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End of Chapter 74:

  "Xiaoyu's arm doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

  she asked. When Wen Yu refused to answer with a guilty conscience, the man had already removed the tie and lapel pin he had just put on, and picked her up.

  That night, Wen Yu heard a man's breathy voice countless times: "I don't like you, don't be afraid."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Although, she really wasn't because she was afraid that he wouldn't like her. !
  But Jiang Yunyan might have misunderstood, or he might just want to make a mistake and prove it one day.

  Wen Yu cried and cried, and her husband, brother, and eldest brother called her one after another, but they didn't let him stop.

  Every time she took a short break, the man would come over, nibble her earlobe, and whisper, "Have you rested well, Xiaoyu?"

  Wen Yu said, "No!"

  "She spoke with such a strong voice, she must have rested well." He didn't listen to Wen Yu's words at all and started a new round.

  It seems to prove how deep his love is.

  At this moment, Wen Yu missed her aunt especially.

  It wasn't until it was getting late and she was finally let go that she got her phone. When she opened it, there was another bunch of messages, all sent to her by Yu Yu and Sister Liu, about the state of public opinion and whether she was needed to deliver food. Category.

  However, when he found that Wen Yu didn't reply, Yu Yu quickly understood: [I understand, I won't disturb the boss before tomorrow morning]

  Wen Yu: ...

  Actually, you can.

  However, adults understand everything.

  However, the wave of public opinions about her official announcement on the Internet made her somewhat interested.

  She hurriedly posted on Weibo last night and her phone was put on Do Not Disturb mode. She had no idea that she could only see exhaust fumes at the moment.

  However, the exhaust fumes are quite strong.

  As soon as she posted it on Weibo, it immediately became a hot search topic.

  The main thing is that the marriage is more shocking than the boyfriend.

  As a fan of Wen Yu, they were all caught off guard.

  Although I had known that such a day would come, was it too early? !
  Just waiting to see clearly the two people in the wedding photos, they looked at the camera seriously, but their stern faces and the aura of a big boss suddenly made people awe-inspiring.

  [Sister, you are confused, cough, cough, cough. With such good looks, I fell in love with you. I heard it was my first love. Woo woo woo, Jue Jue, I suddenly understand. Sister, you are not confused.]

  [Enter the grave of love so early - wait Wait, this handsome guy, I can do it! ]

  [Ah, ah, he's so handsome, he looks familiar]

  [What a stunning look, much better looking than a flower boy]

  Everyone was complaining and making a fuss, and suddenly someone noticed something was wrong in the name column.

  Wen Yu and Jiang Yunyan?

  Jiang Yun Banquet?
  Jiang Yunjin?
  This name...?
  [It's not what I thought, is it? ]

  [Sorry, forgive me for recalling the love-hate relationship between Wen Yu, Su Lengyue and Jiang Yunjin. Could it be that I couldn't catch up with my younger brother, so I stayed with my older brother? ]

  [I heard that Jiang Yunjin has quite a background. Does his family want Wen Yu to choose like this? ]

  [How old is Wen Yu's background? ]

  This discovery shocked many people, so netizens frantically went to Jiang Yunjin's Weibo to ask: [Is Wen Yu your sister-in-law? 】

  【It can not be? If she can't marry you, is she marrying your brother? 】

  【By the way, I heard a melon-eating account cryptically reveal that Wen Yu's husband has a great background and has a close relationship with Jiang Yunjin. I didn't expect it to be true? ]


  Netizens were very enthusiastic about eating melons. After Jiang Yunjin saw it, he decisively chose to reply: [Yes]

  After all, Jiang Yunyan is the second-in-command of the Jiang family and the director of Jiangshang Entertainment. His existence is not a secret, and Jiang Yunjin also has Jiangshang. Entertainment shares, coupled with their similar names, cannot be denied at all.

  It's better to admit it openly.

