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Chapter 44

  In Wen Yu's confusion, Jiang Yunjin seemed to be annoyed and felt ashamed of her surrender, so she ran away quickly. Su Lengyue suppressed her laughter and followed suit.

  Yuan Tan: "!"

  She looked at Jiang Yunjin and then at Jiang Yunyan. Although she had guessed before, she was still so shocked that she fell into a trance when she heard this voice.

  Is this a wealthy family?

  It wasn't as scary as she imagined.

  Look at this little bastard Wen Yu, she's done that, and she's still safe and being called sister-in-law! ^_^^_^Read^_^
  When Wen Yu turned around, Yuan Tan gave a thumbs up: "Awesome."

  Wen Yu:?
  What happened to these people today? !

  She was speechless and simply pulled her into the car. Xiao Chen had already rushed over at noon and drove her. When they saw them getting into the car, Xiao Chen said enthusiastically: "Boss, your other friends and the boss's friends are already on the cruise ship." " Okay, let's go there now?"

  "Okay." Wen Yu nodded.

  Yuan Tan: "Cruise ship? What cruise ship?"

  Xiao Chen answered first: "Our boss heard that you were going to play here for a few days, so he gave the boss lady a cruise ship."

  Yuan Tan: "...!!!" She

  was too shocked. , she was speechless.

  "Are all you rich people so extravagant?"

  Wen Yu said seriously: "No, I'm not! I'm very poor!"

  Yuan Tan: "...I believe you."

  Wen Yu:...

  I almost forgot, now she has He is no longer the poor little guy he was in his previous life!
  Wen Yu couldn't help it and smiled brightly.


  cruise ship is very big, at least from Wen Yu's point of view, it is already oversized.

  It's much bigger than what the program group rented yesterday afternoon.

  The cruise ship is mostly white, with an occasional touch of blue or other colors. It seems random, but the combination is particularly harmonious and beautiful.

  The cruise ship has five floors in total. The overall design is very simple and low-key.

  But the interior of the ship is actually not low-key. At first glance, it looks like a luxury hotel, with luxurious decoration. At first glance, everything is brand new.

  But now, he is its master.

  This feeling is really good!
  At this time, on the cruise ship, Xiao Qiyan and three others had already arrived. In addition, there was Yao Xi. Yao Xi was the heroine who filmed the youth tour with Wen Yu.

  In addition, the four dramas Wen Yu filmed after her awakening, apart from the drama with the female number n Bai Yueguang in the same crew as Jiang Yunjin, the remaining three dramas are "Mou Zhi", "Accidentally Becoming You", Most of the other leading actors from the martial arts drama "Youth" also came.

  Mainly because Xiao Qiyan said that there were so many people and it was so lively that she could make more friends.

  As for their three friends... they didn't dare to scream for fear of being discovered by Jiang Yunyan in advance.

  So Wen Yu shouted in the three groups. Except for Liu Yue who didn't want to come, some of the others had to catch up with the announcement and didn't have time. The rest heard that there was a cruise party, so they all immediately screamed and signed up actively.

  It was really lively with so many people. As soon as Wen Yu came up, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people to say hello.

  Xiao Qiyan and the others were also playing with this group of people at this time.

  There are specially hired service personnel on the ship, and there are all kinds of food, drinks and entertainment. Xiao Qiyan is taking a few men to compete in swimming. Needless to say, Wen Yu's summoning technique has attracted men with good figures and several An actress was watching.

  Wen Yu's mood was waning, so he was pulled over by Yao Xi and asked curiously: "Is your husband coming today?"

  Wen Yu shook his head: "I haven't asked yet."

  Xiao Qiyan, with sharp ears, immediately ran over: "No, no, no! Can't ask, ah When the banquet comes, we can't play anymore!"

  Yao Xi: "Why?"

  Xiao Qiyan smiled, with a hint of excitement, and winked: "I have invited people to perform, you don't want to see them?

  " : "?!"

  When Yao Xi heard this, he immediately said excitedly: "Think!"

  Xiao Qiyan said: "That's fine?!"

  He spread his hands: "Hey, Ayan's old house is on fire. I will definitely not let my sister-in-law look at other men. , I'm afraid that I'll look down on his frigidity after seeing him too much, so I have no choice but to hide it from him. We didn't even tell him when we came here!"

  Yao Xi nodded: "That makes sense, the master is like this at this time. It's best not to be there."

  Wen Yu was surprised: "Then you are not afraid that he will find out later and take revenge on you?"

  Although she thought Jiang Yunyan wouldn't do this...

  she just wanted to see.

  Not getting started.

  But I'm still very curious, why is Xiao Qiyan, who doesn't know their actual relationship, so bold?

  Xiao Qiyan smiled proudly: "The three of us just planned to go abroad for a while. The main reason is that there is a problem with Cheng Yan's family's overseas industry. He will deal with it. We will go on vacation and come back after two or three months. He will not be angry. "

  Okay, they admitted that this move was intentional, just to see Jiang Yunyan's reaction.

  Of course, they will also check carefully so that the sister-in-law will not be offended.

  Wen Yu didn't know his bad thoughts and was really excited: "Okay! I'll leave it to you!"

  Xiao Qiyan patted his chest: "No problem! Which one do you like?"

  Wen Yu was stunned by these words.


  of those parents in her last life, Wen Yu had no illusions about her other half. Whenever she thought about this, she would think of the miserable state of her parents' marriage, which was a psychological shadow for her.

  Later, she had a miscarriage, but the time was too short, only three years. Then she was controlled by the plot and gradually turned into the love brain 'Wen Yu' in the book, so that now, her past life memories and personality dominate the present.

  In fact, if it weren't for the special circumstances, it might be difficult for her to imagine herself getting married.

  Back in time, her initial idea was to find a way to divorce, but Jiang Yunyan had a special relationship with her and treated her more like a sister, taking care of her like a relative. She liked this feeling, so she pressed the matter. .

  Marriage is not a good thing for her, and a partner is naturally not considered.

  As for people, she thinks she likes them as long as they are good-looking.

  Asked her which one she liked individually, she really didn't... Wen Yu suddenly thought of the scene she saw that day and hesitated: "Good figure? Do you have abdominal muscles?"

  "So vague?" Yao Xi said directly: "I like beautiful ones, whiter, preferably able to twist, with a nice waist..."

  Yuan Tan happened to come over, and when he heard this question, she looked more serious and had a slightly conservative temperament. , however, after being silent for two seconds, he immediately replied: "I like to be tall, and my skin can be a little healthier, but not too dark. I must have mermaid lines, and my appearance... is more upright."

  Wen Yu was surprised . Look over.

  Yuan Tan coughed lightly: "You can still relax when you should relax."

  Wen Yu couldn't help laughing: "That makes sense."

  Xiao Qiyan took a note and turned to ask others.

  Yao Xi looked at Wen Yu curiously: "You don't have a favorite type? I like milk dogs, some people like wolf dogs, and some people like uncle models. What about you?" It's

  all basic conditions.

  Wen Yu thought seriously for a long time and shook her head: "No."

  Yao Xi touched her head: "It's so pitiful. She has been trapped before she has seen the colorful world. For men, the only words she lacks are 'good figure, good belly' Muscles, tsk..."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Yao Xi said, "But this also shows that my male idol has a good figure and abdominal muscles."   

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