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Chapter 72:

  Wen Yu had a flight the next morning and almost missed it. The alarm clock rang for a long time and she couldn't get up. However, Jiang Yunyan picked her up and helped her brush her teeth and wash her face.

  She struggled to change her clothes, and was driven to the airport by Jiang Yunyan. She made it all the way to the film and television city smoothly.

  After leaving everything to be packed with Yu Yu, Wen Yu rushed to the room where we were reading after having a quick lunch.

  As soon as they entered the room, the producer and director all stood up immediately, and the leading actor Lin Pei, who came first, also stood up cautiously.

  "Teacher Wen, sit here, sit here." Producer Liu took the lead and moved the chair in the front row with the best position.

  "Thank you." Wen Yu smiled and sat down without being polite.

  Producer Liu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this ancestor was not here for revenge. He took a glance and pulled over the male protagonist Lin Pei: "Teacher Lin, you also sit over here. The male and female protagonists sit together. If you have any questions, we can discuss it."

  Lin Pei . Pei was a little embarrassed, but he still sat over, but didn't say much.

  Wen Yu nodded at him.

  She has no influence on this person, but he looks familiar. He is handsome, similar to Jiang Yunjin, has good facial features, and has no shortcomings, but he is not very popular.

  Lin Pei also felt flattered and raised a smile.

  Immediately afterwards, Yu Zong came in together with the original author, and then the new second male actor also came. Everyone arrived and it officially started.

  This time around, the reading was basically all about the original author. As an assistant, Yu Zong only spoke occasionally, but every time he spoke, it must be the key point.

  Wen Yu listened and felt that he had benefited a lot. The original author was even more attentive, and his eyes were as bright as if Wen Yu had seen the two house purchase contracts.

  With Yu Zong and Wen Yu here, no one dared to cause trouble this time.

  Everyone was very measured, and Wen Yu didn't have to express any opinions. The script went very smoothly, and some highlights were shared among the other leading actors.

  The second female lead took her extra plot and was surprised: "You really want me to take this line?" It

  was originally supposed to be the story of her character's cousin, but it was just a long novel. It was the TV series' turn, so it had to be appropriately deleted. Otherwise, the filming would not be completed and it would be too complicated. Therefore, the original role of the cousin was deleted and this part of the plot was given to her. After the performance, it will definitely be painful.

  After she asked, she subconsciously looked at Wen Yu with some fear.

  She saw clearly what happened last time, but she didn't have the confidence to quit as the second male lead, so she didn't know that luck would turn out, and Yu Zong was asked to come out as a screenwriter.

  Didn't expect to get more surprises and extra drama now? !
  Producer Liu also looked over subconsciously.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  She didn't do anything, right? Are you so afraid of her?
  Wen Yu said expressionlessly: "Look what I will do? As long as there are no magical changes, I will accept all normal changes."

  To be honest, the highest expectations for the second female lead in this drama have been reduced to showing off her face after the last beating. Well, she didn't expect that the situation was much better than she imagined. She couldn't help but cheer ten thousand times in her heart. It was really great that she didn't choose to quit.

  She immediately said solemnly: "Okay, thank you, I will definitely try my best to perform well."

  Instead, Producer Liu smiled awkwardly, retracted his head, and his face turned red.

  It's true that a villain's heart is used to judge a gentleman's heart.


  this, during the next two days of reading, I also added some details to both the male protagonist and the second male protagonist, while the female protagonist deleted some unnecessary redundant plots to make the entire story simpler and clearer.

  Wen Yu was very satisfied with this, the original author was surprised, and everyone else nodded.

  It can be said that everyone is happy and makes everyone full of fighting spirit.

  On May 25th, the machine was finally started successfully.

  Because of Yu Zong's joining, the crew received a lot of attention during the opening ceremony. However, the actors were busy filming, so they didn't feel much. The online reports were all relayed by Xiao Xiao.

  Amid such busyness, the investment dividends from "Becoming You" have also arrived!