  It was precisely because of his candid reply that the netizens were even more excited, instead of thinking about it: [Hahaha, I suddenly understand why Brother Jiang was always so angry at Wen Yu but dared not speak out]

  [Laughing to death, Suddenly I recalled the scene when they were on a variety show together. During the six o'clock recording of the first episode, Wen Yu went to wake up Brother Jiang. I felt something was wrong at that time. I thought it was Wen Yu's acting skills that scared me, Brother Jiang. Now it seems that maybe Wen Yu is playing the role of my Brother Jiang's eldest brother? ]

  [Old fans for many years have reported that my brother Jiang did say in a public interview that he was very afraid of his own brother, and he probably even scared his sister-in-law.]

  [I remember it too! I really want to interview Brother Jiang about having a sister-in-law, a sister-in-law, or Wen Yu. What does he think? ]

  [Ahhhhh! Your brother is so handsome! Are he and Wen Yu sweet? ! Want to knock! 】

  【Do you have any impressive stories to tell? Yes, I just want candy! 】

  Netizens did not take it too seriously to watch the excitement, and Aite became more and more enthusiastic.

  Jiang Yunjin is also a man who doesn't stingy. Now that he has admitted it generously, everyone will inevitably think of the previous scandal again and continue to lead the rhythm: [Thinking? Probably because I have a sister-in-law, I have a step-brother]

  [Not only am I afraid of her, but my brother is also afraid of her. Our whole family is afraid of her. This is a little ancestor]

  [Are they sweet? Well... Anyway, the last time I got beaten, it was because someone was fanning the flames of my scandal on the Internet. I accidentally raised my voice and was beaten by my brother.]

  [The most impressive thing? I remember that in order to accompany her, my brother came over on a private plane at night and left at six o'clock the next day. After I caught him and made some mocking remarks, he almost asked me to withdraw and go back to work as a strong man to replace him [expletive.jpg]]

  [Tsk , I just found out that someone just flew over tonight, and it has been three times this week, haha, man]


  At this time, the netizen who only wanted to watch the fun: [! ! ! ]

  [Blood sugar spikes suddenly! Brother Jiang, continue! I can still keep knocking! ]

  [Ooooooo, it's so sweet to me]

  [I just came to have fun, why am I stuffed with dog food]

  [From Brother Jiang's reply, we can see one thing - he loves it so much! 】

  【Help me up, I still want to knock down! Jiang Yunjin, hurry up, or else I'll drag him down and chop him down.]

  But after saying a few words, Jiang Yunjin still stopped.

  Afraid of exposing too much, the eldest brother would get angry and beat himself up.

  However, what he said was enough to keep netizens entertained for a while.


  , the hot search for Wen Yu's marriage was at the top. When Jiang Yunjin came out to participate, he immediately rushed to another hot search, and there was a word 'explosion' hanging on it: [Wen Yu's husband]

  In addition, There are also several less popular hot searches: [Sister-in-law Jiang Yunjin] [Jiang Yunyan Jiangshang Entertainment]

  Netizens want to steal something, it is really fast, especially these are all on the surface, but no one has paid attention to it. s things.

  Therefore, the relationship between Jiang Yunyan and Jiangshang Entertainment soon emerged.

  In the past, he kept a low profile and left almost no photos, but that's almost the case. There are photos of him on the official website of Jiangshang Entertainment, as well as on the official website of the Jiang Family and Jiang Family Group.

  After searching around, a small number of netizens suddenly recognized: [Holy shit, isn't this guy the luxury car owner who was wrongfully accused some time ago? 】

  【Isn't this the shocking side of my husband? ]

  [Ah ah ah, that handsome guy is actually Wen Yu's husband? I'm dumped! ]

  [I said at the beginning that the girl next to this handsome guy looked very similar to Wen Yu, right? It turned out to be Wen Yu! ]

  [dbq, as a fan, I didn't even recognize that this was Wen Yu, it was too tightly wrapped! ! ! ]

  [I remember this handsome guy! ! I had been thinking about it for a long time, and I was so confused by the video, but I didn't expect it to appear again! 】

  More people are at a loss: 【What photo? What's up? 】

  So someone immediately took out the screenshot that had been forgotten for a long time: [Look, it's this handsome guy]

  [There was a marketing account that deliberately used the rhythm to gain popularity...]

