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Chapter 25

  It was only nine o'clock, and there were still a lot of cars on the street. The roar of cars coming and going came through the open gap.

  But that's it, the atmosphere in the car becomes more condensed.

  Damn Yao Xi.


  In a short period of time, Wen Yu had already tortured Yao Xi one hundred and eight times in his mind.

  Why didn't she have the slightest bit of defense?

  Look at Yuan Tan, how serious he is!

  Text directly.

  She should have been alert when Yao Xi made a voice call!

  Wen Yu "whimpered" and covered her face and fell to the window on the other side. Life was worse than death.

  Then peek through the window.

  Jiang Yunyan glanced at her. What he saw through the window was not clear. He didn't know what his expression was, but it didn't seem like he was ashamed or angry?

  Probably not?
  Her eldest brother has seen the world!
  Just as he was thinking about it, he saw him pick up his cell phone.

  The phone screen was still on. The man lowered his eyes and glanced quickly, then looked at the road. He handed the phone over with his right hand: "Your phone."

  No, it's your phone.

  Wen Yu didn't want this hot potato.

  But she didn't dare not answer.

  She picked it up cautiously, but she was still very nervous.


  Wen Yu slowly sat up straight and put her phone in her pocket this time. She fiddled with it in boredom while peeking at the person on the left. Well, it's true as Yao Xi said, her hands are really nice. Very good.

  No wonder this man was so excited just by looking at his hands.

  It's a pity that she is a flower of high mountains and has no love.

  Wen Yu suppressed the subtle feeling in her heart and whispered: "Brother, I didn't mean to offend you."

  If you admit your mistakes in time, you will not be beaten easily.

  This was the conclusion she came to after observing Jiang Yunjin. Of course, with her here, Jiang Yunjin would be beaten even if he admitted his mistake.

  But after she finished speaking, the man next to her didn't answer, and the car fell into silence. It wasn't until the car slowly stopped at the entrance of a barbecue restaurant that Wen Yu heard a calm and restrained voice: "Well, it's okay."

  Wen Yu hadn't yet When she reacted, the car door on her side was also opened, and the man leaned over and unbuckled her safety buckle.

  Wen Yu jumped down and was supported by him.

  Just as she was about to say something, she saw the clerk at the door running over to greet her: "Are you two here to have a meal? This way, please!"

  Wen Yu immediately pulled Jiang Yunyan happily: "Brother, come in quickly, come in quickly!"

  The two of them were welcomed After sending Bin in, he went directly to the private room. Wen Yu followed the menu and ordered randomly. In the middle, he turned around and asked, "Brother, what are you eating?"

  Why did he feel so absent-minded?

  Wen Yu looked over suspiciously.

  The man next to him shook his head: "No, I won't eat."

  Wen Yu: ...ruthless!
  You've all come to the barbecue restaurant and you don't want to think about anything? He deserves to make money, who can match this self-discipline?

  She silently gave a thumbs up sign and handed the menu to the waiter.

  The business of this store must be good. When they came in, most of the people were sitting in the hall, and there was only one private room left. They were lucky.

  I didn't expect the food to be served very quickly.

  Before Wen Yu got bored, a waiter brought two trays over.

  The grilled skewers exuded the scent of cumin and chili peppers. Jiang Yunyan specifically told him that there were not many chili peppers and only a thin layer was sprinkled on them. However, the taste still made Wen Yu, who had not eaten barbecue for a long time, drool. .

  "Put it here to reheat it." The waiter turned on the electric oven and carefully and thoughtfully put the skewers on the skewers, and the grill automatically turned over.

  Wen Yu waited patiently for another minute, then quickly picked up a bunch and took a bite as he watched the oil sizzle.


  The meat was fresh and tender, marinated, and had a rich flavor. The slight spiciness stimulated her taste buds that were dull due to a cold. It was so enjoyable!
  It would be nice to have carbonated drinks at this time.

  Of course, Wen Yu was aware of current affairs and knew that Jiang Yunyan had made a lot of concessions today, so he did not dare to ask for more and ate honestly and quickly.

  Seeing Jiang Yunyan next to him, he frowned for a moment and wanted to say something, but looking at the little girl's happy look, he swallowed it again, poured himself a glass of boiled water from a disposable cup, and took a slow sip.

  Wen Yu, who was busy eating barbecue, glanced halfway and saw the slender and beautiful hand gently holding the cup and slowly bringing it to his mouth.

  I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, he is indeed a standard-level boss, he is so self-disciplined, look at this plastic cup, it feels like he drank wine.


  Yu repented in her heart, and then finished the barbecue meal faster.

