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Chapter 28:

  In addition to those friends in the industry who came to comfort them, two girls who had invested together before also sent messages to ask.

  I guess I've been paying attention.

  Although one million is not much, it is still a lot. If there is no sound at all, they will still feel sad.

  Wen Yu replied one by one, with a calm tone, reassuring them that she didn't care about this, and it was anyone's guess who would win anyway.

  But after replying, she still searched for relevant news.

  "Accidentally I Became You" is a small web drama that is not a star drama, but it also signed a sharing contract with Orange Video. It is mainly sold directly and cannot be sold at a high price.

  The platform also does not want to take unnecessary risks.

  Therefore, there will not be much publicity provided by the platform.

  If there are other strong dramas about to be broadcast, the focus will naturally shift to that.

  Wen Yu didn't even search. She just clicked on Orange Video and saw the homepage trailer - the large-scale costume love idol drama "Jiang Nanchun" will be scheduled on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, every Sunday to Thursday at 8pm...

  Promotional poster On the show, the leading actors are all very beautiful and eye-catching, and the leading actors are all popular and handsome men and beauties. They are all worth it just for their looks, not to mention that it is adapted from a very popular IP.

  It turned out to be this.

  Wen Yu probably knew what was going on.

  At this time, her chat message was probably captured by some software, and a message was pushed: [Spring hot drama broadcast, Fu Chun and Xu Bin join hands, "Jiang Nanchun" S-level ancient puppets, attracting everyone's attention, other dramas may become cannon fodder... ...]

  I clicked on it and saw that it was a Weibo post from a marketing account. It was talking about the ancient puppet drama Jiang Nanchun, which was scheduled very hastily yesterday. Now the promotion momentum is particularly strong. Both the male and female protagonists have been photographed in two scandals. The fake and real gimmicks made this show 10% more attractive.

  Therefore, after a certain period of time, after the promotion started, related topics were almost everywhere.

  As a result, several dramas scheduled for the same period were not very popular.

  Naturally, this also includes "Accidentally Becoming You", which Wen Yu had promoted so hard before.

  Therefore, the blogger reasonably guessed that, not surprisingly, this drama will be the screen-dominating production in the back-to-school season, and other dramas will become cannon fodder.

  After reading it, Wen Yu just thought: Bad luck!

  Who did this? Why are you dragging other dramas?
  If she didn't know the quality of this show and its future, she would really be worried.

  It collided with "Jiang Nanchun", and there was also a mention in the book, mainly because of this drama, which was quite... ruthless.

  The investment is not small, but the production is of poor quality. It is adapted from an old script and has a deep sadomasochistic relationship. It looks good at first glance, but various sadomasochistic dolls have been filmed too many times over the years. Without something new, it will not be attractive. Interesting.

  It just so happens that the screenwriter of this drama is very good at stripping away the essence and leaving the dregs. The original author was scolded, and those who watched the TV series had a question mark. The actors' acting skills were not fully developed, and there was a lot of scolding.

  Of course it's the plot of the book.

  Now that Wen Yu is freed from the control of the plot and has a different life relying on her past life memories, she doesn't know whether it will change, but she feels that the drama she invested in is fine.

  Wen Yu opened Director Lu's dialog box and told him: "Don't worry about anything else, just do what you can, and leave the rest to God."

  The investor was so easy to talk to, and Lu Yuzu was moved to tears.

  Looking at the person in charge of the platform who no longer answered his call, he smiled bitterly.

  Ever since he knew that the platform was going to parachute a popular ancient puppet show, he started to panic. When he applied for publicity, the person in charge of him said directly: "I can't stand Xiao Lu. The platform has high hopes for Jiang Nanchun. I spent so much money to buy it, so there is currently no place in the recommendation.]

  Lu Yuzu was furious at the time: [How is it possible that there is no place at all? Is Jiang Nanchun so domineering? ]

  Probably hearing his irritability, the other party hesitated for a moment and then relented: [There is a current partner who recommends a seat. Can I give this to you? ]

  Lu Yuzu's eyelids twitched, and he didn't know that this was just perfunctory.

  In the video app, there are categories such as variety shows, movies, and TV series. After clicking on the TV series, there will usually be a more detailed classification, such as modern dolls, ancient dolls, fairy dolls, etc.

  But almost no one pays attention to this classification because it is very low-level.