  As soon as the kind person explained, the netizens immediately understood that with this However, Jiang Yunyan, as the victim of the original incident, had an extra layer of filters on his body.

  Looking at the figures of the two people in the photos sent by fans, even if they can't see their faces, they can figure it out one by one and paste the stunning faces in other photos, and they are instantly envious: [Handsome man and beauty, for a moment I don't know who to envy]

  [Sister, I can do it! Brother-in-law, I...brother, I can do it! 】

  【The real person is even more beautiful than the photos. She is really a genius, she has never been papped at all! I recognize this brother-in-law! 】

  But as the saying goes, extreme joy brings sorrow. When this matter receives too much attention, all kinds of comments will appear, and some people even use a magnifying glass to look at it.

  So the next day some new comments came: [I always feel that these two people don't look like a loving couple. Look at their faces in the wedding photos. Of course they are pretty good-looking, but there's something wrong with their expressions, like Very strange, without any sense of happiness...]

  [I also think, to be honest, the wedding photos of these two people are exactly the same as when I was forced to get married, without any emotion, and they have been divorced for three years now]

  [ Although you can't have a playful smile in your wedding photos, it's not so serious, right? Are these two really going to take wedding photos? ]

  But these remarks were refuted as soon as they surfaced: [It's as you said, so why did he go so far to accompany Wen Yu? ]

  [If nothing else, based on what Brother Jiang said, they are definitely in love]

  [By the way, let me tell you something you don't know. I just found out that Xu Ruoyan, an international supermodel, planned to develop her business in China at the beginning of the year. The brand has left in despair some time ago. I thought it was just not developed yet, but now I found out that Xu Ruoyan and Mr. Jiang had a scandal. The scandal was quickly dispelled. If I hadn't been so busy, I would have caught it. , I can't see that after this incident, Xu Ruoyan's career has not developed smoothly...]

  [Ah! I've seen this too, but I didn't care about it at the time. Now that you think about it, it's not because of the scandal that things didn't go smoothly, right? ]

  [Is Wen Yu so jealous? It's a bit too much.]

  [Is it possible that Mr. Jiang did it himself? ] A netizen came forward weakly: [I heard that Mr. Jiang helped Mr. Xu at the beginning, but after the scandal happened, Mr. Jiang stopped helping. After that, something happened again, and Mr. Xu even went there. Once, Jiang ran away crying. Later, the company's development did not go smoothly, so he withdrew from the country and left...]

  [Shit! Mr. Jiang is so nice, wow wow, is this true? ]

  [Really, I am an insider of Jiang's family, otherwise I wouldn't know it]

  [This pair is really good for each other! As expected of a real couple! 】

  Xiao Chen wiped his sweat and smiled happily. Today is another day to easily get bonuses. The boss is not working, so he took advantage of the situation and had nothing to do, just watching the public opinion among these bosses.

  Suddenly he saw a person saying to him: "Then why did Mr. Jiang not come out after so many things happened?" ]

  Xiao Chen quickly alerted and typed: [Mr. Jiang is very low-key and does not have these social accounts...]

  After sending it out, he felt it was not enough. He gritted his teeth and continued typing: [Mr. Jiang went to visit the boss lady last night, but today Mr. Jiang is gone. Go to work, this is the first time he has missed work in so many years]

  Netizen: [! ! ! ]

  So there was another hot search - [Wen Yutang]

  When Wen Yu saw it, what she happened to see was this exhaust gas...

  She silently covered her face and looked at the netizens' sly ridicule under the comments. Well... she couldn't refute it. Wen Yu even got a lot of guesses right, and became so angry that Wen Yu decided to report them one by one for pornography!

  Netizens whose comments disappeared:? ? ?


  excitement ended two days later.

  And Wen Yu was still having a hard time getting through the day.

