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 Chapter 51

  Xu Ruoyan eagerly took out her cell phone to prove it, but when she opened it, she found that there were no chat records at all. Fu Chun had called her directly every time such a topic was discussed!
  She trusted Fu Chun and never thought about recording the conversation between the two. So now, when asked by Wen Yu, she found that she could not prove her innocence.

  And what Fu Chun did...

  She felt numb for a moment. How could Fu Chun dare? !

  Thinking of the phone call she made to herself the night she recorded the show a few days ago, Xu Ruoyan suddenly realized something, and her hands and feet felt cold for a moment.

  After all, she is not really a love-minded person who is full of love. She came here more unwillingly and wanted to give it a last try. However, at this moment, she clearly realized that her friend's hypocrisy and betrayal were the most uncomfortable things for her.

  She thought she was her true best friend. They met in the most difficult days and supported each other together. Later, Xu Ruoyan got up first. Which event was she not accompanied by Fu Chun?
  Later, Fu Chun returned to China to develop, and Xu Ruoyan also sincerely wished her well. Until last year, when the two met at the top, she was really proud of Fu Chun. Even though there were so many people scolding Fu Chun on the Internet, she always felt that netizens had misunderstood her. In her heart, Fu Chun has always been the girl who supported each other in her memory.

  Fu Chun was envious of her connections abroad, so Xu Ruoyan tried her best to help her introduce connections. She went abroad a few days ago for company matters, but she also specially set aside two days to treat the person in charge there to dinner, hoping to save some time. One audition spot.

  As a result, she was the one stabbing her in the back now!

  If it weren't for Fu Chun's persuasion, she would have given up!
  Where can this scene happen?
  Xu Ruoyan was so angry that she was shaking all over. She looked at Wen Yu and the man beside her who looked indifferent to her, and quickly calmed down.

  Not to mention other things, she offended Jiang Yunyan, and she herself did not suffer the consequences. Before, Jiang Yunyan helped her for the sake of her classmates, which made her development in the country go much smoother. Now I am afraid...

  Her face turned pale, and she immediately thought To save.

  Xu Ruoyan directly bent down and apologized: "I'm sorry, I will give you an explanation for this matter." Then she looked at Jiang Yunyan: "Mr. Jiang, please believe me, I really don't!"

  Jiang Yunyan frowned and said distantly: "I only care about the outcome of this matter." At the same time, he warned: "This is not the only thing you should apologize for."

  Xu Ruoyan came back to her senses and looked at the desktop with a photo still left. She suddenly realized that when she looked at Wen Yu again, There is no longer any resentment. No matter what she does, Jiang Yunyan likes this person so much that he doesn't care about anything and can treat this kind of photos calmly.

  She couldn't compare. Even if the two people really divorced one day, she might not have any chance at all.

  Xu Ruoyan put on an ugly smile and said hoarsely: "Ms. Wen, I'm sorry, I was also the one who offended me in this matter. There will be no next time. When I figure out all the reasons, I will come to apologize."

  After calming down, she I found that I was indeed impulsive.

  After waiting for more than ten years, the hope of a move failed, and I was already in a state of ups and downs. So when I saw a little hope, I couldn't wait to rush forward, regardless of whether it was true or false, regardless of the reason, it was all based on that emotion.

  Fu Chun was wrong, and so was she.

  After all, Xu Ruoyan is a self-made businessman. She has regained her rationality. For the sake of her career, she is also more humble and bends down again, even deeper than before.

  Wen Yu's face changed slightly and she quickly avoided it.

  If you do something wrong, you will be punished, but she doesn't like this method of apology, it feels weird.

  Jiang Yunyan also frowned, turned aside, and said, "There's no need to come to apologize. This matter ends here."

  His expression was cold, and Xu Ruoyan instantly understood his subtext. There was no need to come over again. He didn't want to see him again.

  Xu Ruoyan looked defeated, but nodded: "Okay, whatever Mr. Jiang wants to do, I will bear it. This is what I deserve, and the same goes for Miss Wen. Finally, I wish you two a happy marriage."

  After saying that, she turned around leave.

  As soon as he turned around, his face immediately became extremely cold, and he was filled with murderous intent, as if he was going to the battlefield.

