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Chapter 22

  Wen Yu didn't throw herself into Jiang Yunyan's arms intentionally.

  Just so happy.

  Although I couldn't get through the call before, when I saw the breakfast in Yuexia Pavilion, I guessed that Jiang Yunyan might come over.

  But that's just speculation.

  She was even a little unwilling to believe that this guess was true.

  江云宴这么个工作狂, 剧情里几乎可以算是工具人的人设,一心只爱工作, 被弟弟闯祸耽搁了工作, 还能揍弟弟一顿的人, 会突然横跨半个国家出现在这。

  So when she really saw the person, she suddenly felt a huge surprise in her heart. In addition, her brain was still feverish and she was not awake enough, so she ran over directly.

  When he was about to get there, he suddenly tripped over a wire and rushed forward.

  Jiang Yunyan subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick the person up, and immediately hugged Wen Yu into his arms.

  The little girl didn't seem to feel any danger at all, and happily pulled his clothes: "Brother, you are really here, what will you do with your work?"

  Jiang Yunyan frowned and asked her to stand still: "Walk well."

  Wen Yu curled her lips, but remained honest Really good.

  Director Zhang, who quickly stared around and refused to let anyone take pictures, suddenly hesitated, hmm...how does this look look like he is getting along with his daughter?

  Did he guess wrong?

  Here Jiang Yunyan had already done everything his 'dad' wanted to do. He touched his forehead first and found that it was not so hot. He then asked what medicine he had taken. How much did you eat for breakfast? After asking, he finally asked: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

  Wen Yu shook her head: "No, she is in good condition."

  She smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

  Jiang Yunyan looked at her rosy face and squeezed it. Well, it was warm and felt really good. After squeezing, his frown relaxed. He originally thought that she had a cold and was still busy filming, so she was a little fooling around. Take your body seriously.

  But seeing that she was obviously very happy, she probably really enjoyed filming, so she didn't say anything: "That's good, go change quickly, go back first, and let your assistant clean up at the hotel."

  Wen Yu nodded vigorously: "Yeah! "

  After nodding hard, her head was a little shaken, and her body was shaking a little. Jiang Yunyan quickly held her shoulders and supported her: "Forget it, lead the way, where is the locker room?"

  Wen Yu pointed to a place.

  Jiang Yunyan helped her over and glanced at Director Zhang as he left: "The crew would like to ask Director Zhang to deal with it."

  Director Zhang nodded repeatedly, watched the two of them go away, and shook his head with a tangled look on his face.

  Forget it, he is a working man, why should he worry about this? !


  Yu changed back into her own clothes and asked Yu Yu to help remove her makeup. All she had to do was sit on the chair and wait.

  Yu Yu looked at the corners of his mouth that kept rising secretly, and joked: "Are you so happy?"

  Wen Yu was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

  "The corners of your mouth are grinning up to your ears." Yu Yu whispered.

  Wen Yu suddenly fell silent.

  Your eyelids twitched, are you sorry? But after looking at it, I felt that it didn't look like it. Forget it, I won't be unhappy because of this. Anyway, the boss has been very happy since he gave up on Jiang Yunjin.

  There were only two of them in the dressing room. They didn't speak and naturally became quiet.

  It also made Wen Yu more immersed in his thoughts.

  She thought about her previous life.

  Wen Yu rarely thinks about everything in her previous life, especially about her family.

  It's not because she lives too poor, it's just that she doesn't like it. She likes this life. No matter what time it is, she has family members who love her.

  Before the age of ten, he has his biological parents, and after the age of ten, he has his parents from the Jiang family.

  They all love her.

  There is a huge difference from my parents in my previous life.

  In her previous life, her family situation was actually pretty good. She wasn't rich yet, but she still had enough to eat and drink. However, her parents were divorced, and they divorced when she was in junior high school.

  The two had their own faults in their marriage. One had cheating and the other had domestic violence. The marriage lasted for five years. When they finally divorced, Wen Yu was actually relieved that she no longer had to face the always noisy home.

  But it was too early for her to worry. After the divorce, her parents no longer wanted her.

  They quickly formed a new family under the introduction of their relatives and friends, but she, being a drag, was resisted by both parties, and they even asked her to go to the other's house during the Chinese New Year.

  She was given enough living expenses, but Wen Yu felt uncomfortable, so she made troubles, skipped classes, didn't do her homework, indulged in surfing the Internet, and put on make-up, which made her parents scold her whenever they saw her.

  However, after separation, no one will think of her.

