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Chapter 73

  After estimating the time, Jiang Yunyan made a call.

  Wen Yu had just finished taking a shower and was blow-drying her hair. She clicked to pick up the phone and leaned her phone against the bedside table: "I'll blow-dry my hair first."

  "Okay." The man over there said, also putting his phone away. , just facing half of his face, the camera swept across, he was wearing glasses and looking at the screen again and busy.

  When the sound of the hair dryer stopped, he stopped what he was doing and looked over.

  Just as the phone was picked up, Wen Yu appeared in front of the camera with her hair blow-dried. Her face, which had been smiling just a moment ago, instantly faded away when the camera looked up at her. She looked at the person opposite with her big eyes, full of resentment and grievance.

  A smile flashed in the eyes of the person being watched, and he said seriously: "Xiao Qiyan said you were hiding and crying secretly, but it seems that you were really crying."

  "Hey!" Wen Yu fell on the bed, as if he had been hit: " No, I cried so hard, my tears flowed down my face - "

  Jiang Yunyan has learned to answer quickly: "That's a lot, I should still be able to take a bath."


  She's done. For a moment, he immediately glared fiercely.

  However, there was no makeup on her face. Her cheeks were rosy and white, and she did not look fierce. She only looked a bit coquettish and arrogant: "Jiang Yunyan!" This

  was the first time that this name was spoken by Wen Yu in front of the person in front of him.

  After saying that, her eyes wandered uneasily. She had the illusion of offending her elders for some reason?
  On the opposite side of the video, the man's eyes moved slightly, and he was a little surprised, but he still asked: "Are you really jealous?"

  Wen Yu didn't say anything, just stared at him.

  Jiang Yunyan picked up the phone, leaned back slightly, and thought: "How about I come over tonight and explain it in person?"

  Wen Yu: "!"

  She quickly refused, and even more sadly: "You will only use this trick to make me Surrender!"

  This move?

  After a moment of confusion, Jiang Yunyan understood, and a trace of discomfort flashed in his eyes: "...I didn't."

  But this rebuttal voice was particularly lacking in confidence.

  Wen Yu immediately became angry: "You have it, you have it! I come here every time. Don't you know how worried I am that it's not safe for you to fly back and forth every day? I'm so worried that I can't sleep. Are you thinking this time too?" It makes me feel sorry for you, so I won't pursue it!"

  This little mouth is particularly powerful.

  Just talk a lot.

  Jiang Yunyan was dumbfounded, so that was what he meant. He said: "Okay, I won't come over tonight."

  Wen Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and pursued the victory: "As for the rumor, do you know what others will think of me if you cause this? ? They must be laughing at me behind my back, oh, I'm so sad, I feel sad just thinking about it..."

  She frowned, her eyes were watery, and it was touching, as if she could agree to her request.

  The man who was already familiar with Wen Yu's routines was a little helpless at this moment, but he was happy to cooperate: "Well, I was wrong. It was wrong of me to make Xiaoyu sad. Can you tell me how to apologize?"

  When mentioning this, Wen Yu became energetic. He sat up a little, held his face and looked at the camera in front of him, his delicate voice was a bit eager: "I want to see the abdominal muscles!"

  "...Xiaoyu." His voice suddenly became low, and his throat was slightly tight: "I still want to see the abdominal muscles!" In the office."

  To be honest, Wen Yu wanted to say, how about the office?
  But considering the other party's acceptance, she slightly changed her request: "Well...then you go home quickly!"

  The man opposite her breathed heavily and didn't speak for a while, but frowned slightly with some disapproval.

  Wen Yu immediately wiped her tears and cried: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu""Brother, I knew you didn't agree. I've been hurt so much, and you didn't even let me see your abdominal muscles! Ugh..."

  The man closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he whispered: "Okay, let's go back now."

  Wen Yu's ears tingled, she bit her lip and remained silent.

  Jiang Yunyan over there had also quickly turned off his computer and left the office with his cell phone.

  Zhou Han was a little surprised when he suddenly had to go back. Isn't the landlady not at home?
  But the leader is leaving, and he will definitely leave in a hurry.


  place where Jiang Yunyan lives is actually very close. There will be no traffic jams on the road this night. In ten minutes, he has already returned home.

  At this time, Wen Yu had been watching TV on a tablet for a while.