  Wen Yu couldn't wait to catch up and take a look!

  Fu Chun was protected by his fans in the circle, and he acted like a monster in various ways, but nothing happened. Now he faces Xu Ruoyan, who knows what it will be like?
  However, since the two parties were not familiar with each other, we could only give up with regret.

  As soon as Jiang Yunyan lowered his eyes, he caught a glimpse of that little expression and his palms itched.



  A faint sigh sounded.

  The man paused, looked at the sad little girl in front of him, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and simply sat back on the chair, supporting his chin with his slender hand: "What's wrong?"

  Wen Yu's face was full of resentment: "Brother, this Xu I always like you, can you tell?"

  Jiang Yunyan's expression remained unchanged: "No, you got it wrong."

  Wen Yu: "?"

  It was her turn to choke, but the look on his face didn't look fake. , she was stunned: "You can't even see this? She worked hard to build a company for you without any scandals for so many years, just to be able to stand by your side one day! How infatuated."

  Jiang Yunyan remained calm: "Really? ? I didn't see it, she didn't say it, I don't know it's normal."

  Wen Yu:!
  Fake! Liar! Definitely know! Why not let her come to apologize? It's not a guilty conscience!
  Her eyes gradually turned bad and she became angry.

  Jiang Yunyan said softly: "But it must be what Xiaoyu said."

  With his cooperation, Wen Yu immediately praised Xizi's heart, and said in a resentful voice: "Huh! It's all because of your rotten peach blossoms, how many grievances I have suffered. ? I think back then, when I was caught and questioned and bullied by that Fu Chun, my heart was broken, and I didn't dare to call you to tell you that I was alone at night and my pillow was wet from crying..."

  She whispered as she spoke. Look at him.

  The man nodded seriously: "Xiaoyu has been wronged. Brother is wrong. Let me think of some compensation for you..."

  Wen Yu: "No, no, no, I'm just saying..."

  She quickly refused!
  She had already received too much, and there really wasn't much she wanted at the moment.

  When I did this, I just thought that if one day I couldn't hold it back and offended him, don't hit him!

  If Xu Ruoyan hadn't been here today, she might have actually kissed her.

  Wen Yu never expected that she would care so much about a man's body!

  From her mouth to her abs, if other parts of her body weren't too tightly covered, she might be able to miss more.

  Guilty sin.

  She is not Liu Xiahui in the first place, and the possibility of being unable to bear it is too high.

  Jiang Yunyan didn't listen, but shook his head: "Yes."

  He turned on the computer and said to Wen Yu: "Play with the little fish for a while, it will be ready soon."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Although he still wanted to refuse, but She was reluctant to give up. After struggling for two seconds, she sat back on the sofa and took out her mobile phone to play.

  Suddenly the phone vibrated one after another.

  Then a brief introduction to movies and TV series appeared on her mobile phone. Wen Yu looked over in surprise and saw Jiang Yunyan still staring at the screen, his thin lips moving slightly: "This is Xiangtian Entertainment, Yaxing Entertainment, Hengshan Pictures ...The apology gift they gave, see if there is any character you want."

  "Ah?" Wen Yu was even more confused.

  Jiang Yunyan patiently explained: "The day before you went on the show, there were several popular searches. They were behind it, and they were also part of the barrage in the live broadcast room." After a pause, he added: "By the way, there is another deal. The mental damage fee from several companies combined is about 12 million, and it is estimated that it will not be paid until tomorrow."

  Wen Yu fell silent.

  Getting rich... is it so easy? !
  Also, how could she continue to do this? !

  Yunyan is busy, and Wen Yu is also choosing a script.

  At this time, Xu Ruoyan had already walked out with murderous intent.

  Zhou Han looked away quickly and forgot to say hello. Was he driven crazy by his boss?

  Not really.

  Xu Ruoyan was not crazy, she was even sober. After getting in the car, she called Fu Chun: "Chunchun, I'm still a little undecided. I want to find you."

  Through the phone, Fu Chun's voice was very gentle: " Okay, I happen to be in Beijing, come on."

  Xu Ruoyan knew her home address, hung up the phone, and she went directly.   

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