  When she was sick, she got through it by herself. She took the high school entrance exam and took the college entrance examination by herself. During the Chinese New Year, she cooked frozen dumplings at home alone for dinner.

  Even the university she chose was ignorant and random. With her poor grades, it was enough to find a school she could get into.

  In her sophomore year, Wen Yu suddenly realized that she couldn't go on like this, but it was already a little late. She went to a not-so-good university, but fortunately her ability was passable. After many interviews, she got into a decent university. A good design company, if you work diligently and hard, your life can be considered peaceful and stable.

  By the way, I also forgot the word family.

  Until this time.

  In fact, Mother Jiang was the most nervous when she was sick before, but at that time she was controlled by the plot, and her every move was like a puppet on strings. Now that she is out of control, looking back at what happened in the Jiang family, she always feels that there is a layer of separation. It's a bit like watching other people's lives.

  So now that she is sick, Jiang Yunyan came here specially for this, which has a different meaning to her.

  She is very happy.

  In this life, she finally had many people who loved her.


  he came out of the locker room, he was taken to the car by Jiang Yunyan, who had been waiting for him.

  She doesn't have to worry about the whole process of booking a flight, traveling, getting on the plane, and getting off the plane.

  After getting in the car, the medicine given by Yuan Tan seemed to have taken full effect, so much so that Wen Yu fell asleep all the way.

  When I woke up, the car just stopped.

  She opened her eyes in confusion, only to see the cold jawline of the man next to her. She blinked, and her slow brain asked: Why is this perspective?
  Before she could react, the car door had opened.

  The cold air outside rushed in. Wen Yu shivered and became more awake. He heard Jiang's mother's voice outside the car: "Xiaoyu is back. Hey, hurry up -"


  Jiang's mother exclaimed. , looking at the scene in the car, covering his face and peeking through his fingers.

  She just said that the relationship between the two children has improved!
  Look at this, they all slept on the boss.

  I don't have the nerve to look at it.

  Wen Yu: "?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "..."

  He slowly helped the person in his arms up and said, "You are sick, there is someone here to take care of you."

  This was the explanation for why he returned to his parents.

  Wen Yu was particularly cute at this time, her face was red. After hearing this, she felt that what he said made sense, so she nodded obediently: "Yeah."

  She then realized that she might have been leaning against Jiang Yunyan while sleeping, so she might as well just go directly to him in the end. She lay on his lap, but she vaguely remembered that when she fell asleep, she felt that the pillow was quite comfortable, and she rubbed it against it...

  and her face suddenly turned redder.

  Jiang Yunyan helped the person up and saw the little girl's increasingly rosy face. He immediately frowned and reached out to touch her forehead. It was still warm and he didn't know if it was getting worse.

  He looked at Jiang's mother outside the car and reminded: "Mom, Xiaoyu has a fever."

  Jiang's mother, who was still peeking at the two children, immediately changed her expression: "Hey, come in quickly."

  Jiang's mother stepped aside, and Jiang Yunyan After getting out of the car, he fished the person out with all his strength. The person in his arms was wearing a thick down jacket and looked like a ball, but he still held it easily.

  After entering the house, Wen Yu was not allowed to come down. Jiang's mother helped her change her shoes and said, "Send it directly to the room. If you say you want to come back, I'll turn on the air conditioner in advance."

  "Yeah." Jiang Yunyan nodded. Step up.

  He ran into the nanny Aunt Xia who had just come down from the second floor. She had not seen the two of them much since they got married. She was stunned when she saw this scene.

  Hey hey hey!
  When did these two kids have such a good relationship? !

  The look of shock made Wen Yu couldn't help but turn his head and bury his face in Jiang Yunyan's arms. He couldn't see me, couldn't see me!

  When she returned to the warm room and there were no outsiders, she felt she could breathe again. However, thinking of Aunt Xia's appearance just now, she felt ashamed and annoyed again, and said angrily: "Brother, it's just a normal fever, don't be so careful! I'm not a kid anymore!" I

  was so embarrassed.

  He's so old that he's still being carried in!

  Jiang Yunyan looked calm, and quickly took off her coat, covered her with a quilt, and said perfunctorily with a bit of seriousness, "Well, okay, go to sleep."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  What else can be done?
  As soon as Wen Yu closed her eyes, her brain that had been wandering all day seemed to have finally landed. In less than a minute, she was breathing heavily and fell asleep.

  A smile flashed in Jiang Yunyan's eyes.

  He looked at the little girl whose lips were slightly pursed and seemed a little angry. He moved his fingertips slightly, and finally obeyed his inner thoughts and reached out to poke her.   

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