  Fortunately, someone still had a trace of humanity left and let her rest for a night, but just like that, she couldn't get up the next day. Fortunately, the director may be afraid that she would be too squeamish, so after letting her rest for a day, he deliberately added The scenes for the two days were also arranged in the afternoon and evening, so she rested for an extra half day before adjusting to her condition.

  After this time, Wen Yu was determined not to let Jiang Yunyan come over.

  However, he didn't listen to some words.

  However, after that, the two of them still had a sense of propriety. They only came over once or twice each time, which was within Wen Yu's tolerance and would not affect the shooting the next day.

  As a heroine for the first time, Wen Yu received completely different treatment than when she was a supporting actress. Of course, the roles were also different. This time it was finally her turn to watch others call it a day while she had to work diligently on filming.

  With the arrival of late June, the summer release of movies has also attracted competition from many parties. A literary film starring Jiang Yunjin has entered it. Relying on his own appeal and the quality of the film itself, among the commercial films, Still holds a place.

  This was also the movie that won him the Best Actor Award.

  But it's only been released now.

  Nowadays, everyone knows about her relationship with Jiang Yunjin, so as soon as the movie was released, Sister Liu urged her to book the movie to show her love from her sister-in-law.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  It hurts.

  But she still couldn't say no. Although she still didn't like him, she had to admit that he was really good to her.

  Wen Yu waved his hand and invited the whole crew to watch the movie. Jiang Yunyan also reserved the venue for company employees to watch the movie.

  Jiang Yunjin was so moved that she burst into tears. She sent a private message to her elder brother and sister-in-law to express her gratitude, and also prepared a red envelope for Wen Yu.

  As a result, Jiang Yunyan replied: [? ]

  And Wen Yu replied: [You are not her friend yet...]

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  The emotion suddenly cooled down~
  He was so angry that he directly took a screenshot of the dialog box, so that the majority of netizens could take a good look at the ugly faces of these two people.

  So after posting it, netizens said: [Ah hahaha, they are indeed a couple]

  [Damn it, Brother Jiang has been blocked, please let me hug him and comfort him]

  [I feel sorry for my brother Jiang, but this is also my sister-in-law, so I blocked her. Now, I'm willing to book the venue for you. I'm laughing so hard. I can't help it...]

  [Big brother is so cold, hey, hey, he's so handsome! 】

  【I didn't expect that my brother Jiang would hold his head high while being a fisherman, and shrink back at home, it's so miserable】

  【I usually don't laugh, hahaha...】

  Jiang Yunjin was not comforted, but continued to be ridiculed. It feels bad.

  Going to the family group for comfort, Jiang's mother said: "Who told you not to help your brother, but your brother and Xiaoyu both remembered to reserve the venue for you, are you still aggrieved?" 】

  An unlucky child with no future.

  Jiang's mother is still angry. She has not been able to get her daughter-in-law back for so long and has delayed the love between the boss and Xiaoyu. When will her grandchildren come? !

  Jiang Yunjin: ...

  I don't dare to speak at all.

  Only Su Lengyue didn't laugh at him, and even took the initiative to make time to accompany him to watch the movie he acted in. After the performance, the two of them just spent time discussing their acting skills.

  After it was over, Su Lengyue looked excited: "Ajin, you are really amazing!"

  Jiang Yunjin was just in a daze when her girlfriend said seriously: "I don't know how many more dramas I need to catch up with you. I have to tell my agent. Just make sure you don't miss any good movies. It's okay to be a little tired."

  Jiang Yunjin:! ! !


  late October, the weather is getting colder, and "Phoenix Heads Up" is finished.

  This time, it was Jiang Yunyan who came to pick her up.

  Wen Yu took his arm and left without any cover. However, after these four months of hard work, she had hardly appeared on the Internet, and her enthusiasm was much less.

  Even if someone posted it online, there would be a brief discussion and the matter would be over.

  At this time, the dramas and movies that Wen Yu had previously invested in began to give her some feedback one after another. Seeing that her wallet could no longer hold them, she became lazy and took a break for a while.

  It just so happens that I can spend more time with Jiang's mother at home.

  It was just tiring that Jiang Yunyan had to run in both directions.   

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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