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Chapter 12

  Chapter 12
  Jiang Yunyan really didn't cook the next morning.

  But that night, Jiang Yunyan came back and cooked dinner. Although it was just a simple fried rice, it was very good.

  Wen Yu was very satisfied with her meal and stayed at home for three more days before going back to the crew.

  The crew is also progressing very smoothly. There are no big scenes in this drama. The main scenes take place in two small homes. The filming progress is faster than Wen Yu expected.

  Her scene was filmed in the middle part, and she stayed on the set mainly to supervise the work.

  It wasn't until almost two months after the launch that the agent finally called: "Auntie, I heard that your side is almost done. What are your recent arrangements?"

  Regarding Wen Yu's development, Sister Liu has always respected her wishes. In the past, She always chased Jiang Yunjin, and she would go wherever Jiang Yunjin went. ^o^^o^Read^o^
  But Jiang Yunjin finished filming half a month ago. After two days of rest, he joined the next crew. Wen Yu didn't say anything. Sister Liu thought, maybe this little aunt is really because of Jiang Yunjin He couldn't bring her along while playing games, so his filter towards Jiang Yunjin was broken, and he stopped chasing him.

  So I deliberately waited for a while before coming over to ask about the next arrangements.

  Of course, she would not be surprised at all if Wen Yu wanted to withdraw from the circle.

  But Wen Yu didn't.

  She is poor!
  It can't be said that she is poor. The main reason is that she doesn't have enough money. At present, all her money has been invested. She just entered the industry before. She looks like a fool with too much money. She invested a lot and lost a lot after being fooled by those old fritters. .

  I don't know how much I can get back.

  She just borrowed five million from Jiang Yunjin, but she didn't have to pay it back. When Jiang's mother left that day, she gave her another two million. She bought a gift before. When she sent it back, Mother Jiang felt that she was still spending money when she was so poor. Another one million was given, including the two million she received bits and pieces from Jiang Yunyan. Now she has saved another ten million in cash alone!
  But everyone is greedy, especially cannon fodder like her!

  Since God gave her this opportunity, and knowing the future development, it would be a pity to waste it, so she naturally looks for opportunities to invest and make money!


  when faced with Sister Liu's inquiry, Wen Yu immediately said obediently: "Sister, are there any suitable roles?"

  Sister Liu raised her eyebrows: "Hey, are you starting to make progress?"

  Wen Yu said seriously: "That's right. "We can't waste this beauty and resources, can we?"

  Sister Liu was amused and felt relieved. She had been forced to help Wen Yu chase Jiang Yunjin before, but she did it in fear every time, for fear of being discovered by Jiang Yunyan, so she followed her. Bad luck.

  Now Wen Yu was able to relax her: "Okay, I will send you suitable scripts later, and you can choose a few." After

  hanging up the phone, five minutes later, Wen Yu received the information in her mailbox.

  She opened it and glanced at it. After all, Sister Liu was very powerful and well-connected. The resources she was given were all requested by outsiders. She directly noted which roles were available for each drama.

  She can win most of them except the heroine.

  After Wen Yu finished reading, he found two suitable dramas. The two dramas were mentioned in the original work. They were both ancient puppet dramas, but one was about the imperial court and house fights, and the other was about martial arts.

  Wen Yu sent what she wanted, and soon Sister Liu called again: "What's going on? Since you like it, why did you choose a female number?"

  Wen Yu coughed lightly and explained: "I don't think my acting skills are enough. "

  Sister Liu sneered: "What are you afraid of? I will find a teacher to follow you, and she will teach you how to act."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  That's it, Sister Liu is getting more ambitious!
  But her career ambition has not yet risen!
  Wen Yu hesitated, and Sister Liu naturally felt it and said displeased: "Why?"

  "Oh~" Wen Yu sobbed and fell on the bed, her voice even weaker: "Sister, you also know that today Times are different from the past, I have completely lost interest in Jiang Yunjin, and I am married, so I naturally want to get along well with my husband, but how can he, a workaholic, have time? I definitely can't be busy anymore, if I play a female supporting role. , With my beauty, I will definitely become popular immediately, how can I have time to cultivate a relationship with him? What if I am kicked out of a wealthy family and live on the street because of my lack of love..."

  Sister Liu: "..."

