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 Chapter 53:

  Time goes back to three hours ago.

  Wen Yu asked Sister Liu to help, and the legal department of Jiangshang Entertainment worked overtime. With professionals, things naturally became easier.

  It may even be because this hot search was so popular that although the video was reported, many people had seen it, so not long after, a new video appeared, which was an unedited version of the scene of the car accident.

  As soon as this video came out, the content originally posted by the marketing account became untenable.

  Immediately after the real rear-end collision, he took the responsibility determination report from the traffic police and posted it online, proving that he was the unlucky car that rear-ended the car. The owner of the luxury car did not let him pay any money, and only planned to take out the insurance.

  The two people who got into a fight online were actually the car that changed lanes at will.

  A group of misguided netizens chased him and scolded him. The man was still complacent and did not delete his Weibo. He also said that capital will suffer because rich people are powerful.

  After such a commotion, some people actually believed it, and in turn accused the person who later posted the video of making it fake.

  There was a melee between the two sides: [Cut off the beginning and end, edit with malicious intent, people like you will be punished sooner or later]

  [Some people only worship money and lick the rich and powerful, but your video is the one who edited it, and you put the blame on the poor guy As a couple, right? ]

  [A good home is ruined because of this collision, and you keyboard warriors will be punished]

  [You are the keyboard warriors, you are insane, you maliciously changed lanes without caring about the lives of others, why should the victim care about his life and death? 】

  It was late at night, and there was not much to do recently, so we were making a fuss. Suddenly an insider came out and said: "Damn, why do the people here look so familiar? Isn't this my neighbor?" His wife just gave birth to a baby three months ago. She's not like this in the video.]

  This is a melon!

  A group of netizens immediately asked questions and conducted various investigations to know the truth.

  Although Wen Yu had guessed everything because she met these two people directly, she was very curious when she saw them exposed on the Internet and opened a small account to follow them.

  Netizens are still very resourceful, and all kinds of detailed information were quickly found out.

  The middle-aged man here does have a wife who has just given birth for three months, but his wife is not the one who fought with the man in the car accident video.

  This man and his wife made a lot of money by running a street vendor in the early years. They bought a house next door to Beijing City and opened a shop. They lived a comfortable life. However, he was not satisfied and wanted to have a son, so he asked the man, who was already over forty, to My wife is pregnant again. She has only given birth for three months now and is still recuperating at home.

  Because of this, the business of the shop was handed over to men, and they have not been involved in it for a long time.

  Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, I would see my man and a young and beautiful woman on the Internet, claiming to be husband and wife?
  Then a friend who claimed to be a middle-aged man revealed that middle-aged men have bad driving habits. They usually like to fool around with their lovers while driving. It was because of this that three months ago, he crashed into a multi-million dollar luxury car and immediately lost his temper. Either way, you should put on a high hat and prevent the other party from asking for compensation.

  Who would have thought that this would happen again.

  Even the luxury car three months ago and now has the same owner!
  This melon comes one after another, and there are reversals!

  Now, netizens are satisfied and happy that justice has been served: [The owner of a luxury car is really miserable. He did a good thing once and was kidnapped by his morals.]

  [Should I say that this person is a little lucky? He hit a luxury car twice. The car is the owner]

  [Ah ah ah, the handsome guy is really kind-hearted! I'm obsessed with it]

  [It's so cool, how come that 'big fanfare' marketing account is still alive! ]

  When Wen Yu saw this step, his anger calmed down.

  The truth has emerged. Even if the marketing account of 'Fashion' tries to lead the way, nothing can be done. Not to mention that because he has made such a big noise, the blame will be placed on him without peeling off a layer of his skin. , Jiangshang Entertainment's legal department was too embarrassed to take the money!
  Wen Yu was very happy and it was refreshing to send money.

  Such a commotion cost a lot of money. Withdrawing the hot search, not to mention having Xiangtian Entertainment to follow her hot search, caused her to spend a lot of money.

  But Wen Yu rarely felt heartache.

  Jiang Yunyan took such good care of her, she had to give some back, right?

  Do you want him to know about this?
  Wen Yu was a little confused.

