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Chapter 33

  : One word made Wen Yu's face heat up.

  What the hell!

  She just took a look at it today, why should she show it to others? !

  But Yao Xi didn't know, she only knew that the little sister was reluctant, and she wasn't surprised. She was just teasing her, but when she didn't reply, she was laughing so hard.

  Wen Yu didn't want to bring up this topic, so she touched her warm face and simply took a photo of her dining table: [Stop talking, let's go eat]

  Yao Xi, who was still filming: ...

  She sneered: [Yo, this At this time, your husband has made so many efforts for Beau Hongyanxiao, and you don't thank him properly? I have a lot of interesting shops here, would you like to recommend them to you? Spring is too short, don't waste it]

  [If you don't, I'll teach you two tricks...]

  Wen Yu: [...You'll be screwed if I get banned! 】

  Wen Yu resigned and gave her a red envelope to apologize. Yao Xi reluctantly shut up, but she was wondering in her heart, she was already married, why is this child still so shy?
  Could it be that her male god is a loser?
  Thinking of the man in his memory, Yao Xi quickly shook his head, impossible!
  Absolutely impossible!
  Wen Yu didn't know that she almost caused Jiang Yunyan's ability to be doubted, so she went to talk to Yuan Tan again. Yuan Tan was more serious and teased her about marrying so early and whether she was stunned by beauty, so he let her go. .

  Wen Yu felt extremely guilty.

  In fact, at that time, she had not yet awakened and was so angry that Jiang Yunjin and Su Lengyue were making out. Once she couldn't bear it anymore and got into trouble with Su Lengyue, but Jiang Yunjin took her aside and scolded her.

  At that time, Jiang Yunjin blurted out: "I just like Su Lengyue. If she hadn't been unwilling, I would have married her now! I can't give you what you want!"

  Wen Yu cried for a long time at that time, and she also felt hatred because of love. I thought about getting married myself to see if he really didn't care.

  Even if she didn't care, she would still haunt Jiang Yunjin for the rest of her life.

  What could be more suitable than marrying Jiang Yunyan?

  With love in her mind, she didn't care about anything at that time and directly proposed to Jiang's mother that she wanted to get married. Jiang's mother asked her who she wanted to marry and if she had a partner. After she said Jiang Yunyan's name, Jiang's mother was silent for a long time. .

  But in the end he nodded and went to tell his son about it in person.

  Wen Yu, who thought she would be kicked out of the Jiang family, was shocked, but because of this, she became more confident. Jiang's mother's connivance made her feel that she might still have hope.

  But until the marriage became known to everyone, Jiang Yunjin was indeed angry. She was angry that Wen Yu had caused his eldest brother, and was angry that Wen Yu was making fun of his eldest brother's marriage.

  At that time, Wen Yu also thought about whether Jiang Yunjin would choose to break up with Su Lengyue and be with her in order to prevent her from marrying his eldest brother?
  But in the end, after his persuasion was fruitless, he simply gave up and watched with cold eyes as she broke the jar.

  Then Wen Yu got married.

  Banquet with Jiang Yun.

  It sounds unreal, but it's just so outrageous.

  Wen Yu once didn't know, but now Wen Yu has guessed from their previous interactions that Jiang's mother knew very well that she had proposed marriage before, but she liked her younger son.

  How determined was she before she nodded her head?
  Wen Yu didn't dare to think about it, but she could probably guess what Jiang's mother was thinking. It was impossible for the second child and Wen Yu to marry Wen Yu. She was afraid that her children would be bullied and live up to the expectations of her old sisters. After thinking about it, The eldest son is the most suitable.

  Jiang Yunyan has a calm temperament. Even if he doesn't like her, he won't treat Wen Yu badly. He will take over her and take care of Wen Yu for the rest of his life. Once upon a time, many people have been married blindly and married, and the Jiang family will never treat Wen Yu poorly materially. Yu, it's just that there is no love.

  Unexpectedly, Wen Yu became more and more paranoid because of this...

  In this marriage farce, the person Wen Yu felt most wronged was Jiang Yunyan, but instead of being resentful, he was so kind to her.