  She laughed angrily, before. Wen Yu loved singing, but that was to coax her to help chase Jiang Yunjin. Now that Jiang Yunjin was gone, she actually found such a reason?
  It seemed reasonable at first glance, but she knew how indulgent the Jiang family was to Wen Yu. Wen Yu could not be afraid of this, otherwise Wen Yu would not have pursued Jiang Yunjin so unscrupulously.

  Sister Liu immediately replied: "I don't believe it."

  Wen Yu choked, covered her face and whispered: "I'm lazy, I just want to find a relaxed and beautiful role to be a little vase."

  Sister Liu was silenced.

  I never expected this to be the reason.

  Was Wen Yu so lazy before?

  I guess not. In order to stay on Jiang Yunjin's crew, she is willing to play any role!
  The two were in a silent stalemate for a while, Sister Liu frowned, forget it, at least she is a little ashamed now, maybe with more experience, ambition will appear again, there is no need to really force it, but it is not beautiful, so she said: "Okay, but also Don't be too far behind. There are no names here. It's not difficult to be the fourth female lead in these two dramas. That's it. From now on, it's better not to join the group."

  Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately acted coquettishly: "Okay, thank you. Sister Liu, you are my only sister!"

  Sister Liu: "...ha."

  Wen Yu heard her sarcasm and was not angry, saying, "Sister Liu, the two crews I chose are very good. , if you have spare money, you can invest it."

  Sister Liu: "No, I believe you are talking nonsense."

  Wen Yu pursed her lips and was about to cry out that she was not talking nonsense. Although she was making excuses, she was still talking about it. Jiang Yunyan cultivates feelings.

  They have been eating together at the same table almost every day lately!

  From the beginning, Jiang Yunyan only said a few words to her, but now he cares about her life. When he found that she didn't have enough money, he even gave it to the money giver. This is how he got the two million.

  Her little life was so beautiful that she no longer wanted a divorce.

  Sister Liu suddenly dropped a surprise: "By the way, the TV series you invested in early last year, the Republic of China drama starring Jiang Yunjin, has now finished broadcasting. The copyright has been sold for several rounds, and the investors have begun to divide the accounts. There is also a celebration banquet. Are you going? "

  Wen Yu: "? ! !"

  The surprise came too suddenly. She had no hope of getting her money back. After all, it was not mentioned in the plot. She didn't expect it to come!

  Wen Yu: "Go!"

  "Okay, I'll prepare a dress for you right now. Do you want to buy it yourself, or should I borrow it?" Sister Liu asked.

  In the past, Wen Yu had a lot of money, so she bought it herself because she couldn't borrow it because there were not enough cafe seats. Now Sister Liu feels that her situation is different, so I would like to ask.

  Sure enough, Wen Yu said, "Sorry to trouble Sister Liu."     ——Celebration

  banquet scene

  "The Ten Years of the Republic of China" This drama was successfully aired a month ago. It was so popular when it first aired that it is still soaring after the end, giving the crew a great victory.

  The romance between the heroines Su Lengyue and Jiang Yunjin is even more gimmicky. For this reason, the heroine Su Lengyue directly promoted her popularity, and she has jumped from a relatively popular fourth-tier artist to a hot second-tier artist today.

  Jiang Yunjin already has high national popularity, but now her fans are still increasing.

  The supporting characters in the play have also improved slightly.

  It was so lively that even though its celebration banquet was not deliberately publicized, there were still so many people who came, it was almost like a small awards ceremony.

  Reporters were not allowed inside the banquet, so the paparazzi had no choice but to stare outside.

  One car after another stopped, star-studded artists appeared one after another, the paparazzi's shutters were pressed, and suddenly another car stopped.

  Everyone suddenly became energetic and raised their cameras.

  The car door opened, revealing first a pair of white and straight legs, and then a black skirt.

  The black tube top tutu skirt made the dull color a bit more cute. Her long hair was tied up, and her graceful shoulder and neck lines were completely exposed. The set of jewelry on her body was even more dazzling under the light.

  "Hey, who is this?!" a newcomer asked, full of envy: "This jewelry looks so expensive, and the diamonds on the necklace are so big!"

  Someone immediately answered: "It's Wen Yu! That young lady who likes to lead the financial team!"

  "No wonder, she's really good at reincarnation." "She   looks so good. She looks

  amazing in any photo she takes!"

