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Chapter 30
  The driver who accidentally caught a glimpse of his boss's expression in the rearview mirror was even more frightened and drove the car as if it were on flat ground, fearing that a bump would wake the two people in the back seat and cause him to be scolded head-on.

  Although Jiang Yunyan never scolded anyone.

  But he doesn't curse, which is more frightening than swearing.

  Wen Yu noticed that the driver was also panicked and even more angry. After thinking about it, he turned his head to the window and sobbed softly.

  Jiang Yunyan's face changed slightly: "Xiaoyu?"

  Wen Yu covered her face and grumbled: "How did I offend my eldest brother? Look at my eldest brother's face. Do you think I'm not good-looking and am embarrassment to you?"

  As Wen Yu followed, As soon as Yu spoke, the driver suddenly relaxed and glanced in the rearview mirror. The boss no longer looked as cold as before and showed deep respect for the wife.

  It has to be you!
  At this time, Jiang Yunyan was quickly explaining: "I didn't!"

  "No, you have it, you have it!" Wen Yu covered her ears, imitating the heroine in the TV series and shook her head crazily, her voice was like crying, but she accidentally exposed it His face was smooth and his eyes were slightly red:
  "I won't listen. You clearly have it. Your face turned dark as soon as I got in the car. You must hate me. It's a pity that I waited for you until midnight last night. Even sleeping on the sofa, just treat me like this, I want to tell Mother Jiang, oh, oh, eldest brother is bullying!"

  A trace of surprise flashed in Jiang Yunyan's eyes, and his dim eyes lit up slightly: "Wait for me?"

  Wen Yu ? She glanced at him sadly and was about to say something when she suddenly realized that she was unwilling to cry in order to prevent her makeup from getting stained. She quickly covered her face and lowered her head, saying in a heartbroken tone: "Yeah, it's a pity that I originally gave my heart to Mingyue. , But Mingyue——"

  "Sorry." Before Wen Yu could finish her words, her head sank slightly, and her warm hands skillfully rubbed her hair. The man's deep voice said with a slight smile, "It's the big brother's fault. , I don't dislike you, I just see that you are unhappy and don't know what to do."

  Wen Yu said angrily: "You can't coax me!"

  She said it was natural, but the person who touched her head was silent for a moment: "Not really."

  Apart from the person in front of him, he has never even coaxed her. He really doesn't know what to do, especially since Wen Yu has an expression on her face that she doesn't want to talk to him. He's afraid that if he opens his mouth, she will become even more angry. .

  Although he guessed that Jiang Yunyan had never been in love, Wen Yu felt happy when he heard what he said, and almost failed. However, after all the fuss, his anger was almost gone, and he reluctantly said: "Okay, this time Forget it, but remember, if

  you want to coax someone, you have to do what they want. "For example, if she likes food and money, just coax her and give her good food and money!"

  If it were another woman...

  Wen Yu subconsciously thought of that catwalk goddess and quickly shook her head, forget it, I don't want to.

  Jiang Yunyan nodded seriously: "Okay."

  He glanced at his phone, thinking that he must have done the right thing in those two steps?
  At this time, the car was approaching the entrance of Xiao's manor.

  About a hundred meters away, Wen Yu could already see the three-story antique building in front of him, which was brightly lit and cars were coming and going. It was probably here.

  We will meet Jiang Yunyan's friends soon.

  Wen Yu suddenly felt a little nervous, and suddenly felt like meeting her parents-in-law. After thinking about it, she immediately complained like crazy, what a damn illusion.

  She glanced at the person next to her and suddenly tugged on his sleeve.

  Jiang Yunyan looked over: "What's wrong?"

  Wen Yu stared ahead, moved closer to the right, and said angrily: "Brother, in front of your friends, should we show a little more intimacy?"

  Jiang Yunyan's eyes sparkled, and he was reserved and slightly aloof. Wen Yu said quickly: "Okay."

  Wen Yu understood.

  Although the specifics of marriage are like a person drinking water, knowing whether he is warm or cold, but he still has to show his good side in front of outsiders, and she just wants to do this too.

  She smiled proudly and waited to see her perform!

  the car stopped.

  Wen Yu sat still.

  On the other side, Jiang Yunyan got off the bus first.

  Having already heard the noise, Xiao Qiyan and Qin Zhou, who were standing at the door and looking forward to it, stared closely. As a result, the car door on the woman's side obviously didn't move, and the other side got off first.

  Qin Zhou touched his chin: "What's going on? Wen Yu is having a temper?"

  Xiao Qiyan shook his head: "It shouldn't be possible, right?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yunyan walked around the front of the car, ignored them, walked to the other side, and opened it himself car door.

