazy: "..."


  On the other side

  , after Wen Yu secretly laughed at Jiang Yunjin, he smelled the aroma of tomato and beef brisket coming from the kitchen. When he turned around, he saw that the snail master had washed his hands and was relieved. Take off your apron and go back to your room.

  The last step of tomato beef brisket is to let it simmer for enough time. This can be done with a rice cooker without anyone watching.

  But Jiang Yunyan turned his head and saw Wen Yu looking at him with bright eyes. He subconsciously stopped in his tracks, but he didn't take the initiative to ask as usual.

  But Wen Yu was in a very high mood and directly said directly: "I caused trouble again today!"

  She couldn't wait for Balabala to tell Jiang Yunyan about her success in bringing another wave of traffic to the small web drama, and she was waiting for him with great anticipation after she finished speaking. Praise.

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Yunyan's eyes darkened after hearing this: "Are you hugging Ajin's girlfriend?" Wen Yu blinked and   said

  cheerfully: "Yeah, you can't hug him, right? After all, uncle and sister-in-law are different~"

After she realized that she was in front of Jiang Yunyan, she couldn't talk nonsense, so she quickly pursed her lips and her eyes wandered in embarrassment.

  She didn't mean to mention their embarrassing identities!

  Just now, Jiang Yunjin was defeated online, and he was so proud that
  he suddenly saw the corners of the man's lips raised in front of him, revealing a faint smile.

  The smile was very shallow, but it instantly blew away the indifference on his face, making people notice the superiority of his appearance.

  Wen Yu couldn't help but stare a few more times, but he didn't smile anymore, as if it was just an illusion in the blink of an eye.

  Then Jiang Yunyan got up and went to the kitchen again.

  Wen Yu: "?"

  Aren't you waiting for it to be cooked after all the preparations are done?

  I saw those beautiful hands taking out chicken wings and ribs from the refrigerator.

  Wen Yu: "!"


  Fried pork ribs, garlic chicken wings, and tomato beef brisket are all made.

  The huge house is filled with fragrance.

  Wen Yu was already hungry, but now that she smelled the fragrance, she couldn't play with her phone at all, so she ran to the kitchen and stared at it eagerly.

  The garlic chicken wings are fried, and the oil sizzles. The marinated chicken wings are put in one by one. After a while, the skin becomes crispy.

  The aroma of minced garlic was even stronger, and Wen Yu's eyes went straight.

  He was even more angry. How could Jiang Yunyan make a lot of money every minute and at the same time practice his cooking skills so well? !
  Is this the difference between people?

  Wen Yu was a little envious, and suddenly a piece of chicken wing appeared in front of her eyes.

  She immediately put on a bright and flowery smile: "Thank you, brother, you are so kind!!!"

  She opened her mouth and bit it.

  After an almost invisible "click" sound, the aroma of meat filled the mouth. A thin layer of salt and pepper was sprinkled on top, making it even more delicious.

  Jiang Yunyan also cut the chicken wings in the middle, so there was no need to remove the bones. He just took one bite and took it out, and it was just a bare bone.

  After Wen Yu finished eating one, she looked at the man beside her without wanting to speak.

  He was obviously working in front of the stove, but Jiang Yunyan had long legs and a slender waist, and was pretty good-looking. He fried chicken wings slowly and leisurely, as if he was doing some research.

  What if he puts on a white coat and becomes the high-intelligence and good-looking villain in the novel?
  It made her dare not be too wanton.

  Jiang Yunyan, on the other hand, also noticed her eyes, but remained calm, as if he didn't notice, focusing on frying chicken wings.

  Wen Yu pursed his lips, stretched out his white and tender fingers, and poked his strong arm: "Brother~~~"

  He called in a sweet voice, and the last word seemed to have turned eighteen times.

  If Mother Jiang were here, she would definitely hug her and give her whatever she asked for.

  However, the man in front of him remained calm: "What to do?"

  Wen Yu glared at him, actually asking her to say it herself? ! But she was embarrassed. Jiang Yunyan always had an aura around him, which made her afraid to do the same thing as Jiang's mother and others, so she could only feel discouraged and wanted to go out.

