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 Chapter 37

  The barrage was still making noise, and Shen Xi was also a little embarrassed in the room at this time.

  He is an idol and usually tries to keep a distance from female celebrities. As a result, the first task he received on this show was to wake up a female celebrity.

  He was not surprised at all. The fans commenting on him must be saying: [Ahhh, no! 】

  【Shen Xi, no! 】

  Fortunately, he could just call when he got up. He came a little closer and called out tentatively: "Teacher Wen?!"

  Wen Yu frowned and turned over.

  The corners of Shen Xi's eyes twitched, but he was really worried.

  He thought for a while, took another step forward, and said in a much louder voice: "Teacher Wen, get up and have breakfast!"

  Just after he finished speaking, Wen Yu, who was already irritable, sat up suddenly and said feebly in that female voice: "What breakfast? "

  His hair was hanging loose, covering most of his face. However, the lights in the hotel were dim, and the shadow of his hair obscured his facial features, leaving only darkness.

  At first glance, Shen Xi said directly: "Ahhhh!" When she spoke, the scream turned into: "Ghost ahhhh!"

  Wen Yu said: "?"

  Shen Xi quickly turned around and ran away, and the cameraman Following closely, the two of them fled in a hurry, looking very 'beautiful'.

  At this time, the barrage was almost from the same perspective as him: [! ! ! ! ]


  [Help! 】

  There is still enough energy left to post barrages, and some people just smash their phones in the face. The only drowsiness they have is gone, and some even want to throw away their phones.

  After a period of chaos, Shen Xi calmed down under the comfort of the director.

  [It's so tragic, Wen Yu is so outrageous]

  [I'm so angry, I'm so angry...]

  [Can Vase quit the show! ]

  [...Am I the only one who thinks it's actually quite interesting? Isn't variety show just about having fun? ]

  [I was scared just now. I'm usually very brave and can watch ghost movies. Oh my god, Wen Yu actually has acting skills, right? ]

  [ I'm in shock, it's really scary! Wen Yu's voice was twice as terrifying! ]

  [Is it possible that Wen Yu didn't act? ]

  [So the task is still done? Baby, mommy, touch it]

  Shen Xi listened to the director's urging, gritted his teeth, and pushed open the door again, but this time he was much more cautious: "Teacher Wen, Teacher Wen?"

  His voice was still trembling.

  "Here you are~" Wen Yu had calmed down and took advantage of Shen Xi's fear to wash up. When he heard Shen Xi's voice, he immediately responded with a smile: "What are you going to do?" Mission?"

  Shen Xi heard her sober voice and came in boldly. He saw Wen Yu wearing loose short sleeves and a bare face. Her messy long curly hair had been tied up, and her whole face was exposed. She was fair and white. , and beautiful, not at all scary like before.

  Everything seems to be an illusion.

  The barrage was still a little dazed: [Is this really the same person just now? ]

  [Just now: Don't come over! Now: Sister, I can do it! ! ! ]

  [Wen Yu's face is really amazing, and her senior sister is really pure and good-looking! 】

  Most people in the barrage have already calmed down. After all, there was no direct contact.

  But Shen Xi is still afraid.

  He was restless: "Well... well, yes, I have to do the task and have breakfast. This is yours." He regained consciousness and got a breakfast from the director and handed it over: "I'll be fine after eating it..."

  Hand My hands were still shaking when I passed.

  If nothing else, he is really afraid of ghosts!
  [I feel so distressed, my brother is so scared]

  [Brother Xi is really afraid of ghosts. He hugged his teammates' thighs and crawled out of the haunted house the whole time]

  [Wen Yu was really convinced. She was so scary all of a sudden. She did it on purpose. Bar? 】

  【I'm so annoyed by Wen Yu, I shouldn't have invited her】

  【It's not like there's no one in the entertainment industry, now it's better, Shen Xi probably won't be able to play games today】


  Yu also noticed something wrong with Shen Xi , he didn't dare to look at himself twice, it was abnormal.

  She took the breakfast and put it down, her eyes turned red, and she sobbed: "Brother, I'm sorry, my sister really didn't scare you on purpose. It's all my fault. My brother is so good-looking, but I actually scared him. You must be very scared now." Me?"

  Shen Xi was surprised, didn't expect her to cry?

