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Chapter 27

  Wen Yu came back to her senses and became even more angry. She spoke in a small voice, her tone was fast and full of grievances and anger: "What do you know? Aren't you going out to socialize with a beautiful woman? You still feel guilty because of me. You socialize too much, and drinking hurts your health. I didn't expect you to become so callous after you came back from socializing with a beautiful woman! Why don't you stay away from me? Why are you bullying me, a patient, on purpose? "Why don't you give me enough to eat?"

  Jiang Yunyan frowned and quickly caught the point: "What about socializing with a beautiful woman?"

  Wen Yu quickly opened the link on her phone and threw it at him: "See for yourself. "Jiang Yunjin was beaten by Mother Jiang when she came back this morning. If I send this to Mother Jiang, brother, think about your fate!"

  She raised her chin, her little face looking a little prouder.

  She is now considered to be on the rise.

  He dared to challenge Jiang Yunyan.

  Of course, she could also guess that this matter was probably just a random guess by the paparazzi. Jiang Yunyan was not the kind of person who would cheat in marriage, even if their marriage was not normal.

  However, after having a fever and being confused, it feels quite good to take the opportunity to go crazy and stand up.

  But after seeing the link, the man's face darkened visibly, her mind began to return, and her little heart skipped a beat.

  What did she do!

  You actually yelled at your elder brother? !
  However, she felt that she was yelling, but to Jiang Yunyan, it was just a normal volume. The little girl was sick, and her throat was even more uncomfortable. Her voice was hoarse and not as clear and pleasant as before, but he did not find it unpleasant, let alone roaring.

  Is that what she said?
  Jiang Yunyan read it with a sullen face, then took out his cell phone and sent a message.

  After receiving Zhou Han's reply, he looked at the little girl who had just shown her teeth and claws and was still trying to be fierce but had actually retracted. He said seriously: "I'm sorry, I wasn't vigilant enough to let the paparazzi capture this." This photo."

  Wen Yu: "? "

  So easy to talk about?" Aren't you angry that she took the opportunity to rebel?

  Actually apologized to her? !

  Wen Yu clutched the quilt tightly, and all she could think about for a moment was - damn me for bullying such a good person.

  Because he was unhappy, he took the opportunity to take out his temper on someone who would seriously apologize for spreading rumors about the paparazzi!
  Jiang Yunyan continued: "I have told Zhou Han that he will handle it. These related news will not appear again. And the entertainment is not just with her alone. You have also seen the photos. There are nine people in total, and she is just one of them. One."

  At this point, he rubbed his temples with a headache.

  He has a relatively good memory and can remember people who have interacted with each other since childhood. Xu Ruoyan was an acquaintance of Xu Ruoyan, who was in the tennis club in his high school, and later I heard that he went abroad.

  Of course this was what those chatting about.

  The next meeting is tonight. Originally, he didn't have to go to this entertainment. He just thought that the two of them are classmates. It's not easy to start a business now, so he can give him a favor.

  This is not the first time that Jiang Yunyan has done this kind of thing. He has the ability. If someone he has known in the past encounters difficulties, he can help him. It is nothing to him. It is better to have a friend in the mall than an enemy.

  It just so happened that there was a partner we were socializing with this time, and we had always had a good relationship with him. He happened to have something to tell him, so he went.

  But I didn't expect this to happen.

  In fact, when he noticed Xu Ruoyan's attitude, he had already moved as far away as possible. This photo seemed to be taken very close, but in fact there were still two people standing between them!
  But it's not without its benefits.

  He looked at the person who seemed a little confused by his apology, and his tone was a little gentler: "Don't be angry, okay?"


  The man's voice was always low, Wen Yu's heart trembled, and he almost lost it Armor abandoned.

  Mother Jiang is really amazing for giving birth to two sons so beautiful!

  She can hardly handle her appearance.

  Wen Yu secretly pinched her fingers to wake herself up, then coughed lightly and said coldly: "No, your apology is not sincere!"

  Jiang Yunyan was not surprised and continued: "When you get better, I will make a typhoon shelter for you. Fried crabs?"

  Wen Yu:

  "There are also salt and pepper shrimps."

  "...Not enough!"

  Jiang Yunyan said, "What else do you want?"

  Wen Yu was helpless, how could she be so angry? ? ! She whispered: "Put on a facial mask."

  Jiang Yunyan: "? Facial mask?"

  Wen Yu touched the face that had been wiped with a wet wipe. In this dry heated room, her face was dry, and she immediately complained aggrievedly: "You gave me a mask?" After wiping my face, I didn't apply lotion. Now my face is tight. It's hard to make an appointment with a beautician during the New Year. If I become ugly, you will be a big sinner!"

