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Chapter 17:
  When Jiang Yunyan received a call, Wen Yu was discussing with the teacher what to do about this type of play.

  The teacher suggested that she work hard and try to 'love' the male protagonist, so that when her emotions break out, she would not deviate from the main point, because all of Xie Rou's motivations stem from love.

  Wen Yu had a sad face and was worried.

  Jiang Yunyan's call came.

  She was still a little confused. Although they got along well when they met, they rarely contacted her in private. Why did they call her suddenly?

  Could it be that he saw the post she posted on Moments?

  But would a workaholic like Jiang Yunyan go to Moments during such working hours?
  Wen Yu picked up the call and softly called out: "Brother~"

  The tone at the end was slightly higher, revealing a bit of confusion.

  "Well, it's me." The man's deep voice came through the phone. It seemed much gentler than usual, and there was a hint of tenderness.

  Wen Yu felt that handsome guys could heal people's souls. As soon as the voice came out, she could picture him holding a cell phone to make a call. He must be wearing a white shirt, with the buttons fastened meticulously, and his hands were exposed due to the movement of raising his hands. A low-key luxury watch, with deep eyebrows and downturned eyes, calm and handsome.

  Her voice became a little lighter: "Brother, what's the matter?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "Nothing, it's just that the assistant just sent Jiangshang Entertainment's investment plan for the next two years. I remembered that you liked investing before, so I sent it to you. Look, which drama do you like?"

  Wen Yu sat up immediately: "Okay, okay!"

  When it came to investment, she was no longer sleepy.

  On the other side of the phone, a smile flashed in the man's eyes. He controlled the mouse with his right hand to quickly take a screenshot and sent it to Wen Yu on WeChat.

  Wen Yu clicked on it and was shocked by the densely packed drama titles above.

  As expected of a rich man, he can invest so much.

  She only has more than 20 million, so she can't invest that much, so she can only choose one or two.

  But there are so many good dramas!
  "Brother, can you really choose at will?" Wen Yu asked.

  On the other side of the phone, the man said calmly: "Yeah, sure."

  It was as if he was saying you can pick whatever you want!

  Happiness came so suddenly. Wen Yu was dazzled and suddenly saw a movie - "Heavenly Palace". Her eyes narrowed and she fell into deep thought.

  This is a science fiction movie. Nowadays, science fiction movies are in decline and almost no one invests in them, so it is easy to lose money.

  But according to the novel, this movie will be the box office champion during the Spring Festival next year!

  The heroine Su Lengyue in the book, because she repaid the favor and thought the story was good, was pushed to the shelves and became the heroine of this movie. Because the crew was too poor and could not afford the salary, she didn't take a penny and directly invested in the movie. In the end Make a fortune!

  With the Heavenly Palace ahead, what else are you looking at? !

  Wen Yu immediately said, "Brother, I want to invest in Tiangong!"

  "Is this the one?" Jiang Yunyan raised his eyebrows.

  Wen Yu bit her finger and said regretfully, "Just this one."

  She was poor.

  Just over 20 million, investing in a science fiction movie, and not even making a sound!

  How can I invest in anything else?

  Jiang Yunyan didn't say much. When he saw this, he said: "Okay, you contact my assistant tomorrow. He will follow up on the specific matters."

  "Okay!" Wen Yu agreed very obediently, her feet still shaking in excitement. Akira: "Brother, I've heard about this project. I think it's very good. You can invest more in it!"

  She remembered that the plot said that this movie actually has many flaws, but the flaws can't be concealed.

  Of course, the most important flaw is not the plot or the acting skills of the actors, but the lack of money, which resulted in the special effects not being that good and many magnificent scenes unable to be filmed.

  If there was more money, the effect should be better, and maybe the box office would be better. ⑥ This ⑥ work ⑥ work ⑥ is organized ⑥ by netizens ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ uploaded ⑥ uploaded ⑥

  Besides, even if the box office remains the same, you won't lose money by investing more.

  Jiang Yunyan agreed and said he would get to know him better.

  By the time she hung up the phone, Wen Yu had forgotten her previous unhappiness and was rolling around on the bed.

  It's been done!

  The movie "Heavenly Palace" has a very high return rate!

  More than 20 million, by the end of next year, it should be 60 or 70 million, right?

  She's not greedy.

  But she really can't control this amount! ! !

