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Chapter 67:

  Before the call seemed to hang up completely, Wen Yu's eyes felt dark.

  The thin quilt blocked the light outside, and the air seemed to suddenly become thinner. She subconsciously wanted to take a deep breath, like a drowning person.

  Her body seemed to be on fire, every place was ignited. She had just taken a shower and was feeling fresh, but within a moment, Wen Yu felt sticky all over her body.

  It was too much...

  Wen Yu was about to burst into tears. She was a little uncomfortable and a little panicked. She had never seen a pig running or eaten pork. Now we were going to see it together.

  It was just an instinctive struggle. In panic, she opened the quilt above her head and suddenly felt her eyes light up.

  After his mouth and nose came into contact with the fresh air again, Wen Yu breathed hard, as if he was surviving a disaster, and his chest heaved violently.

  Then there was another burst of excitement.

  "Brother..." Wen Yu shouted, her voice trembling, with a crying tone, as if she was about to cry at any time. Suddenly she grabbed his arm, but it was slightly stained with sweat, making her unable to hold on, as if she was about to fall. People in Ya can't grasp a life-saving straw.

  For a moment, she couldn't help but said in a hurry: "Brother! No!"

  However, the man who always doted on her ignored her this time. The quilt seemed to be a space of its own, with all the restraints removed, leaving only the most original thoughts.

  Wen Yu kicked her legs to dodge, but her limbs were already weak and she couldn't dodge, so she could only accept her fate.

  Like a fish, he turned it over and over to taste it.

  At this moment, all the shyness seemed to come up, but the extreme joy also attacked her overwhelmingly, so that she could only hold on to the thin quilt, trying to cover up everything under the quilt.

  Until a slightly high-pitched exclamation escaped from the slightly swollen red lips, her delicate white fingers twisted the quilt into wrinkles, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.


  This call was completely different from the usual one, and it was also different from the pretentious way she had deliberately pretended to be weird before.

  Gentle and trembling, full of charm.

  The man who seemed to be suffocating under the quilt finally moved up slowly, hugged her, kissed her hard, and then seemed to calm his breathing.

  Wen Yu: "?"

  Why don't you continue?

  Her mushy brain didn't react for a moment, and she raised her eyes in confusion. In her eyes, he was only close at hand.

  There was an unconcealable scarlet color on his stern face, and his pair of deep black eyes were as deep as the abyss. Under the high bridge of his nose, his pale lips were much redder than usual, and glowed with water.

  Her hair was even more messy, and her usual seriousness was gone, leaving only absurdity.

  When she looked at her, the man's eyes darkened, he blocked her eyes with his big hands, and whispered: "Help me?"

  Wen Yu subconsciously followed his words: "How can I help?"

  Then her hand was held, and he slowly Take it to another zone.

  Wen Yu suddenly froze, and only one hand was used like a robot.

  Invisible to her eyes, the man's breath in her ear became hotter and slapped against her ear.

  Wen Yu also slowly came back to her senses, and suddenly remembered what was going on - no condom!
  She didn't have the time or the embarrassment to buy it. Jiang Yunyan's place... This was not their home after all. They came back once a week at most. They rarely spent the night here, so they probably hadn't had time to prepare.

  I wonder if their little home on the other side is ready?

  Wen Yu was embarrassed to ask. It was such a current situation again. Her fingertips felt hot and sticky, and her ears were gently bitten by a man. She had just stepped over a high mountain, and it seemed that she was gradually arriving at another high mountain, making her more and more dazed.

  Until the end, she obviously didn't exert much effort, but her palms felt a little burned by overuse. A familiar low-pitched voice came from her ears: "Thank you for your hard work, little fish."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  At this time, why? Still want to be so polite? ! ! !


  Yu was woken up by the vibrating cell phone the next day.

  She casually touched the phone and opened it with squinted eyes. Her hand trembled with pain and the phone slipped. She was silent for two seconds and then picked it up again. She felt her eyes were sore when she looked at the screen of the phone.

  She had been busy for too long last night and hadn't gotten enough sleep yet, but she felt uncomfortable all over. During the day, she didn't sleep so well that even a message could wake her up.

  When she clicked on it, she saw that the director of "The Phoenix Heads Up" had sent her a new script, saying that the original script had bugs and had been revised again.

  Wen Yu:?
  She took a deep breath, put down her phone, and massaged her eyes to prevent them from hurting more later.

  After pressing the button, she picked up the phone again and read it again and again. The script was much simpler than the novel. Wen Yu had read so many novels in her previous life that she could read ten lines at a time. She also had an excellent memory in this life, so she read it very quickly.

