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Chapter 11

  Wen Yu waited for noon the next day and clicked to check the recommendations in the comment area. Although there were a lot of scoldings, there were also some people who really recommended it and even succeeded in misrepresenting many buildings.

  She chose one of the products that many people praised and was very authentic, sent the other party a red envelope of 500 yuan, and immediately placed the order.

  After buying the eye protection device, I realized that I had been on the hot search list again for 'blocking' Cheng Xuan. Good guy, is she so powerful?

  Seeing the heat, she felt that enough was enough, and if it continued, it would be too much.

  She sent a message to her agent, Sister Liu, and then notified the crew. Lu Yuzu quickly sent out the makeup photos of the actors.

  However, the show "Accidentally Turned You" doesn't have many fans, and almost no one watches it.

  Wen Yu directly clicked to repost, and then edited Weibo: [First of all, as an investor, I am qualified to replace the protagonist who is unsatisfactory, such as one with a dark character; secondly, you have worked hard to prepare for this drama, how are you preparing to serve others? ? Finally, when acting in idol dramas, I think face is still very important. ]

  As soon as she posted it, she was immediately attacked by the haters who hated her: [Wen Yu, who only brings money into the group, stay away! ]

  [Go back and be your eldest lady, that's not how the entertainment industry works]

  [It's really disgusting to pressure people with money]

  [Wait a minute! What did Wen Yu mean? ]

  [Damn, this Weibo has so much information! ]

  [y1s1, as an investor, Wen Yu is indeed qualified to replace unsatisfactory actors. After all, if she loses money, she will be the unlucky one]

  [That... the male protagonist in the makeup photo is indeed better-looking than Cheng Xuan? 】

  【Except for the stage makeup, Cheng Xuan's usual life pictures are really not that good. In comparison, the current newcomers on the crew are really good】

  【But he is just a male protagonist who got up by holding Wen Yu's smelly feet. You also see Have to go down? ]

  [Laughing to death, is someone getting angry from shame? He said preparation, let me see what is prepared? Isn't the first prerequisite for an idol drama to look at your face? Wen Yu did a great job this time, at least it didn't hurt my eyes. I'm so annoyed with those ugly people who come to star in idol dramas and insist on being handsome]

  [Am I the only one who still thinks about what Wen Yu said about serving people? ! If you have the ability, release the melon! The child is really hungry] Document! Share! Online! Read! Read!
  [Cheng Xuan panicked, Weibo went online and offline more than ten times in just ten minutes, hahaha]

  Just eating melon Netizens came back to their senses, saw the makeup photos, and then looked at Wen Yu's Weibo, and they immediately became excited. Good guy, this is what they can know?
  Of course it can!

  Please let me go!
  All of them suddenly lost interest in Cheng Xuan and asked Wen Yu to continue presenting evidence.

  Fortunately, soon, someone reminded in the comment area: [Stop here, look at the hot searches! 】

  Most of the netizens were instantly gone, so they ran to the hot searches to have a look - #成Xuan毛猫#, #成XuanBackstage#...

  a series of hot searches went up.

  The evidence is abundant, including high-definition video of him entering the hotel holding a middle-aged man's arm.

  Netizen: [This should be the highest popularity Cheng Xuan can get in his life]

  [Fuck, after reading the hot searches, I just think Wen Yu did a great job! ]

  [I'm sorry, I was wrong. I apologize for my impulsiveness. I should wait and see.]

  [I knew it was not that simple]

  [Cheng Xuan, are you sick? Why are you bullying the kitten? Damn it, you just bully weak trash...]

  Many netizens were so angry that they cursed.

  The fans who had just become fans of Cheng Xuan because of his disgraceful behavior: "..."

  All of their faces turned green. They looked at Mjolnir and fell into silence collectively.

  After two minutes, the group disbanded.

  The popularity built up in a short period of time dissipated immediately. The entire network was attacking Cheng Xuan, and some came to praise Wen Yu.

  This compliment naturally led to her taking a look at her latest Weibo photos of the cast and crew, as well as their general content. This wave of popularity has directly increased the official account of the show by hundreds of thousands of followers, with many people praising the show. The characters are good, handsome men and beautiful women, even the minor supporting roles are very good-looking.


  Wen Yu came to the crew at noon, the entire crew was caught up in an eager rush. Many people saw Wen Yu and said hello warmly: "Good afternoon, Teacher Wen."

  "Have you eaten, Teacher Wen?"

  " Teacher Wen, do I have some snacks to try?"

  They were not trying to please Wen Yu, but Wen Yu single-handedly brought about this wave of popularity and made the entire crew show up.

  Everyone doesn't want the drama they film to get more attention, so they will naturally become enthusiastic about Wen Yu, and look forward to the future when the drama is produced and announced, and there will be another wave. With more traffic, actors like them can also be seen. .

  Lu Yuzu sat in front of the camera with a red face.

  He was so focused that he didn't notice Wen Yu coming.

  Wen Yu also watched quietly.

  What we filmed today was a scene where the male and female protagonists were opposite each other. After the initial confusion, the two found each other and figured out the general reason. They found that they didn't know how to return the favor, so they could only accept their fate and make mistakes for the time being.

  Then it was the senior female supporting role's turn to come over to please the male protagonist. When she saw the two conspiring, she felt that there was something going on between them and started to cause trouble.

  "Ka!" Lu Yuzu shouted.

  The male and female protagonists, who were in the same excellent condition, immediately relaxed and came over to say hello: "Director Lu, how was this time?"

  "Very good, very good." Lu Yuzu said happily, and turned around to see Wen Yu: "Teacher Wen, I'll have you this afternoon. Do you want me to tell you about the scenes?"

  Wen Yu nodded: "Okay."

  Lu Yuzuma stood up and demonstrated directly. He attaches great importance to this drama and has memorized several of the starring plots. There is no need at all. After reading the lines, Wen Yu followed them for a while and then went to do makeup. When Wen Yu came out, it was her turn to come out.

  The beautiful and innocent senior sister appeared holding a lunch box made by herself. The first scene was naturally her debut. The filming was beautiful and touching. As soon as she opened her mouth, she was confused by the male and female protagonists who had exchanged their lives. I was dizzy. After almost a long time, he finally convinced himself and handed the lunch box to the male protagonist who had changed his identity. He was also very angry with the female protagonist.

  The male and female protagonists, who were worried that something was wrong, all breathed a sigh of relief and lured the senior sister away like a child.

  After one scene was filmed, Wen Yu had no part in the scene for the time being.

  Lu Yuzu looked at the girl in the camera with stars in his eyes. He felt a little regretful and felt that he could not offend his sponsor, so he said, "Teacher Wen, how about I add two more scenes for you? Arrange a handsome boyfriend?"

  Wen Yu Waving his hand: "No, no, it doesn't have to be the same as matching. Everyone has a destination. It's good that the senior has devoted himself to studying. It's also a positive energy."

  Lu Yuzu was moved: "Teacher Wen is really of noble character. For the sake of the stability of the crew, we don't even need to do more scenes!"

  Wen Yu: "..."   

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