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Chapter 48

  Xiao Qiyan and others' monkey voices sounded. They were all dressed in fancy clothes and had fancy expressions: "I don't have eyes to see, I don't have eyes to see!"

  "Come on, come on, who is sitting in front of me?"

  "Get out, I'll drive myself!"

  Wen Yu huddled in the man's arms, her ears red and she didn't dare to say a word.

  Behind her, Jiang Yunyan glanced at the leaders in warning, not to go too far, and then explained in a low voice: "The speed will be very fast later, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch it and will be thrown out, so it is more appropriate to sit like this."

  "Yes." Wen Yu nodded and took off her straw hat. At this moment, her head was pressed against the chest behind her.

  Nodding, he touched the strong chest muscles.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  She suddenly realized that her abdominal muscles were right in front of her.

  If you lean back, you might be able to touch it, but you're afraid of touching something embarrassing, so you don't dare to move.

  She didn't see the man behind her. Because of her nudge, her Adam's apple moved slightly, her eyes darkened, and she spoke again, her voice a little hoarse: "When we start talking later, you can grab my clothes and use more." "Strength."

  "Okay." Wen Yu nodded obediently again.

  The man rubbed his head vigorously, then he held the handle with both hands and lowered his body slightly, getting closer to the girl's back.

  When they got on the motorboat, they had already asked someone to go over and put a flag first, and they would use this as their goal later.

  When the flag was placed and the notification was received, Xiao Chen took a big loudspeaker and shouted: "Get ready!!!"

  Wen Yu's mind was suddenly aroused because of the male sex, and her hands hurriedly grabbed Jiang Yunyan's clothes, but she was too panicked. , I touched his waist and abdomen several times but failed to catch him.

  "Xiaoyu..." The voice of the person behind him became slightly darker.

  Wen Yu's scalp was numb with embarrassment, so she gritted her teeth, raised her legs and changed to a side-sitting position, wrapped her hands around her thin waist, and squeezed her wrists tightly.

  Safety is most important!

  That's right!

  As soon as Wen Yu hugged her tightly, Xiao Chen already shouted: "Start!!!"

  Suddenly the sound of the motorboat starting sounded, and then she felt her whole body fly out and hit the chest of the person behind her with a bang. My head felt dizzy, even the wind hurt my face, and I didn't dare to raise my eyes at all.

  Such power!
  If she sat in the back, she might not be able to sit still and be thrown out.

  At the same time, Xiao Qiyan and others were not far away. They were driving at the maximum code speed and screaming: "Ahhh! It feels so good!" There

  was a girl sitting behind him. She was so scared that she screamed: "Ahhhh, Slow down!"

  Others were no better.

  Wen Yu didn't open her eyes at all, and she didn't even have the energy to scream. She hugged the waist of the person next to her tightly. In addition to the roar of the motorboat engine, her ears could hear the heartbeat of the person next to her.

  "Bang bang bang——" The speed is not slow.

  Is Jiang Yunyan also afraid?
  Thinking like this, her attention was diverted a little, and she was counting her heartbeats in her ears, once, twice, three times... As she kept counting, she suddenly heard a low voice in her ears: "Hold tight!"

  Wen Yu suddenly became harder and harder. .

  Then she felt the motorboat make a sharp turn, sea water splashed onto her body, and Wen Yu's heartbeat almost jumped out of her chest.

  At that moment, she felt like she was about to roll over.

  Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yunyan raised one of his arms and tilted his body slightly, as if he was holding something. But for a short time, he returned to his previous posture, passed the sharp turn, and returned to normal.

  Wen Yu's arms also relaxed a little. At this time, she could rely on inertia to lean into Jiang Yunyan's arms without much effort. After being highly stressed, her limbs were also a little weak, her face was leaning on her chest, and her breathing was particularly heavy. Documents@share@and@online@read@read@
  The hot air hits the shirt and seeps through the gaps.

  The man driving the car stared ahead, his muscles in his limbs becoming more and more tense. The speed of the motorboat had reached its limit. After confirming that it was stable, he released a hand and gently stroked the head of the person in his arms. His movements were gentle and comforting. meaning.

  Wen Yu noticed it and recovered a little: "I'm fine, just keep driving, don't lose."

  "No." He replied without thinking, with a hint of smile in his voice.

  Then the hand resumed its grip on the handle.


  for the motorboat to stop, Wen Yu slowly opened his eyes, his heart still beating wildly, and his soul still uncertain.