  Jiang Yunyan was dumbfounded and stood up directly: "Where is the facial mask? "

  On the table," Wen Yu directed: "Before that, you have to wash your face, and the mask must be soaked in hot water, otherwise it will be too cold, and..."

  Jiang Yunyan followed the instructions one by one.

  Even though it was his first time to do this job, his movements were still not clumsy. After finishing his work in an orderly manner, he carefully put the mask on, and found that the little girl who had just been giving him instructions had her mouth closed now. , said nothing.

  He raised his eyebrows slightly and poked her cheek: "Why don't you say anything anymore?"

  Wen Yu said in a low voice: "I can't talk while I'm doing the facial mask. I'm sleepy. Wash it after fifteen minutes and apply lotion." After

  saying that, she seemed to feel that her attitude was a bit too arrogant. She glanced at the man in front of her in embarrassment, reached out and tugged on his sleeve, and whispered sweetly: "Thank you, brother! Brother is the best!" Close your eyes and look like you can fall asleep at any time.

  Jiang Yunyan: ...

  I feel perfunctory.


  Yu woke up the next day and still didn't see Jiang Yunyan.

  Really sleep late and wake up early.

  She even doubted whether this person had enough energy? !

  As her cold worsened, she was given another injection and kept on water for two hours. While playing on her phone, she discovered that the link Yuan Tan sent her had exploded.

  I couldn't find anything relevant online.

  It was the catwalk goddess who was found by her.

  Weibo has more than 20 million fans.

  He is a very powerful person.

  And this person posted on Weibo just this morning: [The person I thought would be waiting for me to find him, actually never stayed.]

  All the comments were full of fans who were feeling distressed. This is what he said at a glance. love.

  [Ah, the beautiful lady is lovelorn? Hug]

  [I seem to have seen a scandal about Yanyan yesterday, is this it? 】

  【What's that in front? Post the link]

  [It has been bombed and cannot be found. I don't remember the specific content]

  [Hey, I feel sorry for Yanyan. Don't be afraid. If you lose a tree, you still have a large forest! 】

  Wen Yu quietly quit after reading it.

  Obviously this is Jiang Yunyan's admirer.

  But it made no difference to her.

  This kind of thing mainly depends on the man.

  If Jiang Yunyan doesn't like it, it's useless for anyone to come, especially since he is married now, and he won't mess around easily.

  After watching Wen Yu, she put it down and concentrated on recovering from her illness.

  In the next two days, Jiang Yunyan would still come back in the evening. When Wen Yu no longer had a fever and his throat healed the next day, he didn't come back again.

  The large flat floor over there is a ten-minute drive from the company, which can save a lot of time.

  If you finish your work early, you can rest early.

  Father Jiang doesn't really come back at six o'clock every day. He usually doesn't get home until after nine o'clock. As expected, he is always hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

  She was the only one who believed it!

  Wen Yu was angry for a long time, and then Mother Jiang calmed her down with fried dried fish, and accompanied her to prepare some New Year's food.

  In this regard, Mother Jiang has always liked to do it herself, and the food she makes is more delicious than what is sold outside.

  Wen Yu felt that Jiang Yunyan's cooking skills were probably learned from Jiang's mother. Before Aunt Xia and others went on vacation, the two of them were busy stocking food like hamsters. Thanks to the Jiang family's large refrigerators, they could store them.

  Two days before the New Year, Aunt Xia and the others took a rest, and the Jiang family father and son finally took a rest. Jiang Yunjin came back to celebrate the New Year, but just in the past two days, relatives, friends, partners and others of the Jiang family began to come over to pay their respects in advance. Years ago, people were coming and going on the first floor, and Wen Yu didn't like to go down there.

  Occasionally, I would ask Wei Ningning and Yuan Tan to go out to play, and spend the rest of the time upstairs.

  The gifts he bought for Jiang Yunyan a few days ago were also delivered. In addition, Wen Yu also bought them for Jiang's parents. In order to avoid the obvious difference in treatment, he also bought a cufflink as a gift for Jiang Yunjin. However, Didn't give it out immediately.

  ——     On the eve of the New Year's Eve, Jiang Yunjin, who was unable to go to the New Year's Eve due to filming, also had New Year's Eve dinner at home. After the meal was lively, the Jiang family's parents also began to give out red envelopes.

  All three kids, every year.

  Even when I grow up and get married.

  They have money anyway.

  Every time, there is a thick stack of red envelopes, which is 10,000 yuan in cash, so that they can buy fireworks during the New Year, give some red envelopes to the children of neighbors and friends, etc., which is a sense of ritual during the New Year.

  In addition, after they become adults, a sum of money will be deposited into their accounts every year. Wen Yu doesn't know how much the brothers Jiang Yunyan and Jiang Yunjin have, but her own, the first amount she paid as an adult is 10 million. Her New Year's gift.