  Wen Yu was happy for a long time before reluctantly putting down her phone. It was already very late and she had to film a movie tomorrow. She fell asleep soon after.

  Even in my sleep, I was still enjoying myself.

  Doubling your balance is not a dream!

  she woke up, Wen Yu couldn't wait to transfer the money, but she was afraid that it would be a step too late. This movie made people get in first.

  Jiang Yunyan had sent the assistant's phone number to Wen Yu last night. When she got in touch, the other party was very prompt and agreed directly, asking her to transfer the account first and he would handle it.

  Wen Yu trusts Jiang Yunyan and will not cheat her.

  So I transferred the money generously, and I was still happy when I got to the set.

  Yao Xi stared at her in confusion: "What's going on? Are you so happy? Have you found your emotions?"

  Wen Yu's face fell, and he looked at her aggrievedly: "Xixi, if you don't speak, we We are still good friends~"

  Yao Xi laughed loudly and pinched her little face: "Be good, I just like to see other people suffer, hahaha"

  Wen Yu went to tickle her angrily.

  But it only took a while before Yao Xi and the others went to film.

  This morning, she filmed several starring roles as usual, and her scene arrived in the afternoon. Wen Yu had been brewing her emotions for a long time in advance, but she was probably about to get rich, so she couldn't cry anymore.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Throw it down!
  Can't money and career coexist peacefully? !
  Wen Yu was a little annoyed and didn't even bother to eat lunch. She tried hard to think about the saddest thing in her life, which was that she was too poor.

  The boss drives a BMW and she drives a donkey.

  The boss buys a mansion, and she buys a bathroom.

  But she is rich now!
  Wen Yu almost laughed again.

  Until the phone rang, she saw that it was Assistant Zhou Han and hurriedly picked it up. Then she heard the other side of the phone: "Madam, something's wrong..."

  Wen Yu's heart skipped a beat: "W-what's the matter?"

  Zhou Han said in a heavy tone: "I just asked Jiangshang Entertainment to contact the director of "Tiangong" to discuss the investment. We were supposed to sign the contract in the afternoon, but maybe the move was too big, and our rival Xiangtian Entertainment, who has been watching us,

  " Huh? "

  She knows that Xiangtian Entertainment is indeed the rival of Jiangshang Entertainment. The two major projects are similar, especially in recent years. Don't worry, at its worst, artists from both sides were banned from appearing in dramas invested and produced by the other side.

  Was he actually targeted by their family? !

  Wen Yu couldn't believe it: "It's fake, isn't it? How did this get cut off?"

  Zhou Han sighed, with an angry tone: "The investment over there is more. You know "Tiangong" is a science fiction movie, so the investment is naturally More is better. We can approve up to 300 million yuan. Including scattered investments, it is estimated to be a little more than 400 million yuan. Xiangtian Entertainment's opening is 500 million yuan. The director naturally chose their side. "

  Wen Yu . : "..."

  She trembled: "No chance of recovery?"

  That's a huge profit several times over!
  Zhou Han said guiltily: "Their contract has been signed, and the director probably felt embarrassed, so he asked me to apologize to my wife and say thank you to my wife for her love and hope that we can work together next time."

  What a ghost next time!
  There is no second part of Tiangong!

  Wen Yu was angry and felt aggrieved. She even said good things for Tiangong last night, hoping that Jiang Yunyan could invest more. Even if it was 300 million, it would be better than what was shown in the plot.

  According to the plot, Tiangong had a miserable start, but later relied on connections and other connections to raise 300 million, leading to a sluggish publicity period.

  It wasn't until later that the reputation got better and tap water became Amway, that it started to rise.

  But everyone has signed the contract.

  For a project worth hundreds of millions, the liquidated damages are also very high. Without seeing actual results, even Jiangshang Entertainment would not be willing to pay liquidated damages.

  After all, most companies are not just one person's opinion, they also need to consider the opinions of other shareholders.

  At this time, Zhou Han added fuel to the fire: "Madam, if you don't want me to return the money to you first, the boss said you can see if there are any other dramas or movies that you want to invest in, including variety shows. This time Let's settle it first."

  Wen Yu: "...Oh."

  The money has been paid.

  She had to believe it.

  After hanging up the phone, she still looked heartbroken and disheartened, and her heart was full of--is she just not destined to be a rich woman? I helplessly watched such an opportunity to get rich slip away from my eyes.

  It's so sad.

