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Chapter 39

  Barrage: [Pfft hahaha]

  [Why do I think Fu Chun's reaction is weird? ]

  [No, no, no, Wen Yu is really embarrassed to agree? ]

  [Thank you Fu Chun for recognizing my Xiaoyu's good looks! ]

  [I'm sorry, Xiaoyu's good looks mean he can fight! 】

  【Wen Yu is a bully, Fu Chun is so angry. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and from now on I will be a fan of Wen Yu.】

  At this time, Yuan Tan immediately stepped forward: "Come on, come on, I'm waiting for you. !"

  Wen Yu also took advantage of the situation and stood beside Yuan Tan.

  To her right was Su Lengyue. When she tilted her head, she saw Su Lengyue smiling at her: "You are so beautiful today."

  Wen Yu smiled seductively: "When am I not beautiful?"

  She smiled, because of her beauty The apparent distance immediately disappeared.
  Su Lengyue covered her lips and whispered: "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful every day."

  Wen Yu returned the favor and praised, "You are also very beautiful!"

  Su Lengyue's expression became softer, After being woken up by Jiang Yunjin at around six in the morning, she finished her task and went back to her room, where she saw the news on the Internet.

  She no longer doubted that Wen Yu liked Jiang Yunjin.

  The current attitude of these two people is similar to that of her younger siblings who often fight with each other. If they weren't a little older, they might be able to fight.

  But netizens didn't know.

  In addition, Wen Yu was being attacked by a group of people. Ordinary passers-by, or some of her fans, followed suit and insulted Wen Yu, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

  Therefore, he took the initiative to show his kindness.

  I hope those fans who don't listen will restrain themselves and stop being led around when they see how they get along.

  So she quietly approached Wen Yu: "We can form a team together when the time comes."

  Wen Yu: "Ah? Don't you follow your boyfriend?"

  Su Lengyue pursed her lips: "It's okay, he will follow us, one more "It doesn't matter if there are people.

  " Jiang Yunjin happened to hear clearly: "..."

  He is still here!
  Then Yuan Tan seemed to have heard it, and quickly pulled Wen Yu away: "No, I made an agreement with Xiaoyu. She is here to accompany me in this issue, and we can't be separated!"

  The barrage: [emmm? I never expected that the heartthrob would be Wen Yu? ]

  [Is there really a jade inside and outside the circle? Wen Yu had a terrible reputation in the fan circle, but as an artist, she was scrambled for.]

  [Help, I am so happy (Wen Yu, Su Lengyue) Is the cp real? ! ]

  [Someone just said to see if Su Lengyue and Wen Yu could say three sentences. Have you seen it now? This made me laugh so hard. Is it embarrassing? Under the guise of Su Lengyue, he blackmailed Wenyu, but was directly slapped in the face]

  [Can the things on the screen be taken seriously? It's probably because Su Lengyue sympathized with Wen Yu. Who didn't know that Wen Yu made Su Lengyue angry several times on the set]

  [Su Lengyue: Don't be shady, this is my baby! ]

  [Yuan Tan: Have you ever asked me? ]

  [Brother Jiang: I'm crying, my girlfriend is running away]

  [It's just a joke, who can offend Wen Yu, who has such a big backstage? You must know that Yueyue is also from Jiangshang Entertainment]

  [You don't really think that anyone would really like Wen Yu's personality, right? Men also like me. After all, she shows so much, and women are really afraid that she will steal her boyfriend]

  [That's right, I don't dare to play with this kind of person anyway. Thank you Yuan Tan for your hard work. I don't know what kind of resources were replaced to make it look like this. 】


  director team also noticed the fight between the two, and immediately said: "The next step is to carry out today's task. This is a famous tourist attraction, and the program team has also prepared a beautiful B&B for everyone. I have a rest tonight, but -"

  the director changed his words and said with a smile: "And there is a traitor among you group. In the next mission, if he completes the special mission, he will develop an accomplice. If in the end In the first level, if the traitor successfully hides and is in the top three points, he can get two super luxurious rooms, while others, due to lack of funds, can only sleep in tents. "   

  "Ah?!" Everyone was shocked: "How to discover two traitors?"

  The director said: "Play a game and use points to buy clues, but points are related to the final ranking, so you should make a careful decision." He added: "What if? If the traitor is found and their points are not among the top three, then the other six people will be eligible for six rooms, and the traitor will live in a tent."