  After that, I would receive a transfer of 10 to 20 million every New Year, and there would also be gifts worth several million during other holidays.

  It's heartbreaking to say that so much money was used by her before she woke up to buy all kinds of luxury goods to decorate herself. Now a bunch of things are piled up in the warehouse. She has no interest in luxury goods now. She wanted to sell them, but she was afraid of being sold. People noticed it and thought something was wrong with Jiang... They kept holding it back.

  Wen Yu took it skillfully and shouted sweetly: "Thank you, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang!"

  Both Jiang's parents narrowed their eyes with smiles.

  Looking at the two sons again, the second one was doing better. He smiled and said thank you, while the eldest one thanked him seriously, as if he was being paid.

  Jiang Mu winked.

  Jiang Yunyan: "?"

  Jiang's mother was anxious and pointed at the red envelope in his hand, and then at Wen Yu. You idiot, don't you know how to hand over the money after you receive it? !
  Jiang Yunyan understood and handed the red envelope to the silly little girl next to him: "Here you go.

  " "Thank you, brother!" Wen Yu was even happier, and without being polite, she pinched two red envelopes and said, "Wait a minute, I have a gift too. "

  As she said that, she trotted upstairs.

  Jiang's mother looked at the cheerful back and sighed: "My daughter is still considerate. Why did I give birth to two sons in the first place?"

  Jiang Yunjin: "...Mom, have you forgotten the gift I gave you when I came back yesterday?"

  He But when I asked someone to bring skin care products for a lady from abroad, I had to ask the actress I was acting with!
  Mother Jiang's expression remained unchanged: "I'm talking about the Chinese New Year, do you understand this is a sense of ritual!"

  Jiang Yunjin: ...It's because he is redundant.

  Seeing his brother like this, Jiang Yunyan, who also gave gifts in advance, remained silent.

  Wen Yu, who was holding three boxes, quickly handed over everyone's gifts. Father Jiang and Mother Jiang both had a big box, which contained leather shoes and scarves, all for couples. The two of them immediately took them out and tried them on. All very happy.

  Jiang Yunyan had a little more, and he had a whole body. If he hadn't had a watch that cost millions, Wen Yu couldn't afford it, so he planned to cover it all.

  When he handed it over, Wen Yu secretly glanced at it.

  When she saw him rubbing her head and saying, "Thank you, Xiaoyu," she also showed a bright smile.

  The moment the young couple looked at each other, Jiang's mother squeezed Jiang's father's arm and wanted to scream, "Oh, these two children are showing off their affection in front of them, it's too much!"

  If they had a kiss, Jiang's mother felt that she could forgive them.

  But Wen Yu didn't notice Jiang Mu's look. She turned around and handed the last small, palm-sized box to Jiang Yunjin: "This is yours."

  Jiang Yunjin: "?"

  "I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and you just give me this?!"

  Wen Yu said angrily: "What else? I have no money!"

  Jiang Yunjin felt sour. It was not that she was jealous of Wen Yu's different treatment, but that he clearly had a girlfriend, but was forced to be alone. At this moment, he could only watch this The two showed their affection, but felt angry in their hearts, but Wen Yu could still treat them differently, and even confidently said that she had no money!

  He pointed at Jiang Yunyan: "No money? What's going on with him?! So many?"

  You know, the gift he bought for his mother also included Wen Yu!
  Wen Yu suddenly looked at Mother Jiang with tears in her eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Mother Jiang, look at him! He actually blames me for having too few gifts! I only filmed two female leads in the 18th-tier entertainment industry, how can I get the money to give him It's all my fault for buying so many gifts. Next time I will save money and buy gifts for my brother. After all, I am the sister-in-law and I can't treat my brother badly..."

  Jiang Yunjin:!

  Auntie, didn't he just say a few words?
  However, it was already too late. Jiang's mother glared over: "Second brother, what's going on? The boss and Xiaoyu are husband and wife, so of course they are different. You actually have the nerve to ask your girlfriend to give it to you!"

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  Jiang's mother felt that the blow was not enough and sneered: "Oh, I'm angry. I haven't spent the Chinese New Year with you. How can I get a gift? I'm sorry."

  Jiang Yunjin: "..."

  He was stabbed so hard that his heart felt numb. , looked away in despair, and saw the elder brother frowning slightly, looking at him coldly.

  My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

  Jiang Yunyan looked calm: "Mom is right, I haven't dealt with you yet for the trouble you caused last time. Get up, change clothes and go to the practice room."

  Jiang Yunjin: "...Brother, I was wrong!"

  Jiang Yunyan had already stood up: " I went to put the gifts away, but I didn't see you when I came down. The extra training time was doubled."

  Jiang Yunjin was completely frightened, and stood up crying. Passing by Wen Yu, she saw her looking at him proudly, and she was even more angry.

