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Chapter 21

  Wen Yu woke up, her head was dizzy, her whole body was warm and a little moist, as if she had sweated, and she knew she had a fever without measuring.

  My nose is a little blocked, but it's not serious. Mainly because my whole body feels hot and cold.

  There was medicine on the bedside table. Wen Yu looked at the description, took the medicine, and wanted to sleep for a while, but today was wrapping up filming and there was only one scene left, so it would not be a good idea to ask for leave.

  That is to say, leaving Kyoto with the male and female protagonists and the second male lead, and heading to all the places where they are guarding.

  Xu Zhaoyue was made a general and headed to the frontier one man and one horse. The hero and heroine went to the rebels' lair to reorganize the place. The second hero became the prefect of another place and was about to take office.

  I just don't know if I can shoot well in this state?
  Wen Yu was thinking when she heard the door open.

  Yu Yu's surprised voice sounded: "It's snowing! It's snowing heavily outside, and it's completely white. Boss, get up quickly and go see the snow."

  Wen Yu sighed: "I have a fever."

  Yu Yu also arrived at this time Beside the bed, I saw her appearance.

  The usually fair and rosy little face was now so red that it looked like it had been rouged. Her whole face was smeared, and her lips looked a little dry. Against the backdrop of her reddened face, she lost her usual rosiness.

  "It's over. I really have a fever. Have you taken any medicine?" Yu Yu immediately changed his expression and asked.

  He didn't stop holding his hands. When he saw that she said she had taken medicine, he went to boil hot water and asked, "Shall I cook you some porridge?"

  Wen Yu nodded.

  The hotel room is very large. In order to make Wen Yu comfortable, as an assistant, he not only serves tea and water, but also cooks. Although the conditions are simple, he can't make anything heavy, but some porridge, noodles and the like Yes, it can be done.

  It was still early, so with Xiao's help, Wen Yu reluctantly took a shower, put on thick clothes, and sat on the sofa in a daze, waiting for the porridge to be cooked.

  I remembered in the middle and looked at my phone, in case there was any news.

  Suddenly, I realized why there were two missed calls on it, both from Jiang Yunyan?

  She called back quickly.

  But it didn't get through, it said it couldn't be connected.

  Wen Yu put down her phone again and heard a knock on the door.

  Yu Yu went over to open the door immediately, and when he came in, he was holding a large lunch box, similar to the style of ancient food boxes, with the words "Yuexia Pavilion" printed on it.

  "Oh my God!" Yu Yu has followed Wen Yu all year round, so she naturally knows about Yuexia Pavilion, but...she looked at the time, yes, it was only 7:30 in the morning!
  "At this point, Yuexia Pavilion is actually open?"

  Doesn't Yuexia Pavilion only serve dinner? !
  Wen Yu also raised her head in bewilderment: "Didn't you order it?"

  Yu Yu shook his head: "No way, is it Sister Liu?"

  She was about to ask, when suddenly an idea flashed: "Boss, it was your husband who ordered it, right? "

  Wen Yu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yuexia Pavilion. The only person she knew who could ask anyone to get up early and work overtime was Jiang Yunyan.

  She glanced at her phone and seemed to realize something. A trace of joy flashed through her heart. She pursed her lips and smiled: "Forget it, no need to cook porridge."

  Yu Yu had a serious look on his face: "No, cook it and I will eat it. Boss, you are such a caring person." Let's have breakfast."

  Wen Yu: ...

  She glared at Yu Yu.

  Yu Yu smiled and was not afraid. He opened the food box and took out the dazzling array of Cantonese breakfast. Sure enough, the boss's husband probably guessed that the boss was sick, so the breakfast was all light.

  Wen Yu was not very energetic at first, but her appetite was surprisingly good. She ate a bowl of vegetable and lean meat porridge, a shrimp dumpling, two bites of rice noodles, and a small bowl of soup.

  Let Yu Bao Yuan take care of the rest.

  After breakfast, it was only around eight o'clock when we arrived at the set. Wen Yu wiped her face with a wet handkerchief to cool down her hot face. She felt that her mental state was better before getting off the car.

