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Chapter 62:

  After leaving the set, Jiang Yunyan took a plane back directly.

  A friend in the circle was getting engaged that night and he had to attend.

  However, this matter had actually been arranged three months ago, but due to the visit to the class, he rarely forgot about it.

  It wasn't until Xiao Chen sent a message in the morning asking him if he would go back to attend the wedding tonight that he finally remembered.

  This caused the cross-border meeting originally scheduled for tonight to start early. He could only send Wen Yu to the set and leave first.

  As the afternoon approached, Xiao Qiyan, Qin Zhou, and Cheng Yan came over.

  The people who were engaged were from the same generation as them, and they were only engaged at the moment, so the people who went there were also from their generation. It happened that a few of them hadn't seen each other for a long time. The three of them had free time, so they planned to go there together.

  After the engagement party, you can also have a late night snack.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Yunyan got in the car, the three people in the car looked over, and the next second, they burst into laughter: "Wow!"

  "Tsk, tsk, Ayan, you showed up at the engagement banquet like this... hahaha..."

  The relatively calm one Cheng Yan also suppressed a smile: "It seems that this vacation was not wasted."

  Xiao Qiyan did not need to be answered by the person who was teasing him, and already said narrowly: "Is that possible? I heard that I went there by plane, so early in the morning, tsk tsk ~"

  Jiang Yunyan: "..."

  As the person being ridiculed, he looked calm, as if he didn't know what these people were talking about.

  However, in fact, Xiao Chen had already reminded him in the car.

  After getting off the plane, the redness and swelling of my lips became more and more obvious. The light color of my lips had become much darker, especially the left side of my lips where the bite was severe.

  It's just that he can hold his own.

  After joking for a while, Cheng Yan felt bored when he didn't accept the move: "You are like this, how can my sister-in-law accept it?"

  Xiao Qiyan said lazily: "Maybe my sister-in-law was angry and bit her on purpose!"

  The three of them said Suddenly I want to laugh again.

  Jiang Yunyan said softly: "So the three of you feel too lonely and need to find a companion, right?"

  The three of them said: "?!"

  Xiao Qiyan said seriously for a second: "No, by the way, where should we go to play at night?"

  "Yes, the buffet barbecue was good last time. Why don't we go for barbecue this time too?" Qin Zhou said: "They recommended some roadside stalls to me before and said they were very good."

  "Okay, okay." Cheng Yan said at all. If he didn't hear clearly, he kept nodding.

  Jiang Yunyan didn't object and nodded. He didn't eat these things very much and didn't care where he was.

  After chatting for a while, the car stopped.

  Jiang Yunyan got out of the car first, while Xiao Qiyan and others lagged behind. They looked at each other and followed silently behind.

  Sure enough, as they walked all the way, they found that the eyes of everyone who saw Jiang Yunyan changed for a moment, but not many of their generation dared to tease Jiang Yunyan directly, so they didn't say anything on their faces as they walked past. Everyone secretly whispered to each other.

  "Did you see it? Mr. Jiang..."

  "Oh, who did this? Mr. Jiang seems to be quite serious. Why did you hear that his wife seems to be away from Beijing recently?"

  "Isn't it right?"

  "I didn't expect Jiang In private..."

  "I just wanted to say it last time. Mr. Jiang probably likes those coquettish people. I happened to see Mr. Xiao's birthday party at that time. When his wife Wen Yu acted coquettishly, Mr. Jiang became I can't bear it. After that time, many people had problems at home. I heard that their children bullied Wen Yu. "

  They deserve it. They didn't teach them well. Fortunately, Mr. Jiang was merciful, otherwise they would still exist?" Someone complained, but couldn't help but said: "But it's Wen Yu this time too?"

  "Maybe, Mr. Jiang doesn't seem like someone who knows how to have a mistress?"

  "Knowing people, faces, but not hearts, Wen Yu is not in the capital!"

  Xiao Qiyan was depressed. Smiling, shoulders shrugged.

  The reputation that Lao Jiang has accumulated over the years will be destroyed this time!
  But seeing that it was getting more and more outrageous, Xiao Qiyan found an opportunity and said to Qin Zhou: "I see that my sister-in-law's career is getting better and better. The couple spends less time together and more separation. Lao Jiang rushed to visit Wen Yu yesterday, and he hurried again today. It would be troublesome to meet her when she comes back."

  Qin Zhou understood: "I can't help it. Who can make my sister-in-law likeable? She has a lot of fans now. People around me know that I know her, and they ask me to help them get autographs.