  The eldest brother is definitely seeking revenge!
  What to say because he did something wrong.

  He doesn't believe it!
  It must be because of what happened last time, he still holds a grudge!

  Yu watched a play, laughed and fell into Jiang's mother's arms. She grabbed her and kneaded her for a while: "Are you satisfied?"

  Wen Yu covered her face with guilt.

  Satisfied, satisfied.

  Although she was controlled by the plot and did a lot of stupid things towards Jiang Yunjin, but now that she is out of control, she really dislikes Jiang Yunjin.

  It's not that I hate him, I just think why he is liked by so many girls!
  Just want to torment him.

  Mother Jiang is so old, how can she not see her little thoughts?
  She's willing to go along with it if it's not too much. Boys are rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so it doesn't matter.

  And it's time for Jiang Yunjin to teach him a lesson. If the skin wasn't loose, how could this incident have happened?

  After the laughter, Wen Yu took out her mobile phone. There were already many New Year greeting messages on her mobile phone. She replied to them one by one and sent red envelopes to several directors she had invested in, asking them to continue working hard in the new year and strive for an early start. Make her wallet bulge!

  After sending it, Lu Yuzu sent a message: [Teacher Wen, our drama has been scheduled! Updated at 8pm on the tenth day of the lunar month! I posted a full version of the trailer this morning, and the feedback was very good! ]

  Wen Yu became even happier and sent him another separate red envelope: [Very good, keep it up]

  The new year is indeed full of good news.

  When she saw Jiang Yunjin limping out of the practice room with a grin on his face, Wen Yu became even happier and happily took Jiang's mother to buy fireworks.

  Mother Jiang was too lazy to get them, so she simply called Father Jiang and his two sons. The whole family joined in and bought a bunch of fireworks and set them off in the back garden for a long time.

  The Jiang family has a rule of keeping vigil, so after having enough fun, the whole family sat in the living room and watched the Spring Festival Gala. Although the Spring Festival Gala was boring, Wen Yu felt sleepy from watching it, so she leaned on Jiang Yunyan's shoulder and fell asleep.

  I don't remember when I went back to the room.

  And early the next morning, the group was going to pay homage to Jiang's grandparents and Wen Yu's parents.

  Her parents in this life are very different from those in the previous life. Wen Yu, who had just time-traveled, thought that she was an ordinary time-travelling. She had memories of the previous life. She did not have a good impression of the word parents, and she did not like to laugh. She was not a Lively child.

  But her parents still love her, especially her mother, who is a warm little sun who can't sleep without kissing her more than ten times a day.

  Slowly, she was infected, gradually accepted them, and began to laugh and make trouble.

  Her mother was playful and loved to eat. When Wen Yu was two years old and could eat a lot of food, she began to secretly take Wen Yu around to look for delicious food. Every time the mother and daughter came back to eat secretly, they would eliminate all evidence of crime, but Wen Yu would be betrayed every time. Dad found out and criticized them, but they refused to change despite repeated admonitions.

  Later... Wen Yu's memory of his previous life disappeared, and he became more like an ordinary child.

  It's a pity that there was no time to rescue them.

  Wen Yu kowtowed seriously and stood there looking at the tombstone for a while before pulling Jiang Yunyan away.

  There was nothing much going on in the afternoon of the first grade of junior high school. Everyone stayed at home to rest. From the second grade of junior high school, it became busy again. There were more relatives and friends paying New Year greetings. Jiang Yunjin just ran away, probably while the crew was not working. Kowtow to Su Lengyue and admit his mistake.

  This resulted in Jiang Yunyan having to deal with all his relatives alone.

  Wen Yu was extremely sympathetic, and after saying hello, he hid in the room and refused to leave.

  Jiang's mother would not let anyone come up to disturb her. She had a great time until the fifth day of the lunar month, the day when work started.

  Lu Yuzu suddenly sent a message: [Teacher Wen, what should I do! The platform doesn't give recommendations, but they dropped an S-level star drama, and all the recommendations were given to this drama! ]

  [I may have to live up to your expectations. I fought with the person in charge there for a long time and only got a small recommendation...]

  In addition to his news, other people in the circle probably also know about it. Yuan Tan and others have given it to her. Send a message: [Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I've watched the trailer for your drama. It's really good and the cost is low. It's easy to make back the money. When the drama is aired, I will also promote it for you]

  [Hello! Sister, I'll send you a Weibo post to promote your drama, don't cry secretly]

  [Don't worry too much, dramas that are popular may not necessarily be good. We are small-budget and not on the same track]

  I guess everyone knows s A top-notch script compared to a small-budget online drama like hers would overshadow the online drama, for fear that she would be sad.

  Wen Yu: ...don't tell me, I'm quite touched.

  (End of chapter)

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