  But no matter what he said, he just wouldn't let go: [It's not that I won't help you, we have known each other for several years, but you are a small web drama, how can you compare it with other people's big productions? The platform also wants to make money]

  [Don't worry, after your drama is finished, I promise to apply for a homepage recommendation with you for one day, how about it? ]

  Lu Yuzu was so frustrated that he even wanted to withdraw.

  But at present, the dates for publicity and investment have been set, and the audience's expectations have been raised. If it is suddenly withdrawn, the small network drama cannot afford to hurt it. In the end, it can only bite the bullet and compromise, holding on to the possibility of being scolded to death. I told the sponsor's mother about sex.

  As a result, Wen Yu reacted like this?

  Lu Yuzu is not a director who is filming for the first time. Although the previous ones have been spread on a small scale, he also knows the investors, even if they invest 500,000, they are eager to repay him with 5 million steadily.

  How can there be such an investor who comforts him when he encounters a strong enemy? !
  He was so moved that he burst into tears. Just when he was thinking about how to reply, the producer sent a message, which made his eyes light up a little. He was busy typing:
  [Teacher Wen, don't worry, I know. The producer just said that we have some left after filming. More than 500,000 yuan, wait until the launch day, buy a hot search! 】

  Although the investor said he didn't care, he himself had devoted all his efforts to this drama, so how could he ignore it, so he thought of buying it on Hot Search.

  Wen Yu was surprised: [There are still more than 500,000? ]

  Lu Yuzu: [Yes, during post-production, someone came over and asked for investment. She said it was introduced by you, Teacher Wen, so I signed the contract directly. She invested three million. Together, our total investment is twenty million. If not, I would still have a headache on how to save production costs] Did

  she introduce it?

  Wen Yu was confused, so she told Wei Ningning and the others.

  Could it be Zhao Qingyuan?

  But she remembered that the book said that Zhao Qingyuan's family favored boys over girls. Her parents wanted her to climb high so that she could help her younger brother in the future. They didn't give much pocket money on weekdays. It was impossible to get three million in one breath, right?

  Forget it, it has nothing to do with her anyway. Three million cannot completely increase the investment cost, and it won't affect anything.

  Wen Yu couldn't figure it out and gave up.


  the new year, Father Jiang and Jiang Yunyan became busy.

  Jiang's mother felt sorry for her son who spent fifty minutes on the road every day, so she decisively drove the two of them back to their small home.

  Even when I left, I gave them a bunch of various foods.

  "Boss is busy, so he may not be able to come back in time to cook. Don't always order takeout. These can be eaten as soon as they are heated up. If you don't want to move, just ask the driver to take you back to eat." Jiang's mother was quite reluctant. Every time like this, I want to move and move in with my children!

  But she couldn't bear to part with the home she had lived in for decades.

  Besides, she still has to leave personal space for her two children, so that her grandchildren can hope to appear!

  I can only reluctantly send them away.

  Wen Yu got an advantage and was very well-behaved: "Don't worry, Mother Jiang, I won't starve myself."

  Mother Jiang smiled, rubbed her little face, and looked at her eldest son who stood aside as if on guard, her tone was not so gentle. "Okay, let's go, let's go, I'll be quiet now."

  Jiang Yunyan nodded slightly: "Mom, let's go first, call if you need anything."

  "I know."

  When Wen Yu got in the car, Jiang Yunyan also got in. .

  The driver quickly drove away from the Jiang family.

  Wen Yu couldn't help but look through the rearview mirror. In fact, the distance between the Jiang family and Jiang Yunyan was only half an hour, but Jiang's mother acted as if they were going abroad, standing there reluctant to go back first.

  She was also a little reluctant to let go. After awakening, it was the first time she spent so much time with Mother Jiang, and she was actually quite comfortable.

  Unlike the wealthy wives with strict rules in the novel, Jiang's mother is very casual. She doesn't care what Wen Yu does, unless it harms her health. She usually watches TV series and variety shows, and is very open-minded.

  I am so lucky to be a family with her.

  The man next to him suddenly said: "If you can't bear it, you can just stay here."

  Wen Yu shook his head: "Forget it, you are quite tired running around like this."

  Father Jiang didn't work as hard as Jiang Yunyan, and at nine o'clock You can basically get home, but Jiang Yunyan is different. Including the time spent on the road, you can usually get home at ten or eleven o'clock.

  If she lived here, he would be too tired.

  She said it naturally, but the man next to her was slightly startled. His indifferent expression softened a bit, and he raised his hand to rub her head. He didn't intend to say anything at first, but decided to ask: "Xiaoyu."   

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