  The entire crew was a huge success, except for the person who was the biggest investor in the beginning but later withdrew his capital.

  Therefore, the crew held a celebration party.

  It was originally planned to be held in another city, but since most of the leading actors are now gathered here in the film and television city, especially as the largest investor, it was finally chosen to be near the film and television city to facilitate the return of several starring actors.

  However, this celebration banquet was certainly not as grand as the one Wen Yu had attended before.

  That time it was a big investment, a big return, plus a lot of traffic and various blessings.

  Now it is a small investment, a big return, and not much traffic, but there are still more people coming than expected.

  Because Wen Yu's wallet suddenly bulged, Wei Ningning and Yu Yi, who had invested with her before, also got a lot of money. This amount of money had even been forgotten by them, so the surprise came so suddenly. , so I was really curious about this industry and wanted to come and have a look.

  Wen Yu knew the news of their arrival in advance, so on the day of the celebration banquet, she originally planned to go later, show up and then go back to lie down. After hearing this, she gave up the idea, followed the time, and went in with the leading actors. .

  The banquet hall was still full of people drinking and drinking, but there were far fewer stars.

  Wen Yu entered the banquet hall wearing a long blue dress, and many people immediately gathered around her. In addition to the people from the crew, there were indeed many people in the industry who joined in the fun. There were only a few big names, but they couldn't stand up to many.

  Wen Yu suspected that most people in the circle were superstitious. With such a small and broad-minded crew, everyone was willing to come and enjoy themselves when they had time.

  She doesn't like to socialize, so she usually says a few perfunctory words and everyone will leave automatically.

  At this time, Wen Yu had to sigh, they are all human spirits, and she immediately felt her attitude.

  They left. Wei Ningning and Yu Yi saw this and wanted to come over immediately. However, Ye Xiangtian, who was one step ahead of them, quickly came to Wen Yu and said, "Teacher Wen."

  Although Ye Xiangtian and Jiang Yunyan knew each other, they were not the same age. Although she was young, he refused to call her sister-in-law like Xiao Qiyan and others, and always called her politely.

  Wen Yu also smiled: "Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"

  Ye Xiangtian choked: "Why are you like him, always having something to do? Can't I talk to you?"

  Wen Yu: "We don't know each other well. "What do you want to say?"

  Ye Xiangtian coughed and said, "I just want to ask you, are you still used to the crew? How is it different from the crew you were in before?" He

  said, looking forward to it . looked at her.

  Wen Yu glanced at Ye Xiangtian suspiciously.

  Ye Xiangtian had a serious look on his face.

  He just asked casually.

  Wen Yu clicked her tongue in her heart, looking at her eager expression, how could she ask a casual question?
  But she still said: "It's very good, everything is good."

  Ye Xiangtian secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hinted: "How about compared with your previous crew? Are the conditions better?"

  "Yes. "Wen Yu nodded calmly, and with Ye Xiangtian's delighted expression, she said, "For example, this crew was really poor back then. As the most beautiful character in the show, can you believe that I only have two sets of clothes? In this cast, I, as the heroine, have all kinds of looks, and every one of them is very beautiful, really good."

  "That's it?" Ye Xiangtian's face fell.

  That's not what he wanted to ask.

  However, Wen Yu was too lazy to tell him. Apart from anything else, except for the several dramas invested by Jiangshang Entertainment that Wen Yu had experienced, except for the ones that were slightly overdone due to Liu Yue's large traffic, at least she did not notice the other crews. Nothing bad happened.

  Even if Jiang Yunyan is not on the river, the atmosphere on the river is one of the best in the entertainment industry.

  At least now Ye Xiangtian can't compare with him.


  Yu walked directly towards Yu Yi and Wei Ningning.

  The two people had just received two more business cards. When they saw her coming, they immediately shared: "Look, these are the business cards I received tonight!"

  The two of them spread their hands, and there were more than a dozen different business cards in their hands. .