  The two said: "?"

  Then a white and slender wrist stretched out from inside.

  The man, who was usually serious and unsmiling, did not love women and loved his work, was holding her hand very smoothly, and blocked the car door with his other hand. When the woman landed, his hand went to the woman's waist again. All movements were natural and smooth, and it was obvious that The two of them: "???"

  They looked at each other and whispered: "Is this still Ayan? Is he possessed by his brother?"

  You must know that they had seen the two of them get along in the private room of the club last time.

  But it was over the phone, I didn't actually see it with my own eyes, so I really couldn't believe it.

  Now when I look at it, I can't help but look at Wen Yu with admiration.

  Wen Yu smiled implicitly, "No, no."

  Before getting out of the car, Wen Yu took off her down jacket. Just when she felt a gust of cool breeze blowing, a warm big hand was holding her lower back. Her eyes were crooked, and she walked step by step with restraint and grace.

  I noticed two handsome young men coming over with a smile.

  She probably guessed that he was Jiang Yunyan's friend and wanted to stop and say hello.

  Unexpectedly, the hand on her lower back pushed her forward, and she heard the person beside her say to the two people: "Let's go in first, it's cold outside."

  Xiao Qiyan and Qin Zhou, who had not had time to say a word, said: "..."


  Can't you tell that Jiang Yunyan is still a considerate husband?

  Xiao Qiyan, as the host today, could only watch the two of them pass him and leave, pulling Qin Zhou who also wanted to leave: "No, you have to accompany me. They have all gone in, and I am the only one blowing the cold wind. Can you bear it?" "

  Qin Zhou: ...Tell the truth, bear with me.

  Who would be willing to come if it wasn't to see Jiang Yunyan's little wife?

  But being pulled, I could only endure it.

  Fortunately, it's almost eight o'clock now, and if I wait another ten minutes, I won't be able to go in.

  The two of them rubbed their hands together and continued to shiver in the cold wind.


  As soon as Wen Yu entered the heated room from the cold outside, she immediately came to life and looked curiously into the hall.

  At this time, there were already a lot of guests, and the Xiao family and his wife were greeting the guests warmly. Seeing them coming, the Xiao family came over to greet them immediately: "Ayan is here, is this Xiaoyu? It's really getting more and more. Yue Zhi is a perfect match for Ayan. Will there be good news soon?"

  He glanced at Wen Yu's belly.

  Although they privately disliked this joking couple, they would not show it in front of others, and the two people seemed to get along well with each other when they walked in.

  If this is true, then the child is probably coming soon.

  Wen Yu smiled sheepishly, called someone according to seniority, and then looked at Jiang Yunyan.

  Jiang Yun was in a state of banquet and took over the conversation: "Hello, uncle and aunt, Brother Xiao just got a daughter a while ago. Now he has a son and a daughter, four generations living under the same roof. That's really good news."

  Speaking of this, the Xiao family couple He also covered his mouth and said happily: "No, it's quite good. We have children. Your uncle and I really have nothing to worry about now."

  "No wonder your face is so red." Jiang Yunyan said.

  Although his tone was calm, his voice was steady. Even if he said some nice words of blessing, it made people feel extremely sincere. The Xiao family couple became even happier. They talked with Jiang Yunyan for a while before going to see other guests.

  Before Wen Yu could take a breath, the ninetieth-year-old protagonist appeared with a cane and the support of his eldest grandson. Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked over with envy.

  He is ninety years old and seems to be in good health. I heard that he has no ailments. Now he has four generations living under the same roof and has grandchildren. The old man smiles so hard that his eyes cannot see, but his speech is still strong. Standing on the stage, Xiaohehe thanked the guests who came to celebrate his birthday and asked everyone to eat and drink as they pleased. They must be full and happy.

  Most people of their generation, no matter how good their background is, have experienced some hardships, and their biggest wish is to have enough to eat and drink.

  Everyone also applauded, and soon the waiters served various dishes, pastries, and drinks, and the place became heated.

  Wen Yu looked around and found that no one looked familiar. Wei Ningning and the others were there, their eyes met, and they quickly waved to her.

  Wen Yu also smiled and said hello and went back.

  Then she saw a few people not far away from them, both men and women, who had spoken rude words to her. They happened to look over, but they were different from the arrogance and arrogance they once had. At this time, they looked at Wen Yu with a look full of fear. .

  Who would have thought that an orphan girl who lived in the Jiang family, a follower who was disliked by Jiang Yunjin, would actually marry into the Jiang family, or marry Jiang Yunyan.

  This iron-clad heir to the Jiang family!   

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