  When she heard the door open, she immediately looked over with bright eyes: "Brother~~~"

  The call was full of expectation.

  On the other side of the video, the man's breathing was stagnant, and his steps were not so natural for a while. Fortunately, the camera couldn't see it. His hand holding the phone tightened slightly. He wanted to sit on the sofa, but after hesitating for a moment, he went straight to the room. , coughed slightly: "Really want to see it?"

  "Yeah!" Wen Yu nodded enthusiastically: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

  If you don't watch now, when will you wait?

  Even at home, no matter how hot Jiang Yunyan was, she had never been shirtless. If she was in bed, if she looked at and touched her a little more, the situation might be bad. Wen Yu, who didn't want to trouble herself, could only endure it.

  Now that we are so far apart...

  after one night, no matter how strong the anger is, it has dissipated.

  Wen Yu held her little face in her hands and felt completely proud.

  That's it – when you get rich in the future, you must buy a mobile phone that can transmit hand feeling! The man

  on the other side of the room
  sighed silently, and finally followed the little girl's strong request and turned the camera to his abdomen, holding a mobile phone in one hand, and the other long, slender and well-jointed hand appeared in front of the camera, with a ray of silver light shining. Then, the buttons of the white shirt were unbuttoned...

  Wen Yu: "!!!"

  The high-definition lens is particularly useful at this time. The man usually exercises all the time. It can be said that the wind and rain never stop, but he does not exercise excessively, so he It can be said that a person's body is more oily and thinner.

  The abdominal muscles are just right and have clear lines. The waist is thin but not slender. The abdominal muscles are connected to the mermaid line and are blocked by the belt.

  Wen Yu was satisfied, but not completely satisfied, and coughed lightly: "Brother, why don't you move down further?"

  At this time, the man looked at the unnaturally bulging lump and fell completely silent.

  He was usually very restrained, but when he met Wen Yu, his rationality seemed to disappear, leaving only the most straightforward emotions.

  He missed her.

  "Brother?" Wen Yu thought he didn't want to, so he called again.


  A low voice asked, revealing a bit of depression.

  However, across the network cable, Wen Yu didn't notice it. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Honey, let's go down a little bit~"

  The man's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and the phone he held in his hand tightened, and his fingertips Turning red, he said in a deep voice, "Xiaoyu, I'll come over tomorrow."

  Wen Yu said, "Huh?"

  Only this time, before she could refuse, the man hurriedly comforted her and hung up the phone.

  Wen Yu was left: "..."

  Feeling a little panicked.

  It's not time yet!

  She didn't want to be tired three days a week...


  Being carried away with one's joy, causing extreme joy and sorrow, this was probably Wen Yu who was talking about it.

  I couldn't help teasing Jiang Yunyan, but he suffered a disaster.

  Let Wen Yu say, well...

  she will dare next time.

  But next time I will definitely restrain myself and try my best to stay on the line of his sanity!

  However, I didn't expect that the end of joy and sorrow was not over yet.

  When Wen Yu was filming a fight scene in which the heroine jumps off a cliff, the stone under her feet suddenly rolled and she fell earlier than planned. Even though she was hanging by pressure, her body was forced to panic in the air and brushed against the rough ground. The tree trunk, the thin clothes happened to be torn open because of the "injury" scene, and the elbow was exposed, and he suddenly grinned in pain.

  It is common to get injured during filming, but this time, the scene was suddenly in panic.

  This was an outdoor scene. Wen Yu didn't like cutting out pictures, and the rest of the crew didn't like cutting out pictures either. That's when they unanimously decided to actually do it in the wild, but they didn't expect that Wen Yu would be the first one to be injured.

  Seeing that the producer's face turned pale, Wen Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the pain, and said: "It's okay, don't worry, you can continue."

  This scene has been set up, and the extras are in place. It can't be because of her One person, push it back, right?

  What's more, it's not too late to move.

  Yu Yu brought the medical staff over to give her emergency treatment. Except for the slightly serious scratch on her arm, there was nothing serious elsewhere.

  Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and applied the medicine. The pain passed, and she stood up: "It's okay, let's continue."

  Producer Liu hesitated: "Why don't you take a rest?"

  "No." Wen Yu shook his head: " Let's start over."

  Seeing her forcefully, Producer Liu felt relieved for a moment, but he was afraid that if she was really injured, everyone in his group would be ruined.