  If I had taken one step earlier, maybe it would have happened! ! !
  Director Qin was about to ask Wen Yu to film the scene, but when he saw her expression, he frowned slightly, turned around and left, and found the assistant director: "We will shoot the scene last night and try again. Call the male and female protagonists over..." The assistant

  director Director: "Didn't you pass last night?"

  Director Qin pointed at Wen Yu beside him. The little girl was so aggrieved that she was about to cry. He whispered: "The actors have worked so hard, but we can't Holding back, she brewed up her emotions. This time, I think she was right. The role she played as Xie Rou before was too strong, but now, it's just right. Let's do it again, use the best she can, fuck Why do we have to give in?"

  Wen Yu was still a little confused when he was called to film last night's scene.

  But as an actress, whatever the director says is what she said. She quickly adjusted her emotions, stood in front of the camera, and watched the male and female protagonists kissing me. She thought of Tiangong, who was about to sign a contract with her, but ended up turning around and embracing someone else. She also persuaded Jiang Yunyan for Tiangong!

  Tears immediately fell down, her money!

  With this in mind, she finished filming sadly, melancholy and resentfully. She heard the director's "click" sound, and then said to her in despair: "The filming was very good, keep it up!"

  Wen Yu: "?"


  Wen Yu Yu filmed a few scenes, Director Qin agreed, and Yao Xi and the others also ran over and exclaimed: "Oh my god, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

  "A broken love came to the scene?" "   Or

  did the confession fail?"

People were joking, but Wen Yu had tears in her eyes and couldn't laugh.

  She got it.

  That's what it feels like.

  Xie Rou, I understand you!

  For several days until the final day, everything went smoothly.

  In the last scene, Xie Rou, played by Wen Yu, was taken away by a wave of angry villains because she was found to have betrayed the villain. She had never learned martial arts and was weak. She couldn't bear it at all. She vomited blood and fell into the male protagonist's arms. , he didn't even have time to say a word, he just died, his hands still holding the clothes on his chest tightly.

  Director Tiangong, why didn't you choose Jiangshang Entertainment as an investor?

  "Ka!" Director Qin ordered.

  The actors who were immersed in the play finally came back to their senses and relaxed one after another.

  Wen Yu also got up, took the wet handkerchief Yu Yu gave him and wiped the blood on his face, and then heard Director Qin say: "Wen Yu, you are indeed talented! I'm optimistic about you!"

  Wen Yu: "?? ?"

  Director Qin still had a smile on his face. He was a good actor, and as a director, it was a pleasure to shoot: "The action you made grabbing Xiao Yuanzhi's clothes at the end was really good. I guarantee that this drama will be great for you. It will definitely attract a lot of fans!"

  Wen Yu coughed unnaturally: "Thank you, Director Qin."

  She wiped her sweat guiltily.

  She is a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

  If Tiangong hadn't betrayed her like this, how could she be so angry, sad, and uncomfortable? !

  Director Qin did not notice her guilty conscience and generously gave her a red envelope: "Keep working hard and strive for a better cooperation than now!"

  Wen Yu smiled and thanked her.

  After saying goodbye to Director Qin and saying goodbye to the leading actors, Wen Yu went to take off her makeup and change clothes. Her role had been completed and she could rest for two days before joining the cast of "Mou Zhi".

  After taking off her makeup and changing her clothes, Wen Yu was already exhausted.

  She was so emotionally exhausted that she seemed to have no interest in anything at the moment. She just wanted to go back early, have a good rest, and eat a few more cheap meals cooked by her husband.

  She opened the door and was about to go out.

  But a tall figure appeared in front of him.

  Now it is autumn. The man is wearing a long black coat, which still does not cover up his long legs. The shiny leather shoes seem to have been freshly polished. On the black suit pants, there is still the familiar strong waist and abdomen, but it looks different from summer. Than, the shirt was changed to a black sweater.

  The collar was a bit high, just reaching his Adam's apple.

  The superior jawline outlines a cold and handsome face.

  In short - it looks great!
  Wen Yu was shocked by this scene and her eyes widened: "Brother, why are you here?"

  The crew members who were walking around pricked up their ears in gossip. When they heard the word "brother", some of them were disappointed. Ah, they are not lovers. .

  The eyes of other people gleamed, ah, they are not lovers!

  I saw the man in front of me nodded slightly: "Well, I have something to do here."   

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