  Stay away from the kitchen.

  Be less tempted.

  Just as he was about to turn around, another fragrant chicken wing appeared in front of him. This time Wen Yu was not polite. The first time he saw it, he bit into it fiercely and ran out quickly.

  Jiang Yunyan must be teasing her!

  He must know what she wants!
  Wen Yu was a little angry, but when she turned around and looked at the fried garlic chicken wings, the ribs being fried, and the cooked tomato beef brisket in the kitchen, she calmed down again.

  Forget it.

  For the sake of his good cooking skills, I forgive him.

  But he didn't notice the joy flashing in the eyes of the man behind him when he took back his chopsticks.


  always makes people feel happy.

  Wen Yu had eaten and drank enough, and ignored the 'head teacher' in front of her. She slumped on the chair and rubbed her belly.

  Accidentally overeating.

  She ate more than usual, mainly because she was hungry, but overall her appetite was still not as big as Jiang Yunyan's, and the man was still finishing the meal.

  Although there are three dishes, the portions of each dish are not large, and it can be finished by two people.

  Wen Yu felt that Jiang Yunyan must be in a good mood, different from when he just got off work. After thinking about it, he supported his chin with both hands and blinked his big eyes: "Brother, why are you angry this afternoon? You can tell me, although I can't understand. , but I can be used as a trash can."

  After all, she has nothing but a pair of ears to contribute.

  When she has troubles, she will also want to talk about it and compare her feelings. It is definitely not a small matter for Jiang Yunyan to take her emotions home.

  Jiang Yunyan paused while picking up the vegetables, then ate the last piece of beef brisket as if nothing had happened, wiped his mouth and said, "It's nothing."

  Wen Yu said, "It's really nothing?"

  Jiang Yunyan glanced at her and suddenly said, "There is indeed something. Something."

  Wen Yu: "?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "Tell me about your drinking."

  Wen Yu was stunned.

  Jiang Yunyan's tone was gentle and his voice was low. He did not curse, but frowned slightly, revealing his disapproval: "It's not that you are not allowed to drink. After all, you are an adult, but do you think it is appropriate to drink like this?" He was

  so drunk that he almost lost consciousness. It's personnel matters.

  Wen Yu: ...

  dare not say anything.

  Is she going to say that with 20,000 bottles of red wine, she thinks it won't hurt if she drinks more?

  In the end, Wen Yu sincerely admitted her mistake and swore that she would never let herself drink like this in the future. Jiang Yunyan relaxed her frown and rubbed her head: "Be good."

  Wen Yu: ...Cry
  Jiang Yunjin, this prosperous age is like you As you wish!
  Then Jiang Yunyan asked Wen Yu about being bullied last night.

  Wen Yu told the truth.

  However, Jiang Yunjin beat her up and didn't really do anything. They didn't accept her even if she was sent to the police station, so the matter was over in her mind.

  Just the follow-up...

  The reason why she blocked Zhao Qingyuan's contact information as soon as she came was mainly because this female partner was difficult to deal with. Once she got into trouble, even the heroine would have to struggle for a while.

  She was a little cannon fodder with no luck, and she didn't dare to mess with her, so she drew a clear line early.

  What happened in the past can be regarded as mutual use and wiped out.

  But now Zhao Qingyuan is using her to cause trouble again. He failed to make trouble and even created a scandal. He is obviously trying to teach her a lesson. After struggling for a while, Wen Yu still chose to file a complaint: "This matter was probably done by Zhao Qingyuan, and there is also a scandal." When Sister Liu went to ask for surveillance, she found that my surveillance was gone..."

  "Zhao Qingyuan?" Jiang Yunyan remembered this girl who had a good relationship with her children before, and a coldness flashed in her eyes, and she comforted: "You don't need to worry about this matter. I'll handle it. From now on, find someone to accompany you wherever you go. Even if you're filming, don't go out at night. Let the driver follow you when you go..."