  Wen Yu chuckled and reminded: "But we also need information. They are very good at deceiving people. Not all dramas are profitable. If you simply want to make money, you must be cautious and not invest casually."

  This is how the original owner was deceived and truly made money. The crew didn't invest in two, and all the money they had was lost, so Wen Yu tried his best to impart some experience.

  Both of them were a little moved when they heard this, and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes."

  After chatting about investment for a while, Wei Ningning suddenly said casually: "How is your relationship with your husband now?"

  Wen Yu thought of Jiang Yunyan, Subconsciously, she smiled sweetly and said, "It's good. What's wrong?" It

  had just been three days since last weekend, and the two of them had only met each other, and they were together only two nights a week. She liked this rhythm. So much so that she rekindled her love for someone's figure.

  It would be better if the time was shorter.


  Wen Yu quickly came to his senses and shook off those messy thoughts.

  "No, just asking." Wei Ningning said, looking aside casually, and exchanged glances with Yu Yi, both of them felt helpless.

  Then Yu Yi said: "By the way, a few of us who are having fun formed a small group. Do you want to come in too? We usually chat about gossip together."

  Wen Yu was about to say no, but after hearing this After a pause: "Okay."

  Although she doesn't belong to that circle, she is still willing to listen to the gossip.

  Yu Yi immediately pulled her and reminded her casually: "No need to change the nickname."

  Wen Yu didn't change it, but just clicked in and found that she was being chatted about in the group?

  [I heard that the drama Wen Yu invested in was a big hit and she made a lot of money. She is quite discerning]

  [I heard that it was Mr. Jiang who gave her guidance. I am so jealous. I wonder what else she will invest in next time? ]

  [Why do you still want to follow? ]

  [Nonsense, don't you want to make money while lying down? Don't Wei Ningning and the others regret that they invested less? ]

  [But now I'm afraid Mr. Jiang won't even bother to give her advice]

  [...Me too.]

  Wen Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Yi and Wei Ningning.

  Their eyes wandered and they smiled: "By the way, we have to thank Director Lu. I heard that Director Lu's next drama is also quite good. We will discuss whether to invest in it then..."

  "That's right, be patient." Play slowly."

  After saying that, the two ran away quickly.

  While running, I was worried: "Do you think Wen Yu will trick us in turn?"

  "Probably not, she's a nice person."

  "Forget it, we didn't sow discord, we just... just let her find out. It's just these things. Even if Mr. Jiang is angry, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

  "No, Wen Yu shouldn't be such a person!"

  The two of them looked at each other, feeling sad. In fact, they discovered this kind of thing at the beginning. , they didn't intend to say it, mainly because they had seen too many couples in this circle who appeared to be loving but secretly played their own games.

  Sometimes if you try to expose something, you might even get scolded: "Nosy."

  It's just that when Wen Yu mentioned Jiang Yunyan, it was obvious that she was completely unaware. The love in the corner of her eyes and eyebrows was much more real than when she was acting.

  This made the two of them feel even more uncomfortable that she was being deceived.

  Especially for this kind of thing, they naturally stood in Wen Yu's position, so after several hesitations, they finally decided to give it a try.

  If she is really blamed in turn, then she should repay her kindness for leading them to invest last time.

  From now on, we have been strangers.


  Yu, who was confused by these two people, found a corner and continued to read on her mobile phone.

  In just a short period of time, dozens of messages have been posted.

  Talking about these things, they seemed very excited. Wen Yu looked through it from top to bottom and saw——

  [Who would have thought that there was no sign of it before and he seemed to be the most pure and self-sufficient person. After getting married, it had only been a year. It's time, there will be a situation]

  [I ran to someone else's engagement party with a hickey, and whoever saw it couldn't say anything awesome. I was really not afraid of Wen Yu knowing about it in such a big way]

  [Didn't I hear that Wen Yu was filming during that time ? ? How can we know this? No one dared to tell her, and it is probably still hidden in their bones now]   

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