  Although he felt something was wrong, he was still a little panicked and immediately waved his hand: "No, no, no, Teacher Wen, I don't take it to heart, don't do this..."

  Wen Yu looked over with watery eyes: "Really? I I heard that you are a little afraid of ghosts. It looked like you were really scared. Will it leave a psychological shadow? "

  " How could it be?" Shen Xi immediately denied it. No matter what the real situation is, in girls. In front of him, he still didn't want to be weak, especially when he was looked at by Wen Yu's eyes, he felt dizzy and said: "Don't worry, I am very courageous and forgetful. Now I have forgotten what I just said." Something's happened!"

  [Wen Yu is so beautiful, how could that be? My brother is so brave, don't be afraid of Wen Yu]

  [It's so cute, I feel so weak and pitiful, I feel guilty]

  [emmm, why do you feel so weird? ]

  [Did Wen Yu evolve into green tea? ]

  [You're not trying to seduce Shen Xi, are you? ]

  [(Super quietly) Actually, I think it's quite funny for her to be like this]

  [Tell me a joke, Shen Xi: I'm brave]

  During the barrage discussion, Wen Yu listened to Shen Xi's assurance and smiled reassuringly, softly, It seems that he needs someone to protect him: "That's good, brother, just don't blame me."

  Shen Xi became more and more erratic: "No! When the time comes to play games, I will help you, don't worry."

  Wen Yu immediately calmed down, He sat down solemnly: "Then I'll start eating."

  Shen Xi, who was still immersed in the script of a weak beauty who was helpless and protected by himself, said: "?"

  He didn't react for a moment, and his expression was dull for a while.

  The camera captured it keenly.

  Suddenly the barrage that was just thinking about it was filled with laughter: [Hahaha, this expression is so real]

  [Shen Xi: Wait, is this a person? 】

  【I was a little annoyed at first, but suddenly I like it, woman, it's interesting】

  【Wen Yu laughed to death. Like Shen Xi, I started to feel guilty for fear that the beautiful lady would be sad】

  [Help, is there something wrong with me? I think Wen Yu is cute? ]

  [Wen Yu: Bai, white lotus? I pretended! 】

  Wen Yu opened the food box and found two small steamed buns, half a bowl of vegetable porridge, and some snacks. It was quite rich. She started immediately, not daring to waste any more time.

  In fact, in the book, there is no such plot.

  Wen Yu left the Jiang family at that time, which was when the relationship between Su Lengyue and the Jiang family was at its worst. The two were at odds. The Jiang family's parents wanted them to break up, so naturally they wouldn't say anything more.

  Su Lengyue also quickly forgave Jiang Yunjin after he admitted his mistake after the scandal between the two parties.

  Immediately afterwards, the two started their new career line, and then Zhao Qingyuan caused trouble. After she was offline, Jiang Yunyan had an accident...

  Maybe it was because the time was getting closer. Thinking of this time point, Wen Yu's heart tightened and she thought again. Read it again to avoid forgetting this important day and the plot that happened at that time.

  Otherwise, Wen Yu would be extremely uncomfortable if she missed this plot kill.

  But the most important thing at the moment is the variety show in front of her. While eating, Wen Yu also held her tablet and opened the show "Becoming You" to watch. She had watched it last night, but she was recording the show now. She wanted to Try your best to advertise without being too obtrusive.

  As soon as she did this, the camera came over immediately, allowing the night owl audience behind the camera to see this scene.

  [Wen Yu eats quite deliciously]

  [This makeup-free look is really good]

  [What is this drama? It looks quite interesting]

  [This is "Accidentally Becoming You"! Super pretty! ]

  [Wen Yu is advertising, right? Damn it, she doesn't think she did it naturally, does she? ]

  Wen Yu felt that what she did was quite natural, but who doesn't know these routines nowadays? Shen Xi came back to his senses and smiled: "Teacher Wen, I've also been watching the movie "Accidentally Becoming You" recently. , very beautiful!"

  Wen Yu immediately smiled broadly: "Thank you!"

  The smile was bright and bright, and she was beautiful. Shen Xi was stunned for a moment, but before he could take another look, Wen Yu lowered his head and continued eating.

  His face changed so quickly that Shen Xi had to say: Thank you for the invitation, I have experienced it twice, it is comparable to the summer weather.

  Barrage: [No, Wen Yu, have you ever studied Sichuan Opera? Face changing is really strong]   

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