  Fortunately, the rest of the filming went smoothly and this big plot was over.

  It was past eight o'clock when the filming was finished. The director and producer looked at the arrangements and took the initiative to let her rest for a day. It was summer now, and the filming was all in the wild. The little girl was young and loved to be beautiful. If it got serious and left scars, she wouldn't do it. alright.

  Wen Yu readily accepted the proposal. Although they started filming half a month late, the entire crew was now cooperating efficiently and the filming progress was so fast that a day off was nothing.

  She changed her clothes, reapplied the medicine, bandaged the wound, and went back with Yu.

  As soon as he got in the car, Yu Yu suddenly whispered: "Boss, your relationship is on the hot search again."

  "What did you say?" Wen Yu looked puzzled: "Were you photographed?"

  Yu Yu couldn't say anything and handed over the phone.

  Wen Yu looked at it and fell silent.

  Are these people fighting with Ye Xiangtian?

  I saw the middle section of the hot search - [Wen Yu's Love Affair].

  The cause was last night's banquet. Ye Xiangtian said a few words to her and was photographed and posted online. Everyone remembered the previous message again. I think the cooperation between Jiang Shang and Xiang Tian, ​​two major entertainment companies, is probably due to a 'marriage'.

  Therefore, the sworn enemies who were once unable to deal with each other can now help each other.

  Otherwise, what other reason could there be?
  Of course, at the beginning, this was just a marketing account or other netizens discussing about eating melons.

  As long as it is not a malicious rumor, no one will pay attention to this kind of thing.

  Ye Xiangtian is not a star, and his popularity is not that great. Although Wen Yu has been in hit dramas recently, they don't have as many scenes as "Becoming You", and his popularity is not high, and he has not been on the hot search.

  But Ye Xiangtian is also well-known, good-looking, and has a few fans. Wen Yu's fans are now very lively, and she quickly denies and refutes.

  So netizens immediately became interested and began to explore, mainly because of the sudden cooperation between Jiang Shang and Xiang Tian, ​​and it was not for investment, but it was the first time that Jiang Shang gave a big screenwriter free of charge to help.


  course, Wen Yu also specifically emphasized to her fans in previous meetings that her boyfriend was not Ye Xiangtian. For this reason, her fans came out to refute the rumors.

  Some fans even took out a picture of Wen Yu hugging Jiang Yunyan after going out to prove it.

  But in the photo, the man was raising his hand to caress her head. The shirt cufflinks exposed were exactly the same as the ones Ye Xiangtian had worn before!
  Although there seems to be some difference in the height of the two people, neither of them took a picture of their faces. Who can guarantee that it is not a p-picture?

  Unless stronger evidence is produced.

  However, fans couldn't tell, but they firmly believed that the two were not a couple and were arguing, so it became a hot search. However, because the popularity was not very high, it did not reach the first place, and was only in the middle.

  If Xiao Xiao hadn't been accustomed to searching for news about Wen Yu, he wouldn't have seen it.

  Yu Yu frowned: "What should we do? Why don't we make it public?"

  "You have already told Mr. Jiang's existence, so it doesn't matter if it is made public."

  Wen Yu nodded: "It is planned to be made public!"

  Originally, he did not want to involve Jiang Yunyan, but he usually She was very low-key, and there was no reason for her to be overexposed, but now she didn't want to, so that Jiang Yunyan was forced to hide.

  Yu Yu's eyes lit up: "Okay, are there any photos of Mr. Jiang and you?"

  Wen Yu: "...No."

  Yu Yu: "... Wedding ring photos? Or holding hands?"

  Wen Yu: "No."

  Yu Yu: "..."

  She didn't say anything, just stared at Wen Yu.

  Wen Yu covered her face in shame.

  Things like wedding rings were tacitly forgotten in front of the two of them at that time. Where would they bring them? !
  She even forgot where she put it!

  Wen Yu suddenly remembered that when he was looking at his abs last night, he seemed to see a silver thing on Jiang Yunyan's hand?
  He couldn't have bought a ring by himself, right?
  It can only be two people's wedding rings.

  Wen Yu remembered that when she bought the wedding ring, she was absent-minded and asked Jiang Yunyan to choose it, and finally chose a low-key silver one.

  And didn't he say he would come over tonight?

  Just take a photo when the time comes.   

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