  After chatting for a while, the man who just guessed that there might be someone outside Jiang Yunyan was embarrassed for a moment, did not dare to speak, and quickly ran away .

  Xiao Qiyan breathed a sigh of relief. He could solve them one by one, so that his sister-in-law would not feel uncomfortable and misunderstood. At Lao Jiang's age, it was not easy for the old house to catch fire, but it could not be extinguished.

  ——Wen   Yu was quite uneasy

  on the set .   When she finished styling and went to shoot, she almost didn't get into the mood. After doing it twice, Director Lu's face turned dark. Fortunately, she quickly adjusted and adopted the mentality of a social animal in her previous life. She finally put aside her distracting thoughts for the time being and took it seriously. Finished filming today's scene.   After finishing work, Jiang Yunjin ran into Jiang Yunjin and saw her. Jiang Yunjin subconsciously wanted to avoid her, but when she glared and found that his brother was not there, she felt relieved again and said hello with a relaxed expression: "Is it time to call it a day?"   "Yes." Wen Yu reluctantly agreed. There was a sound.   Seeing that her expression was wrong, Jiang Yunjin's heart tightened: "What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy because my brother is gone?"   "It's okay." Wen Yu shook her head. Seeing that Jiang Yunjin still looked worried, she finally looked more agreeable to him and explained: " My aunt is here, I'm not feeling well."   "Oh." Jiang Yunjin frowned. He shouldn't care about this kind of thing, but his eldest brother wasn't here. He said hesitantly, "Then why don't you drink more hot water?"   "Get out!" Yu was not in a good mood.   Aunt Qi was already irritable and in a bad mood, but now that she had bags under her eyes, she came to anger her. It really made her angry even more, and Wen Yu couldn't help but become irritable.   Jiang Yunjin: "..."   He left with an unconvinced look on his face. Originally, what could he do without hot water for this kind of thing? You can't send your aunt back, right?   Wen Yu was sitting in the car going back without saying a word. She fell weakly on the chair and stared blankly.   Yu Yu always felt that something was not right with her, and wanted to ask, but didn't dare. When her boss was so low-pressure, he was inexplicably a bit scary, similar to her husband.   This is probably the reason why the couple looks more and more alike.   Less than muttered.   Wen Yu didn't pay attention. She just felt exhausted physically and mentally. When she returned to the hotel, she found that the room was very tidy, and then she remembered that Jiang Yunyan had tidied up last night.   He's really nice.

  IKEA totally deserves the term IKEA.

  You can make money outside, and your internal affairs are also in good order.

  Wen Yu felt that she was really lucky.

  When she first woke up, she just felt unlucky. If she had woken up earlier, she might never get married before she got married. She could just be a single rich woman with peace of mind. If she liked children, she would just adopt one when she was old enough.

  It's really not a good idea. When Jiang Yunjin and Su Lengyue get married and have children, these two career-loving people will definitely not have time to take care of them, so she can suck the baby.

  And the baby of the hero and heroine must be super cute.

  There is absolutely no need to get married.

  After all, marriage is not good at all for her.

  Even with the influence of her parents in this life, she saw them being so loving with her own eyes, but the time was short-lived. Within three years, she lost her memory.

  The deeper impression is from the previous life.

  At the age of ten, she was no longer young and understood a lot. She watched with her own eyes as her parents went from being loving to each other, to finding each other disgusting, to finally wishing for each other to separate.

  In their quarrels, every time one person will say: "You have changed, you were not like this before!"

  Then another person will also say: "You have changed too. You used to like to go home, but now Well, you would rather lie about working overtime than come back early. How much fear does this family give you?"

  And they started fighting, blaming each other for cuckolding themselves.

  But in fact, he was really sweet before.

  Wen Yu couldn't remember clearly, but she vaguely remembered that when she was very young, she went to an amusement park again. Her mother went to buy food and her father took her to play. As a result, she was busy talking to her brother on the phone and she was almost stolen. She was so frightened that her father hugged her and cried, and her mother hugged her father and cried.

  For a long time after that day, the three members of the family slept together.

  The 1.5 meter bed is not too crowded.

  Later, the 1.8-meter bed felt too small. There were always people who wanted to sleep in the living room and were unwilling to go back to the room.

  From an early age, Wen Yu knew that love would change.

  The shelf life can be long or short.

  But girls, relatively speaking, have a longer shelf life of love, so it is mostly girls who fall into it and eventually collapse.