  Everyone frowned and grimaced. Buying clues meant that their points would be reduced, and not buying would result in more points. They couldn't figure it out...

  The director was very satisfied with their headache and said: "Now we will start to select teammates according to the person who completed the task in the shortest time in the morning. The first place is Wen Yu."

  Wen Yu was not surprised, everyone else was more or less. Careful about saving face and not being too presumptuous, she completed the task with Jiang Yunjin, and it ended very quickly, so she directly chose Yuan Tan.

  "I knew you would choose me!" Yuan Tan ran over with a smile: "Good sisters, let's go together."

  Liang Heng wailed: "Wow, Xiaoyu, are you really not considering having a male teammate? What if there is a physical task? What to do?"

  Wen Yu said with a smile: "Then you accept your fate."

  The second one was Liang Heng. He looked around and could only choose Shen Xi, followed closely by Su Lengyue. In Jiang Yunjin's eyes, she still looked at her. chose him.

  The two got together, and the barrage became lively again.

  In the end, it was naturally Fu Chun and Xu Bin.

  The director explained the rules in detail again, emphasizing: "At the end of the first two rounds, there will be a card to change teammates. You don't need to use it, but once it is used, others cannot refuse it. In addition, points within the team are freely distributed, but a reminder Oh, be careful not to give all the points to the bad guys."

  The guests all understood, and the director took the loudspeaker and said: "So if you want to sleep well tonight, please work hard, start the task now, and the task clues will come to you. Look for it."

  There was no extra prompt, and everyone was confused and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

  The director also remained silent.

  Immediately afterwards, their photographers followed, and each group opened a separate small live broadcast room. Audiences in the four live broadcast rooms could choose their favorite live broadcast room to enter.

  At this time, after a brief hesitation, the four groups of guests also began to look for tasks to do first.

  Jiang Yunjin was about to flatter his girlfriend by asking her to do a task, so that he could show off his boyfriend power and make his girlfriend no longer alienate from him.

  As a result, as soon as I stretched out my hand, I missed something.

  When he turned back, he saw that Su Lengyue had already run to Wen Yu and Yuan Tan, and said excitedly: "Xiaoyu, Teacher Yuan, let's go together?"

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  He gritted his teeth and stared at the seducing woman. Wen Yu, whose friend destroyed the world between the two of him, is the reincarnation of Daji, right?

  Even his eldest brother was so fascinated by her that he disliked her just because they were on a show together.

  That's right.

  Seeing that Wen Yu was surprised by her appearance yesterday, Jiang Yunjin's mind, which had been in a relationship for three years, became active for a while. After thinking for a long time, she realized that Wen Yu probably didn't tell her eldest brother that she was participating in the show with him.

  The eldest brother must have misunderstood and became jealous.

  That's why she ignored his request, was so cold to him, and so displeased with him!
  Unexpectedly, even my girlfriend has been seduced now!
  Her hopes were dashed and was destroyed by Wen Yu again. Jiang Yunjin didn't even hide her glare.

  Just when Wen Yu was about to agree, she looked up and saw Jiang Yunjin like this, her eyes sparkling, and she immediately looked aggrieved and frightened. She fell into Su Lengyue's arms and said, "Isn't this bad? Will your boyfriend do this? Are you angry? Look at him staring at me... oh, how scary~~"

  Her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes were watery, and her makeup was even more beautiful today. With the blessing, her appearance was stunning.

  Su Lengyue couldn't bear it any longer. When she turned around, she saw Jiang Yunjin whose expression had not yet gone away. She frowned and scolded: "Why are you staring at her? I took the initiative!"

  Although Wen Yu was a bit fake, her words That's right.

  Logically speaking, Jiang Yunjin is still Wen Yu's brother. She doesn't care about her former love rival. Instead, he, a grown man, is in conflict with Wen Yu, a girl.

  The live broadcast is going on now, and every move is being watched by the audience. Wen Yu was hacked just yesterday, and it was still under her banner. With Jiang Yunjin doing this, what if she is targeted by hackers again?
  Are you really not afraid of being beaten by his big brother?
  Jiang Yunjin, who was accused: "..."

  Barrage: [Good, good green tea, good, I like it very much! ]

  [Hahaha, I'm going to die laughing. It turns out that the real love rivals are Wen Yu and Jiang Yunjin! ! ! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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