  Xiao Qiyan was already so angry that he screamed: "Sister-in-law, why didn't you tell Ayan to drive slower?!"

  "Yes, yes, did Ayan scare you? Hurry up and scold him!" Qin Zhou was furious.

  Cheng Yan silently got the phone and was already preparing to transfer money.

  Wen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "But I won 30 million!" As she said that, she smiled at Jiang Yunyan, with a little narrowness and joy on her face, and deliberately said sweetly: "Husband, you are so amazing!!!"

  Xiao Qiyan , Qin Zhou, and Cheng Yan: "..."

  Oops, I'm even more angry!

  Jiang Yunyan raised the corners of his lips slightly and patted Wen Yu on the head.

  He didn't say a word, but Wen Yu felt that he must be satisfied as well.

  Who is dissatisfied with this? !
  No, Xiao Qiyan was dissatisfied and wanted to start a fight. However, Jiang Yunyan ignored him this time, so they could only drag others to play in despair.

  Wen Yu took Jiang Yunyan's arm, stood on tiptoes and whispered, "Brother, I'll give you half of this!"

  Jiang Yunyan was a great hero, couldn't he get nothing?
  Of course, she also had a lot of credit. After all, she didn't make any interference during the whole process, so taking half of it wouldn't be too much... right?

  Unexpectedly, he said: "It's all for you, I don't need it."

  Then he found a seat and sat down, with his hands crossed on his lower abdomen, his head slightly raised and leaning on the back of the chair, his long legs stretched out casually, with a leisurely and elegant posture. He looked at the crazy crowd in front of him with a calm expression, as if he was talking about what to eat today.

  Wen Yu: "!"

  Ying Ying Ying!
  so envious!
  She also wants to be willing to say such things one day!
  "Brother, do you want something to drink?" Wen Yu asked enthusiastically, her little mouth raised in a bright arc, her eyes blinking, "I will only serve you today~"

  Jiang Yunyan looked at her The little expression that said 'get rich' all over her face knew what she was thinking, and she was willing to cooperate: "Juice."

  Wen Yu nodded immediately: "Okay, watermelon juice?"

  Seeing him nodding, she immediately became happy. end.

  A glass of watermelon juice was not enough, so a fruit plate was brought over and placed on the small round table in front of them. There happened to be a big parasol where they were, and the sea breeze was blowing. It was so comfortable to eat iced fruits and drink juice. .

  After putting it down, Wen Yu didn't give up, holding the toothpick: "Brother, do you want me to feed you?"

  "Ahem!" Jiang Yunyan coughed lightly and looked around. Even while playing, there were people sneaking in without leaving a trace. Here, she shook her head: "No need."

  "Oh, that's okay." Wen Yu gave up and ate a few pieces of fruit by herself. The cantaloupe was sweet and the watermelon was cool and refreshing, with plenty of juice. It cooled her heart directly, but it didn't warm her up. A fiery mood.

  She was too excited now and didn't want to rest, so she simply applied sunscreen herself and then went to play for a while.

  She had to pay more attention when she was at the beach. She also thought that she had had enough fun on this trip and would find a crew to film when she got back. After applying it for a while, I applied it all over my arms, legs, neck and face, except for my back.

  Wen Yu subconsciously wanted to find Yuan Tan and Yao Xi. It was Yao Xi who helped her apply it before. Who knew that as soon as she looked over, Yuan Tan also noticed it. When she was about to come over, she was pulled by Yao Xi: "Hey, go over and do it. What?"

  Then she said to Wen Yu, "Your husband is right there, why are you looking for us? Don't be embarrassed, or I won't look at it!"

  Yuan Tan was also stunned and didn't look here anymore.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Suddenly, she felt that the sunscreen in her hand was hot.

  Just as she was about to put the sunscreen aside, her hand suddenly became empty. Jiang Yunyan sat up at some point and took the bottle out of her hand: "I'll do it."

  Wen Yu bit her lip, but there were so many eyes around her secretly staring at her, so don't think she does not know! If she refuses at this time... She whispered: "Okay."

  Then turned around.

  Jiang Yunyan squeezed the sunscreen onto his fingertips. When he raised his eyes, he saw the large area of ​​skin exposed. He paused breathlessly before tentatively touching it.

  At that moment, the skin under the fingertips seemed to tremble.   

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