She looks so good, she feels like a princess!"

  The flashlight kept flashing, shining on Wen Yu, and the black dress made her skin white even more.

  Wen Yu raised her hand to block the flash that hurt her eyes, and was led all the way up by Sister Liu. She walked in a hurry and didn't stop to take photos.

  It's so hot outside!
  After entering the inner hall, I felt a cool breeze blowing, which made me feel much more comfortable.

  There were already many people at the banquet. Wen Yu felt that everyone looked familiar at first glance. They were really starry. Sister Liu pulled her and said, "Let's go and take you to meet a few directors. Don't you like investing? You can watch more." Look, but I suggest you take a look at it if possible."

  Wen Yu nodded hurriedly: "Thank you, Sister Liu!"

  Sister Liu said sarcastically, "After all, I brought a lazy person."

  Wen Yu smiled and followed her to meet people.

  But I only knew some young directors. Although Wen Yu was very happy, she couldn't help but ask.

  Sister Liu rolled her eyes: "Big directors are not short of investment. Once they want to film a movie, someone will immediately take the initiative to give money. Even if the male and female protagonists want to share the remuneration, they may not be able to agree."

  Wen Yu didn't understand this. Hearing this, he was shocked: "Huh? Then the two dramas I chose a few days ago..."

  "It's the same, there is no shortage of investment." Sister Liu laughed.

  Wen Yu suddenly cried and said: "Okay."

  Sister Liu comforted her: "Don't worry, you, the fourth female lead, also get a lot of remuneration. You are different from other artists. If you don't share the accounts with the company, I will take 30% of it." , and the rest is yours, which is a lot."

  This is also the company's promise, because Sister Liu suffered a big loss by taking Wen Yu, so the share given to her is much higher than that of ordinary agents. In addition, there are Other additional benefits.

  Wen Yu suddenly became happy again: "That's right."

  Just treat it as accumulated funds!
  After walking around, we have talked about everything we can talk about once. Sister Liu is going to do her own thing. She also has other artists under her. Grandma Wen Yu is willing to be a vase, and others can come!
  Wen Yu was too lazy to chat with unfamiliar people, so she simply found a corner with a small cake and ate it slowly.

  In order to wear the dress, she didn't even eat dinner. She missed Jiang Yunyan's spicy chicken!
  She just couldn't understand why Jiang Yun was so good at cooking for a CEO?
  At this time, a person came over: "This lady, she is alone."

  Wen Yu raised her eyes and saw a middle-aged man wearing a human-like dog-like appearance. He put one hand on his abdomen, revealing his valuable wrist. pocket watch.

  She shook her head: "No, two people."

  The man's face changed slightly, and he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He looked around and found nothing, and then smiled again: "Miss, you really know how to joke. Let's get to know each other. My name is Meng Tianming. , in "Ten Years of the Republic of China", Shen Caihe played the role of dying for the heroine. I wonder if Miss has seen it?"

  Wen Yu looked at him in confusion and said nothing.

  Meng Tianming's smile froze: "Miss, is there something wrong?"

  Wen Yu: "You really don't know what my name is?"

  Meng Tianming's eyes flashed slightly, and he said naturally: "I don't know, I don't know much about it. I work in the entertainment industry and only play roles when I get bored. My family and company are too busy and I can't live without people."

  As he spoke, he seemed to be approaching without leaving any trace.

  Wen Yu frowned in disgust and slapped the unfinished cake in her hand: "Get out!"

  "Fuck!" Meng Tianming didn't expect that she would do it directly. How could there be such a rude young lady? He was also annoyed, but did not flinch. Instead, he stepped forward and held her hand: "If you dare to hit me, you-ah!"

  At the same time, Wen Yu's wrist tightened and she was pulled away.

  Meng Tianming's neck was suddenly pinched, and then he knelt on the ground with pain in his knees. He was quickly hit again, and fell to the ground, with a foot wearing exquisite leather shoes stepping on his back.

  Jiang Yunjin's angry voice sounded in this corner: "Fuck you, uncle, how dare you be so bold!"

  At this time, another exclamation sounded from beside him: "Ajin?"

  Wen Yu turned around and saw Zhao Qingyuan holding Su Lengyue's arm. The two of them seemed a little surprised when they saw this scene, but Zhao Qingyuan's surprise was directed at Wen Yu.

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