  There was a lot of snow on the road and she was wearing a lot of clothes, so she walked slowly.

  Suddenly I felt my arms shaking.

  She looked suspiciously at the hand holding her arm, and saw that Yu Yu was suppressing laughter until his face turned red.

  Wen Yu: "What are you laughing at?"

  Yu Yu immediately looked stern when he was found, and shook his head quickly: "No! It's nothing."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Do you look like I believe it?
  Yu Yu bit her lip, what should I do? The boss is cuter.

  It's winter now, it's very cold, everyone wears thick clothes, especially Wen Yu who has a fever today, Yu Yu has prepared thicker clothes for her, her whole body seems to be balled up, she has low energy and staggers when walking , like a penguin.

  Paired with that pretty pink and white face, it's so cute that you can't help but scream.

  In the past, Yu Yu only felt that her boss was distant and indifferent to everyone. She only cared about Jiang Yunjin. Now she didn't care about Jiang Yunjin. She suddenly became lively. In terms of cuteness, he was invincible. She just wanted to pinch the boss's face. .

  Of course, this little thought of 'blaspheming' the boss cannot be known to the boss, otherwise her bonus will definitely be gone. She immediately said seriously: "Actually, I am envious, boss, your husband is so kind to you." She

  was caught off guard by hearing this . With one word, Wen Yu's eyelids twitched, and his already rosy face gained another layer of heat. He glared at Yu Yu angrily: "Okay, hurry up."

  "Ouch." Yu Yu saw that he had passed by, relieved, and helped Yu Yu. Wen Yu quickened his pace.


  scene was a scene outside the city. It snowed heavily last night, and the snow fell on the ground, making a crunching sound when stepped on. Document Sharing and Online Reading
  Wen Yu's face looked a little regretful.

  In her previous life, she was from the south and had not seen much snow. Now that she saw so much snow, she wanted to throw herself down and play in the snow.

  Unfortunately she has a fever.

  For this reason, Wen Yu stepped harder on the snow, leaving footprints one after another, and came to the dressing room.

  Yuan Tan had already come over, and when he saw her arriving, he immediately waved to her: "This way, this way."

  Wen Yu smiled and walked over: "Hey."

  First put on today's costume, then put on a down jacket, and finally put on makeup, Yuan Tan stretched, Full of expectation: "Wen Yu, do you have anything else to do next?"

  Wen Yu shook her head: "No, I want to rest!"

  She has been busy for more than half a year!

  Ever since she awakened, no, even when she wasn't awakened, she had been busy, but after awakening, she was even more busy with purpose.

  In my last life, I still had weekends off, even though I was often asked to work overtime on my days off.

  But once filming started in this life, there were all sorts of things happening almost every day. It didn't look tiring, but when put together, it was still a bit tiring.

  So she decided to take a break until next year!
  Sister Liu has also agreed.

  Because several of her dramas will be released one after another.

  The resources she can get now mainly rely on Jiangshang Entertainment and her scandal. When the drama is aired, even if it is just a supporting role, it will be a solid work, which will be a big benefit to her future work.

  So it's okay to pause for a moment.

  Yuan Tan was a little envious: "That's great."

  After saying this, Yuan Tan shut up in time and did not dare to say too much.

  She currently has a good status in the industry, is full of announcements, and barely has much time for herself. If she talks about it, many colleagues will be envious of her, so she seems to be Versailles when she complains.

  It's just that Wen Yu's state was really comfortable, so she still said a little.

  After she said it, Yuan Tan was afraid that Wen Yu would feel uncomfortable and secretly glanced at her.

  But she saw that Wen Yu's smile was still the same, and she was a little more charming than before: "Yeah, I think it's pretty good too."


  Yuan Tan was relieved, she really didn't care about this, she had the backing of the boss of Jiangshang Entertainment , does she want any announcement? It's just that he didn't want to. Just seeing the little girl so comfortable, Yuan Tan couldn't help but have some evil thoughts, and said softly and seductively: "Wen Yu~ I'm going to participate in a variety show after the Chinese New Year. I'm a little scared. How about you accompany me?" Shall I go to the first period together?"   

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