  After explaining everything, Wen Yu felt that she was really the same as Jiang's mother, but she knew who was good and who was good, so she nodded very obediently and promised to do as he said.

  Jiang Yunyan then put away the dishes.

  Wen Yu looked at the man who had finished cooking and washing the dishes, and felt guilty. He pretended to clear the table, but was persuaded to leave: "Go to your room and rest."

  "Hey." Wen Yu let go immediately, sweetly He said sweetly: "Thank you for your hard work, brother~"

  and then trotted back to the room.

  Jiang Yunyan:...


  With some free time recently, Wen Yu originally wanted to ask Wei Ningning to go shopping tomorrow.

  She hasn't bought any new clothes this month!
  As a result, Sister Liu interrupted her plan with one sentence: "I have arranged a class schedule for you. Starting tomorrow, you will come to the company for classes every day. You are not from a major, but if you enter the entertainment industry, you must be able to act. You can't be careless. It ruined my reputation."

  Wen Yu was slightly embarrassed.

  She is indeed the most embarrassing artist in Sister Liu's hands. In addition to her, Sister Liu also has three artists in her hands. One is a variety show star with various special talents and funny jokes.

  One is a singer who has followed the steps step by step over the years and has a very good reputation.

  The other is an actor. He has a professional background and has acted in dramas for a few years. He was discovered by Sister Liu and started filming. He performed well and now he can get a leading actor in a script with a low investment.

  Only Wen Yu, who has been in the industry for two years, has a masterpiece - Chasing Jiang Yunjin.

  Some of the small roles I filmed were generally evaluated as: good-looking and suitable for vases.

  The only good thing is that she is no longer an amateur when she returns, but she is somewhat famous, although this fame was brought about by scandals.

  Wen Yu agreed to concentrate on practicing her acting skills.

  In addition to the required line classes and acting classes, there are also teachers to train her manners and steps. Her next two dramas are both costume dramas. The role of the fourth female lead is not small in TV dramas, so naturally she cannot ignore these.

  In particular, the role she is about to film is a noble lady, a noble lady with a martial arts background.

  She is the most beautiful woman in the world, and is also the wife of the villain in the book. She is gentle and has a high IQ. She likes the male protagonist, but for the sake of his career, she chooses to marry the villain and deal with it to gain more growth for the male protagonist. time.

  However, as the male protagonist grows up, he also finds a like-minded partner, the female protagonist. Therefore, the female protagonist No. 4 turns against him due to jealousy. At the last moment, she suddenly wakes up and realizes that the villain has done too much evil and everyone can punish him, so he returns to the right path. , but he was also taken away by a wave of villains.

  A pure love brain, the motivation for everything is love.

  But in today's world, love-brained zombies won't even eat it.

  But Sister Liu asked her to play this role because it really attracts fans if she plays it well. If she doesn't play it well, then...

  Although Wen Yu is lazy and lazy, she still takes her work very seriously. Since she has received money, she must do it. It made people feel that it was worth the money, so they were very diligent and even lost the little flesh that had just grown.

  Sister Liu occasionally came to see her and would pinch her little face: "If you are like this now, how could your clothes be torn?"

  Wen Yu quickly covered her mouth: "Stop talking, stop talking!"

  Sister Liu sneered. : "Oh, now you know it's embarrassing?"

  Wen Yu pinched the handkerchief and burst into tears: "I knew you disliked me, but I didn't want to. In order to get a compliment from you, I didn't sleep for three days. , I have been practicing my acting skills day and night. Look, my oval face has come out~~~"

  Sister Liu touched her chin and patted her head happily: "Yes, my acting skills have really improved. The tears came so quickly.

  Wen Yu shuddered and looked at her like a betrayer: "How can you say that? Who am I doing all this for?" Sister

  Liu was heartbroken by those big watery eyes. I knew she was acting, but the little girl's tearful accusation was still unbearable: "Okay, I have some good news for you."

  Wen Yu immediately took it back, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. The line just now was her next part. You have to practice a lot before you can perform your lines at any time. When you heard the good news, you immediately became excited: "What?"

  "An endorsement!"


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