  It was so good that she—

  suddenly a music ring interrupted her thoughts. Wen Yu looked at the unfamiliar number that appeared on her phone, hesitated for a moment, and finally answered the call.

  On the other side of the phone, the voice I just heard at today's dinner said: "Wen Yu, I was wrong. Can that contract be voided? I will transfer three million back to you!!!"

  Wen Yu: "..."

  She was silent for two seconds and said, "I seriously recommend going to the brain department when you have time."

  Then she hung up the phone.

  If the money is returned, she should be the one who sees the brain department!


  the other side,

  Jiang Ying listened to the sound of "dududu——" and fell silent.

  Then he looked at the phone with a ferocious expression.

  His uncle, who told her that if this little crappy drama "I Become You Accidentally" collided with the "Jiang Nanchun" next door, she would be dead!

  Otherwise, why would she choose to quit at this juncture?
  It's obviously only a few hours away!

  After the banquet, she returned home, lay on the bed and scrolled through a short video, and saw the overwhelming publicity for "Becoming You", followed by a very high reputation among passers-by.

  People who have seen it say it looks great!

  Even some of her friends were chatting about this drama in the group. At first, they had the mentality of just trying to win. After all, if all the star directors of Jiangshang Entertainment can be involved, it would definitely be sensational.

  As a result, people who look at it with curiosity are directly immersed in it.

  If there hadn't been news about Aite and the others in the group, this group of people wouldn't have come forward.

  He came up and said in a hurry: [It's really good, I won't say anything anymore, I'll go watch it first]

  [It's worth it, it's a drama promoted by Jiang Yunyan, it's really good]

  [I heard that Wen Yu also invested in this drama Already? Regret, when I first heard about it, why didn't I think of investing one or two million in venture capital? It can be doubled if specified! ]

  [Looking at the momentum, I think it can increase several times, and the investors must be making a lot of money]

  Jiang Ying, after reading the chat records: "..."

  She started to panic, because she just got the three million back at the banquet. Capital withdrawn.

  So she searched online to see what netizens said. Even if celebrities are promoted, no matter how popular a star is, if they make a bad drama, they will still be ridiculed when they should, and the criticism will not go to this extent.

  But Jiang Ying, who came back from the search, was even more desperate.

  Qi Siliu probably also saw the news and was so anxious that he kept asking what to do?
  Jiang Ying was reluctant to part with the future benefits, so she tentatively called Wen Yu. The result was no surprise, but she became even more angry.

  Angry at myself for being so impulsive!

  Isn't it just 1.5 million?
  It's not like I'm going to die if I miss this money!
  But she had to admit that at that time, she also had the slightest desire to test Wen Yu's temper, hoping that the other party would still be the girl they laughed at...

  so she just missed it.

  But I'm also even more angry with those marketing accounts. If they hadn't misled me, how could I have been like this? !

  Jiang Ying typed: [Is there any way to blow up marketing accounts? After

  all, she is also a daughter of a wealthy family. Her family is not as good as the Jiang family, but she is not bad either. She still has some connections.

  Not long after the message was sent, someone replied: [It is difficult to log out directly, unless it is illegal, but you can make this account invalid, just pay some money]

  Jiang Ying: [No problem, you say it]

  You are a bitch, you dare to mislead yourself , wait!


  night was a happy one for Wen Yu and others.

  But for the people in "Jiang Nanchun", it's not so good.

  It is enough for one drama to attract much attention during the same period, and two dramas are just fighting.

  "Jiang Nanchun" relies on its luxurious lineup, unparalleled investment, and extensive marketing and promotion, and it has always been at the top of the list since its launch.

  But tonight, the situation was broken.

  However, the quality of the drama that breaks this situation is quite good.

  No flash-in-the-pan ideas.

  Until the next day, "I Accidentally Became You" had been listed on several hot searches. This time, it no longer relied on stars to promote it, but relied on the popularity of its own plot to make netizens discuss it.

  For example, the male and female protagonists go from one extreme to the other, showing various funny performances.

  For example, Wen Yu, who appears at the end of the eighth episode and has a lot of scenes in the ninth episode, is also eye-catching.

  Another example is that the various characters in the distance are particularly interesting, all very distinct, and it is super easy to set up CP at will!   

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