  After eating until his stomach felt uncomfortable, he was half-carried back by Jiang Yunyan.

  Her stomach was overworked, which made her doze off even more intensely. When she came to her senses, she was already lying on the bed and asleep.

  As for how Jiang Yunyan slept, she had no idea.

  Anyway, when she woke up the next day, she was occupying a big bed by herself, which was extremely comfortable.

  That's it...

  Wen Yu didn't dare to open her mouth for the next whole day. She hid in her room for a day because of her headache. Jiang Yunyan didn't come back that night. It was the end of the year and the company was busy. Jiang's father was busy coaxing his wife, leaving everything to his eldest son. So much so that he didn't have time to come back.

  Wen Yu was quite happy and even ate half an extra bowl at dinner.

  She lay in bed at night, playing with her mobile phone until midnight, eating her brother and sister-in-law.

  Su Lengyue and Chu Feng, the male lead in the book, were photographed hugging each other, and then entered a hotel together and never came out. Of course, entering a hotel is very common, but combined with the hugging photos, many people couldn't help but spread the word. .

  What's more important is that Jiang Yunjin just got involved in a scandal with a long-haired beauty, so the public's speculation about them instantly changed from Jiang Yunjin's cheating to a situation where they broke up long ago and each has a new love.

  Fans of Jiang Yunjin, Su Lengyue, and Chu Feng are making endless noises on the Internet. Chu Feng's fans are competing with Jiang Yunjin's fans for their sister-in-law. Su Lengyue's fans are calling Jiang Yunjin a scumbag, and by the way, they persuade her sister to choose Chu Feng. , although not as good as Jiang Yunjin, but still very good. The most important thing is that he keeps a low profile and has few scandals.

  Looking at Wen Yu, she was like a turtle in a melon field. She couldn't bear to put down her mobile phone, so that her biological clock, which she had finally adjusted with great difficulty, was messed up.

  When Wen Yu went down to eat the next morning, she saw Jiang Yunjin with a haggard face appearing at Jiang's house. She was shocked, why was this man back?
  Shouldn't he be coaxing the heroine?

  Jiang's mother also had a dark face and disliked her son. She pulled Wen Yu to serve delicious breakfast. When it was Jiang Yunjin's turn, she sneered: "What to eat? There is nothing for you to eat outside?"

  Jiang Yunjin was timid: "Mom, I've explained everything clearly. This is all a misunderstanding. It won't happen again. Just let me eat something. I haven't eaten anything since last night. I'm starving..." The

  squatting woman Three hours after meeting at the door of my friend's hotel room, and ten minutes after meeting, I was kicked out. I was so sad that I couldn't express my feelings, so I could only go home to find some comfort.

  However, when I returned home, my heart was even more riddled with holes than outside.

  Jiang's mother was angry: "Why are you still standing here talking to me after you're dead? Now you know you're in a hurry. You spread the scandal before, so why aren't you in a hurry?"

  As a woman, Jiang's mother can still empathize with her.

  The son is unreliable and brings trouble to such a sensible daughter-in-law.

  Jiang Yunjin suddenly scratched her head in embarrassment and said without confidence: "Actually, I'm not in a hurry. Xiaoyue and Chu Feng have nothing to do with each other. I know that-"

  "You're not in a hurry and you fly back overnight? Tsk~" Jiang's mother directly mocked Laman.

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  He was speechless.

  Wen Yu: "...Pfft."

  After watching the show for a long time, I'm sorry, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

  Jiang Mu is her mouthpiece. She can't speak now and can only watch Jiang Mu perform, which is quite satisfying.

  Unexpectedly, when Jiang Yunjin heard this laughter, she immediately glared over, as if she had caught something, and said excitedly: "Mom, she went out to have a barbecue with her elder brother the day before yesterday!"

  Jiang's mother:?
  Wen Yu:! ! !
  Jiang Yunjin sneered, let's hurt each other, he was familiar with this matter, but he always tolerated it because Wen Yu was his sister, but now it's different, she is her sister-in-law! Her husband planned to beat him during the Chinese New Year!
  If this revenge is not avenged, how long will it take? //
  "Guess how I know?" Jiang Yunjin was extremely proud.

  Then she was slapped by Jiang's mother: "Say! Stop inking!"

  Jiang Yunjin: "...You guys were too tight, so the eldest brother was recognized by the paparazzi as me. They came to me with the photo, and I bought it. "

  I thought he was cheating on me and was here to extort money.

  Jiang Yunjin thought angrily that he was already in such a miserable state and had to buy photos for them. He really wanted to ask his elder brother for reimbursement, but he didn't dare for fear of being beaten more often.   

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