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 Wen Yu hesitated for several seconds. The phone kept ringing, so she could only accept her fate and answer: "Hello, brother."

  The little girl's voice was soft, revealing a weak and guilty conscience.

  Jiang Yunyan seemed to be able to see the slightly frowning eyebrows across the phone. He didn't waste any time and said directly: "Just now your agent said you were short of money. What are you going to do?"

  Jiang Yunyan's voice seemed to be too loud across the phone. Wen Yu's ears felt a little numb after receiving some current. She rubbed her ears, coughed slightly, and said, "I caught a fancy in a drama and thought it was pretty good. I want to invest in it, but I don't have enough money."

  "Not good ." How much?" Jiang Yunyan asked.

  Wen Yu's eyes lit up and his voice became much clearer: "Five million short, brother, you...?"

  Full of expectations seemed to overflow.

  Jiang Yunyan did not deny it: "Send me the script."

  "Okay!" Wen Yu said happily: "Thank you, brother!"

  Jiang Yunyan did not condone: "Don't thank too early, the script is not up to standard, I won't give you money ."

  Wen Yu didn't pay attention, all he could think about was - he said 'give'!
  Unlike Jiang Yunjin's loan, you don't have to pay it back!

  Woo hoo hoo, you are worthy of being the eldest male lead, he is so generous!

  She was very attentive: "Yeah, brother, I believe in your vision!"

  Wen Yu couldn't wait to hang up the phone, and opened WeChat to forward the script Lu Yuzu sent her. Suddenly she realized one thing: Did she just Hang up the phone on the sponsor's father?

  Wen Yu felt guilty. After forwarding the script, she typed again: [Brother, don't be in a hurry. If you are busy, you can read it later. Your work is more important]

  [I love you jpg]

  and sent a cute emoticon.

  Jiang Yunyan: [Not busy]

  Then he received the document.

  Just like handing in a report card, Wen Yu waited anxiously for a response. Even though she knew that the drama performed well in the plot, she was still anxious.

  In order to suppress her hopeless little heart, Wen Yu first ordered a takeaway, then went to take a shower. After taking a shower, when she came out, the takeout happened to arrive.

  But before Wen Yu had time to eat, Jiang Yunyan called again: "The script is good. It can be invested. Just to reduce the risk, the investment amount cannot be too large. How much do you plan to invest?"

  "Ten million." Wen Yu explained: " The total cost is estimated to be only 15 million. I invested 10 million to get the maximum say."

  "Okay," Jiang Yunyan said, "I'll ask my assistant to give you 10 million."

  "Huh?" Yu was stunned: "Brother, are you wrong? I'm only five million short."

  Jiang Yunyan's voice had a hint of helplessness: "You can keep this money for yourself."

  Wen Yu: "...Oh "

  Jiang Yunyan is really too generous!
  Wen Yu cried to death and couldn't help but said: "Thank you so much, Sister Liu. If she hadn't complained, I would have had a hard time."

  After saying that, she heard a vague chuckle coming from the other side of the phone.

  The brief electric current jolted her ears.

  Then Jiang Yunyan shouted in a deep voice: "Xiaoyu."

  Wen Yu: "Huh?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "If I remember correctly, that house is a wedding gift from your parents, and I have to sign the mortgage."

  Wen Yu: Yu: "..." She

  The memories of the two lives were mixed together, and for a moment my mind was not clear.

  Fortunately, Jiang Yunyan didn't continue to laugh at her and hung up after saying something was wrong.

  Wen Yu looked at the time. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Jiang Yunyan was still working.

  very good.

  They didn't sign a prenuptial agreement. He worked so hard. For every one million he earned, she had half a million, right?
  Wen Yu coughed slightly, feeling a little ashamed of her overly thought, and then ate the meat happily. Well, the sweet and sour pork is so delicious!
  Ten million is really a lot!

  This cheap husband is so generous!
  Before getting married, Wen Yu remembered that Jiang Yunyan would give her a red envelope except for birthdays and Chinese New Year, but would not express anything at other times. She did not expect to be so generous after getting married.

  She was a little reluctant to get divorced.


  Yu didn't get up until noon the next day when he received the news that the money had arrived.

  She immediately took a screenshot of the balance to Lu Yuzu.

  Lu Yuzu was so excited that he wanted to fly over immediately.

  It's just that he is still making appointments with actors at the film and television city.

  The crew was poor and couldn't afford to hire too many famous actors, so they went to the film and television city to try their luck, and they always met cheap ones who were good-looking and had some acting skills.

  These are the director's business and Wen Yu doesn't have to worry about them.

  The joy of investing in a hit drama put her in a good mood. She didn't return Jiang Yunjin's five million immediately. She planned to wait and see. If the crew was still short of money, they could make up for it and they could always get their money back, so she also had money on hand. I was not short of money, so I invited two friends to go out to play.

  One is named Yu Yi and the other is named Wei Ningning. They are close friends in the same circle.

  Neither of them worked nine to five. One was doing design and the other was studying painting. They were both freelancers. When they had time, Wen Yu shouted and responded immediately.

  When they arrived at the shopping mall where they agreed to meet, Yu Yi saw she was alone and was surprised: "Where's Zhao Qingyuan? You're not with her?"

  Wen Yu shook her head: "No."

  Yu Yi wanted to ask, but was touched by Wei Ningning After a moment, she shut up.

  Everyone is in the same circle, and most of them have a sense of propriety. They have a good relationship, but they can't freely explore what others don't want to say.   

The Villainess Awakens After Marrying the Male Lead's BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now