  After hurriedly passing by, the look on her face became colder and colder, and she finally said nothing, but instead sent a message to Sister Liu.

  I wanted to call, but my throat didn't feel right. This work is provided for online reading


  The message was sent, and soon after receiving a reply, Wen Yu stood up and stood straight with her legs on the ground. In less than a second, she suddenly felt weak and her waist felt a little sore.

  Wen Yu: "..."

  It's all her fault for reading too many novels.

  Although I have never seen a pig running, I have seen how to raise a pig...

  It accidentally opened up someone's new idea, and she no longer had to worry about whether to use a trap or not. Anyway, she was so tired that she fell asleep in the end.

  After taking some time and being mentally prepared, Wen Yu stood up again. Although she was still a little uncomfortable, she was back to normal.

  She went to wash up. As soon as she entered the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and felt choked again. There seemed to be an obvious mark on her collarbone. Other than that, he was quite restrained. Only the covered areas had slightly more marks. a little.

  But this location is really not easy to hide.

  Unless you wear clothes that button up to your neck.

  But now it's thirty degrees outside!
  Wen Yu took a closer look. It didn't look like a hickey, but it was okay. She breathed a sigh of relief and picked a skirt with puff sleeves.

  The sun seemed to be quite strong outside, so I put on some sun protection clothing and got ready to go out.

  Before leaving the house, she glanced at the quilt and looked a little confused. After a few seconds, she gave up.

  Forget it, even though the quilt was thin, she couldn't wash it.

  Leave it to Jiang Yunyan.

  Wen Yu went downstairs to have a quick meal. As soon as he went down, Jiang's mother heard the noise and waved with a smile: "You're up, what do you want to eat?"

  Wen Yu: "That's fine. What's the matter? I'm going out later."

  Jiang's mother immediately said, "Then let's eat Xiao Long Bao. You like this. Auntie made the soy milk and put it in the refrigerator. It's just cool."

  Wen Yu smiled and thanked Jiang's mother: "Okay."

  Anyway, when she comes back, everything she likes to eat.

  Wen Yu had a good appetite today, maybe because she was tired yesterday... She ate a basket and a half of xiaolongbao, plus a cup of soy milk!
  After eating, I was shocked.

  At this time, Sister Liu also called. When she arrived at the door of Jiang's house, Wen Yu said to Jiang's mother, put on her shoes, and ran out quickly.

  It's getting late now, it's after ten o'clock, I just need to get it done when they get off work.

  After getting in the car, Sister Liu started quickly, but her expression was very ugly: "Didn't their boss give this script to you at the beginning? How could it be like this?"

  Wen Yu lazily leaned on the back of the chair and said calmly: "I guess I think it's I'm young and ignorant, and when the script was sent to me for the first time, I didn't react at all, so I dared to do it a second time."

  Sister Liu's face became darker and darker.

  Wen Yu also comforted her: "It's okay. Anyway, there are so many scripts and their cooperation is not honest, so forget it."

  When the script was sent to Wen Yu for the first time, Wen Yu actually read it immediately, but did not have time to reply. She was filming in the suburbs, and the production team was reading the script in a studio here in Beijing. They were far apart, so she didn't think about talking directly until the filming was completed.

  The first complete script sent to her was completely different from the script she had been given when she was invited to play the role.


  "The Phoenix Heads Up" sounds like a drama with a heroine in the title role. Wen Yu also took the time to read the original work. It is a heroine plot drama with more than one million words. The heroine is the most favored daughter of the late emperor, but the late emperor had no son. , was criticized by the minister, so he had to think about adoption.

  He just selected people, and his first requirement was to be willing to treat his three daughters well.

  He was even willing to let the heroine make the final decision, but the heroine just didn't take the ordinary path. Instead of a gentle and handsome elder brother, she chose a taciturn child.

  Just when the matter was about to be settled, suddenly some ministers forced the palace to rebel, and even killed the late emperor. When the late emperor was dying, he left an imperial edict and chose the best child.

  The heroine was still young and had no ability to resist, and she was surrounded by people who wanted to harm her. Once there was a fire in the palace, she took the opportunity to sneak out in chaos, heard the truth, and was discovered. In the end, she was washed down the moat and narrowly escaped death. , she was rescued.

  As a result, she changed her appearance and became the youngest daughter of the Xuzhou magistrate. She grew up smoothly, was capable of literary and military skills, and was quite scheming. When she followed the Xuzhou magistrate back to Beijing to report on her duties, she took the opportunity to win over the loyal ministers of the late emperor, but found that the once taciturn child had now become He became the number one scholar in Sanyuan, held an important position in the court, and gained the trust of the regent.   

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