  If you tell him, will he be sad?
  And when she did this, she didn't do it with the mentality of asking for reward. She simply didn't want Jiang Yunyan to be bullied. If she said this, would he think that she was asking for reward, so that she would not be so pure?

  Wen Yu was struggling, but found that Jiang Yunyan had not returned yet.

  still working.

  I was angry and funny for a while, so angry that I fell asleep.


  Jiang Yunyan came in, he saw this scene.

  He was speechless, and suppressed the rolling emotions in his eyes for a while. He stood by the bed and looked at the sweetly sleeping little girl for a while, then he went to wash up lightly.

  Half an hour later.

  The dry man came out. When he passed the closet, he paused and then continued forward.

  There was only one quilt on the bed at this time.

  The room was warm, and the quilt was not thick. The little girl was still tightly rolled up when sleeping, but she was small, so she still had her lower half hanging on the bed.

  He lay down gently, pulled a corner of the quilt, and slowly covered him.

  But the movement still seemed to alarm the girl around him.

  She turned over to face him, and the quilt she was wrapped in was loosened.

  Seeing this, the man quickly grabbed more quilts and covered him with them.

  The thin quilt fell on him, carrying the body temperature of the person next to him. His eyes softened and he tilted his head slightly. The two of them were almost touching, but now he tilted his head and the distance between their heads became closer and closer.

  Her lower lip is still a little red and swollen, and her mouth is slightly depressed. Her tightly closed eyes block her big, lively eyes during the day. Her long eyelashes mark two small fans on her lower eyelids. Her eyebrows are slightly frowned, and she looks uncomfortable. .

  "Is it uncomfortable here?" He asked in a low voice, his slender fingers lightly stroking her lower lip.

  The little girl seemed to feel itchy in her mouth. After being touched, she immediately pursed her lips. However, her mouth was already bruised. When she pursed her lips, her teeth scraped her lower lip. The pain made her jolt and she woke up a little. .

  When he opened his eyes, he saw a handsome face just a stone's throw away looking at him intently.

  The dim yellow night light is soft and adds a hazy color.

  Wen Yu was in a trance and didn't realize that he was awake, and said confusedly: "Brother?"

  "Yes." Jiang Yunyan responded softly, and then showed a slight smile. His face, which he usually thought was cold and indifferent, was now extremely gentle, and his deep voice was even more touching: "Thank you, Xiaoyu, for helping me remove the hot search." Wen Wenyan said

  . Yu was even more certain that he was in a dream.

  How could Jiang Yunyan, who was awake, know about this? She hasn't decided yet whether to say it or not? And there's something wrong with him being so gentle!

  What's more important - she knew at a glance that the two of them were covered by a quilt.

  She must be too greedy and dreaming.

  Wen Yu became bolder and moved closer, hugged his arm, patted his chest with the other hand, and touched it without leaving any trace. He said in a soft voice before waking up: "It doesn't matter, don't be sad, they don't know the truth. , Now I know, I'm helping you."

  Through the thin pajamas, Jiang Yunyan clearly felt her touch, and immediately stiffened, then raised his neck, and his Adam's apple moved unnaturally, slowly. After calming down, he said in a low voice: "Well, I'm not sad."

  In fact, he didn't even know what those people said.

  All I know is that she removed the hot search for him.

  He also emphasized that it doesn't matter how much money it is.

  Wen Yu's sleepy eyes blinked twice. Why was she still sad when she heard his voice? She whispered: "I don't believe it."

  "Really." Jiang Yunyan turned his head and looked at her again.

  With this movement, the two of them got closer.

  Faint breathing staggered.

  Wen Yu's throat tightened, and her eyes glued to him unconsciously.

  I have thought about it so many times before, but now in my dream, why not give it a try?
  She thought that there were no outsiders this time, so she immediately moved forward slightly.

  Immediately their lips touched each other, soft and warm.

  The man she kissed froze completely, and the pupils in his usually calm eyes suddenly shrank. The unexpected softness made him breathe a little faster. He couldn't help but whisper: "Xiaoyu..."

  The vibration of the sound brought a little itch. Wen Yu bit it with his teeth unhappily, but it didn't hurt at all.

  It was indeed a dream.

  This is the dream, it's a little bit real!
  She was satisfied and pulled back a little. Not to mention, her neck was still a little tired in the dream.   

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