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Chapter 20
  Jiang's mother looked at the trending searches again, and was satisfied and sent a red envelope in the group to reward the second child and his wife.

  Jiang Yunjin opened it without politeness, and when he saw the amount: [2.35 yuan],

  he was stunned.

  Looking below him, Su Lengyue's name was embellished with 997.65 yuan, and she suddenly said: "???"

  Jiang's mother was amused: [This is what happens if you can't speak, learn from Xiao Su]

  Jiang Yunjin: "... "

  No, what did his girlfriend say?" !

  Jiang Yunjin was so angry that he asked Jiang's mother to send two more. He didn't believe that he couldn't get more.

  On the other side, Liu Yue and his manager had a grim look on their faces. They managed to suppress the hot search entry, but in the blink of an eye, they rushed forward again!

  Now there are traffic blessings from Jiang Yunjin and Su Lengyue.

  Before their official announcement, they already had a lot of cp fans. Later, they got even more cp fans together. In addition, the traffic of the two of them was also quite large. Together, they immediately exploded.

  If this kind of hot search goes down, the cost will not be a small amount of money.

  Even Liu Yue, who has always been trying to please fans, couldn't help but go to the fan group and get angry: [I finally convinced the director to let you come to visit the class, but it turned out that it was someone else who was trending]

  [Some of you, really Am I a fan? ]

  [Sometimes I really suspect that the enemy's anti-fans are hiding here. Group leader, the screening will be stricter in the future]

  Most of the fans felt particularly distressed when they saw this, and one by one they went to comfort him: [It's all Taro and the others' fault, all the photos were taken. What is it? Brother Yue, don't be angry. Next time I go to visit the class, I will definitely take the best picture of you! ]

  [My Brother Yue is always handsome, so he must have done it on purpose to be photographed like this. The favor that Brother Yue got in was really wasted]

  [@芋头, come out and apologize]

  [It's better not to let them visit the class in the future! Waste of quota]

  Taro, who was @, silently looked at the chat history in the group, from the awkward and guilty feeling at the beginning to the expressionless expression now.

  She was indeed the one who released the video.

  When the team came back from the visit, they were in the hotel taking pictures. Most of the pictures were done, except for the fight scene at the beginning, which made them hesitant.

  It's not that their photography was bad, it's that Liu Yue was indeed suppressed by Wen Yu, both in terms of appearance and aura.

  Liu Yue is the type of pretty boy, so he seems to have no problem playing a arrogant prince, but Wen Yu is also very good-looking. She is wearing armor, and her eyebrows are deliberately made up to look heroic. She is in the same frame as Liu Yue, and her facial features are perfect. Superiority already suppresses people.

  Not to mention her scene is there!

  Several sisters who went to visit the class together also filmed that scene. Even though they saw that their idols were being suppressed, they were a little reluctant to delete it, but they still couldn't protest against the objections of the remaining people and did not send it out.

  It's just that Taro may be a little older and more rational. Especially after witnessing such a fight scene where he was completely suppressed and beaten, he felt a little subtle. After hesitation, he let it go.

  She felt that Liu Yue was a boy, and he was very generous, so he wouldn't care about these things. What's more, they sent him a close-up of his high-light lens first, which was much better than this.

  At least she didn't edit this video.

  At first, she felt a little guilty when she saw this video trending on the internet. She really didn't expect that Liu Yue could be suppressed by Wen Yu because of Liu Yue's number of fans, so she wanted to apologize in the group.

  Little did he know that Liu Yue was not just careless, he was very careless!
  Now that Liu Yue was making such a fuss, she suddenly felt that there was nothing to like about this man.

  If you are not strong enough, you can only achieve self-superiority by hiding your opponents. Is this kind of excellence really excellent?

  And after he failed, the way he jumped was really ugly.

  Looking at it this way, she spent so much money on Liu Yue before, buying peripherals, albums, concert tickets, and all kinds of support, including organizing a visit this time, which cost hundreds of thousands in total. She was really feeding the dog!

  Seeing everyone in the group scolding her, Taro didn't have any trouble in her heart. She even couldn't help but think that when the drama is aired, it will be more high-definition than this video, so will Liu Yue also have to scold the director team?
  Too calm, Taro said nothing, just quietly withdrew from the group.

  Instead, he logged out of the account he used to chase Liu Yue, clicked on the account that posted the video of the fight, then turned on the computer, further sorted and adjusted the pictures and videos he had taken before and was reluctant to delete them, and finally clicked send: [This is called vase? I just bent over! ——Video]


  to the popularity of the previous video, as soon as this video was released, it immediately aroused the attention of many netizens. When they clicked in and took a look, they were surrounded by Wen Yu's anti-fans, and they were all shocked at this moment.

  The video is not just a video, it also contains some photoshopped high-definition photos.

  This time, the focus was completely focused on Wen Yu alone. Liu Yue's existence was directly blurred, and other people in the scene were completely blurred. The color tone was adjusted, the clothes were brighter, and the characters were more moving. ⑥This ⑥work⑥work⑥ is organized⑥by netizen⑥⑥⑥⑥upload⑥⑥In

  the video, a female general in red armor has a stunning appearance and sharp eyes. When fighting with others, her sharpness is even more striking.

  Due to insufficient material, the length is very short, but it is the essence.

  After Taro's adjustment, every frame of the video looks like a painting, and any screenshot can be used as a wallpaper, especially the ending, an animated picture, which happens to be Xu Zhaoyue lying on the ground with a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

  After watching the one-and-a-half-minute video, many netizens said: [Ahhh! The blogger is so skilled, this is so impressive! Wen Yu's acting skills are really unexpected. I cried in the last scene. I didn't even know the cause and effect. I felt uncomfortable.]

  [The female general in the novel has a face, Wen Yu's face is really amazing]

  [She fights The scene is so powerful. I heard that after filming the fight scene, Liu Yue's face and body were all bruised.]

  [How did you know upstairs? ]

  [Liu Yue posted on Weibo after filming that he was so miserable. He laughed to death. Isn't it embarrassing? But now that he's fighting like this, I think he shouldn't feel embarrassed]

  [Liu Yue didn't catch this acting skill. I'm sorry, Wen Yu. I admit that I was a bit loud to you before]

  [Never talk about Wen Yu again It's a vase, she is clearly a capable and beautiful sister! ! ! 】

  However, Liu Yue's data fans are urgently criticizing the comments, and they quickly came after hearing the news: "That's what this scene is like. The plot sets Wen Yu's character to have high strength, and Brother Yue can only pretend that he can't beat him. I'm convinced. This can all be done by oneself]

  [Wen Yu changed his profession and became a porcelain monster, right? After licking Jiang Yunjin, I came to lick Brother Yue again]

  [Brother Yue let her go according to his personality! Brother Yue is very good at acting! 】

  It's just that the fans' comments couldn't convince netizens. Seeing them like this, they all laughed: [He's anxious, he's anxious]

  [I'm not blind, I can't see who is good and who is bad? 】   

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