  For example, her mother in her previous life.

  However, she is better than many women. If she doesn't get her way, she will not swallow her anger. Instead, she will torment the man to the point of death and embarrassment.

  After they got divorced and got married, everyone calmed down again.

  Occasionally, she listened to a conversation between two women who were about the same age as her mother, and she suddenly discovered that after her parents got married for the second time, they lived together and had love and love. No one cared about it, but life went smoothly.

  Since then, Wen Yu has never thought about getting married.


  's just that coming to this world was beyond Wen Yu's expectation.

  After awakening, she also thought about getting a divorce, right? But with the memories of her previous life, she couldn't give up everything. Besides, Jiang Yunyan was indeed a good person, a good roommate, very eye-catching, and he was also kind to her.

  She gradually forgot about this idea.

  I think it's actually quite good for them to live together like this.

  She is even willing to fulfill her marital obligations.

  After all, neither party loses.

  But things don't seem right now.

  Her attitude is not like treating a couple, but like a lover.

  Even before she knew it, she had subconsciously begun to exercise the rights that only lovers should have, such as being jealous. As early as when Xu Ruoyan had an affair with Jiang Yunyan, she began to be unhappy.

  It was just that she was measured at that time.

  Later, she knew that Xu Ruoyan had nothing to do with Jiang Yunyan, but that time in the office, she still couldn't control her unhappiness.

  Deliberately not clarifying the photo with Xu Ruoyan, pretending to be arrogant and forcing Jiang Yunyan to cooperate with her acting, acting like a person who is so lustful that her mind is dim, is also because of the subconscious possessive desire in her heart.

  She didn't want to see anyone looking at him like this.

  That's why she couldn't help but feel happy when she saw him, and wanted to touch his body. When she mentioned her ideal type, he was the only one who came to her mind.

  This is not surprising.

  Jiang Yunyan was excellent enough, excellent in every aspect, and his character was even better. Wen Yu didn't worry that he would cheat like his father in the previous life.

  And he didn't know when his attitude toward her changed from taking care of a sister to taking care of a wife.

  Although I didn't say it directly.

  But if they continue, they will soon become a real couple.

  This should have been a good thing, a good thing that everyone expected, but Wen Yu was afraid that if she fell into it, she would be like her parents in her memory.

  At the end of the story, everyone is restless, just like "Wen Yu" in the original book, going crazy for love.

  That's horrible.

  She will lose herself and her life, and maybe one day she will become suspicious. Even if she knows that Jiang Yunyan will not cheat, she will still be afraid of others approaching him. One day, a hair that accidentally gets on his body may be able to detonate her. .

  In the end, her children will be like her in the previous life, watching their parents quarrel and watching them become strangers step by step.

  Wen Yu shuddered at the thought of this.

  That was too scary for her.

  What she feared most in her previous life was to be like her parents, so when she was in college, people around her started trying to introduce her to someone, but she rejected them one by one. Until she became a social beast, she still aspired to be a widower.

  Wen Yu turned over irritably, and her phone suddenly vibrated.

  She glanced at Jiang Yunyan.

  I couldn't help feeling a little happy. ││But

  it was more of an uncontrollable fear, as if someone was pulling her into hell.

  Wen Yu still chose to refuse the answer and sent him a message instead: [I'm so tired today and sleepy. I'm going to bed first]

  [Good night.jpg]

  After sending it, she looked at the text and thought, well, it's no different from usual.

  However, on the other side of the network cable, the man who was used to making phone calls every day frowned deeply. He always felt that something was wrong, but he had no clue. He just assumed that she was depressed during her period and typed: [Okay, good night]

  Wen Yu Dingding He looked at the chat history for two seconds, then quickly closed his phone, forcing himself to be more reticent and go to bed early.

  But this time she slept, she felt like she was getting rid of the worries of the day.

  However, there are thoughts at night and dreams during the day.

  When Wen Yu woke up, his face was even uglier than before.


  has been a long time, and Wen Yu has not recalled the scenes of his previous life in such detail.

  She is actually a person with a small temper but a big heart.

  If something you are unhappy with cannot be resolved, you will try to forget about it and ignore it, and eventually it will disappear from your life.

  However, once I recall it, my heart still feels uncomfortable.

  And today she dreamed of a scene in which her parents were quarreling in her previous life.

  The most terrifying thing is that she was originally a bystander, watching with cold eyes, but slowly, she became one of them, and the other person became Jiang Yunyan.

  He looked at her with such bored and repulsive eyes.   

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