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 Chapter 35

  By the time Wen Yu came back from shopping, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

  The house is quiet and quiet.

  Jiang Yunyan didn't come back?

  Wen Yu was confused. Didn't he agree that he would get off work early today?
  She tentatively opened the door next door and took a look. Sure enough, it was empty inside. The bed was neatly made and the quilts were folded and placed. It made people wonder if he had been in the military. The housekeeping was so good.

  I guess something happened temporarily.

  How can it be too easy to be a boss?
  Wen Yu muttered and returned to his room.

  The winter in the north is too cold. The variety show "Let's Go" was recorded in the south. The first destination is the island. I don't have any specific details. I just said to remember to bring a swimsuit.

  Yuan Tan asked her to buy clothes together.

  In addition to recording a variety show, their arrangement also planned to spend two days at the beach. For this reason, Yuan Tan deliberately left three days free from the schedule to take some time off from the busy schedule.

  Wen Yu bought several sets of swimsuits of various styles. I have to say that it feels really good to buy things without looking at the price!

  Especially when it's not your own money you're spending.

  Wen Yu didn't watch TV that night because she was afraid that her biological clock would be messed up again and she would be in poor condition for recording the program.

  I just finished finishing "Becoming You" the next day, and by the way, I also watched the next two episodes. After watching it, I looked at the data and found that it had completely taken off, and the topic and popularity had increased.

  Sister Liu was so shocked that she called her and told her that many announcements had been sent.

  Although there are no heroines in S-level major productions, she is much better now than before when she had to take the initiative to find announcements. Even her number of Weibo followers has been rising. It was not bad on the first day, it only increased by a few thousand. Look I won't come out very much. I'll wait for more scenes on the second and third days. So far, I've gained more than one million followers!

  Fan support clubs, which had never existed before, were spontaneously established. A bunch of people checked in on her super chat, collected and recorded all kinds of information about her. The rainbow fart made her blush.

  She is not the protagonist yet.

  When it comes to roles, the male and female protagonists come first, followed by her and the relatives of the male and female protagonists, basically tied, but once so many people are divided, the roles become better.

  According to the function of the role, she is the second female, but in fact, there are a bunch of people who are ranked second among the male and second female.

  She has grown so much, not only because her character is interesting, but also because her face is really punchable.

  The male and female protagonists have completely taken off, from being barely recognized by anyone to now getting tens of thousands of comments on Weibo.

  Fortunately for the heroine, she was a third-tier actress before, and she originally had less than 10 million fans on Weibo. After the show was aired, in five days now, she has more than 13 million fans.

  There are also 300 to 4 million male protagonists.

  With such an increase, the show has not yet finished airing. It can be said that after the show has finished airing successfully, basically all the staff have soared.

  But this time, Wen Yu has tried her best to control the situations that may lead to the drama being withdrawn.

  Just wait for the drama to end to see how explosive it is.

  In fact, Wen Yu always felt that the data this time was much better than in the book. Maybe there was a different male protagonist? Better results?
  Anyway, even if she acted it herself, she still thought it looked pretty good.


  Yu still didn't see Jiang Yunyan on the second and third days.

  Until the fourth day, the Lantern Festival, everyone in the company had a holiday. Jiang Yunyan stayed at home. After having breakfast with Wen Yu, he returned to the Jiang family's parents.

  This time Su Lengyue also came.

  She didn't come during the Chinese New Year. Although the gifts were delivered, she probably felt it was a bit rude, so she came here specially for the Lantern Festival this time.

  However, it seemed that Su Lengyue had not completely forgiven Jiang Yunjin, and was no longer as gentle to him as before. Instead, she took the initiative to talk to Wen Yu.

  This was the second time the two met since they last met at Jiang's house, but they occasionally chatted on WeChat. After all, in the same circle, there were always some common topics, but they didn't talk much.

  Jiang's mother likes to watch the excitement, and seeing her second son suffer is more enjoyable than watching variety shows: "Xiao Su still listens to advice, men can't be used to it, many men are not good because they are used to it, and they will suffer in the future. "

  Su Lengyue smiled sheepishly. She had tried her best to restrain her attitude towards Jiang Yunjin, but it was still seen that she was originally a little afraid of Jiang's mother's displeasure, but she didn't expect her to be so open-minded.

  Wen Yu nodded in agreement: "You're right! Mother Jiang understands so well."

  "Isn't that right?" Mother Jiang smiled proudly, and after praising Su Lengyue, she praised Wen Yu again: "Xiaoyu, I watched your drama. , it's so beautiful, you're a good actor, and I heard you invested in it yourself, you have a really good sense!"

  Wen Yu was also very proud, and said with a guilty conscience, "Yes, I have a good eye for pearls."

  Of course, thanks to that book ! Spoilers!

  Thinking of this, she was a little grateful to Su Lengyue. Although this was a real world where people would feel pain, cry and laugh, the things written in the book also happened in real life. Sometimes she felt like Someone had given her the spoilers of life's script.

  After getting this opportunity, Wen Yu was also generous: "When the dividends from my investment arrive, I will buy gifts for you all. If you want anything, you can send it to me first. If you don't have it, you can buy whatever you want!"

  "That's a good relationship. "Mother Jiang was not polite. When her children wanted to give gifts, she accepted them generously: "Xiaoyu will just watch and buy. I like whatever you buy." When

  Su Lengyue was about to refuse, Jiang Yunjin said, "Don't be polite to her. Among the ten million, there is also my five million."

  Wen Yu said lazily: "That's not the case. The ten million I invested was given by my elder brother, and your five million was eaten by me!"

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  He looked at his eldest brother, who was sitting quietly aside, with an envious look: "Brother, me too..."

  The man slowly raised his eyes and said indifferently: "What's wrong with you too?"

  Jiang Yunjin trembled. After a moment, why do you feel that the way your elder brother looks at you is a little scary? He shook his head quickly and said obediently: "It's nothing, brother, are you in a bad mood?"

  "No." Jiang Yunyan said softly.

  At first glance, it seemed to be fine, but Jiang Yunjin felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

  Anyway, I feel that my elder brother doesn't like me.

  So he felt even worse.

  His girlfriend hasn't forgiven him yet, and his eldest brother is doing this again, which makes it worse.


  dinner that night, the four of them left separately.

  After a day's rest, Wen Yu and Yuan Tan set off together.

  Yuan Tan is a popular artist, and most of her schedule will be disclosed directly, so that fans can pick her up and support her, meet her by the way, and maintain her relationship with her fans amid her busy work schedule.

  Naturally, this time I went to record the show was no exception.

  There were fans waiting at the airport early.

  As soon as they arrived, they immediately shouted their support.

  Yuan Tan has long been used to it. After noticing that the fans were waiting, he took the initiative to slow down, follow them, and sign autographs.

  Wen Yu quickly pulled Yu Yu: "Let's run first and go to the waiting room."

  Yu Yu nodded and ran after him.

  Unexpectedly, after running for two steps, I found that someone was chasing me.   

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