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Chapter 42

  Jiang Yunjin did fall into the sea.

  However, he could not sink even though he was wearing a life jacket. He knew how to swim, and soon the staff picked him up and started rowing again.

  This time I worked harder than before.

  Su Lengyue was shocked: "Why is it so sudden?"

  Jiang Yunjin shook her head and said nothing.

  Mainly because I have a radio, I don't dare to say anything, but in my heart I want to spit out ten thousand words.

  Brother's cruise ship!

  That cruise ship!
  Cruise ship!
  He is greedy.

  Not surprisingly, if you can get a cruise ship in such a short period of time, you will naturally not buy it right away. Otherwise, the day lily will be cold while waiting for the messy procedures of transfer, decoration and maintenance.

  Therefore, it can only be the one that the eldest brother originally had.

  Having said that, I have to admire my eldest brother. He bought this cruise ship himself!
  In Jiang Yunjin's memory, her eldest brother has always been calm and reliable. He is six years older than her. As long as Jiang Yunjin can remember, her eldest brother has been a very self-disciplined and calm kid.

  When he grows up and shows his super working ability and talent for making money, he will be someone to look up to.

  Jiang's family, which was developed under his grandfather, actually suffered a lot of losses in just ten years after it fell into the hands of Jiang's father. However, when Jiang Yunyan entered Jiang's family, the situation began to change.

  Later, in order to train himself, he took a sum of money and went to the entertainment industry. When he came back, the original sum of money had turned into a company worth billions!

  Then he chose to sell a small part of Jiangshang's shares, resigned as Jiangshang's boss and returned to Jiang's family. At the same time, with the money from selling the shares, the first thing he did was to buy this cruise ship.

  The Jiang family's parents were fairly strict with their children, and became a little more relaxed when they became adults, but they did not allow them to be excessively extravagant. It was not that they couldn't afford many things, but they were just unnecessary.

  For example, Jiang Yunjin loves this cruise ship very much. However, it is his eldest brother's treasure. He can only borrow it for his birthday, so he has to behave well. It is impossible to perform poorly.

  A few years ago, when he was ignorant, he would make trouble and ask for it, but he ended up being beaten by his mother.

  It is conceivable that when Jiang Yunyan made this decision, his parents were shocked. How could a well-behaved child suddenly spend so much money on a cruise ship?
  The two were frightened, fearing that their son would become a bad student.

  However, after spending a lot of money to buy a cruise ship, Jiang Yunyan went to sea for a month and then came back to work. The cruise ship was just wasted there. His brother and friends occasionally borrowed it for use, but other than that, it was almost never used again.

  On the contrary, his parents were afraid that his eldest brother would be stupid at work, so they forced him to go out for fun every year. Occasionally, when he went out to play, he would invite a few friends and go to a nearby island to play. The main activity was fishing on the beach.

  What a waste of such a big guy!
  Jiang Yunjin felt more and more sorry for the overqualified cruise ship and kept thinking about it.

  This time he heard his sister-in-law, but he didn't react at first.

  When he heard the name 'Lao Jiang', he suddenly thought of his eldest brother's friends. When he looked again, he shouted to Wen Yu!

  So this is the cruise? Gave it to Wen Yu? ! ! !

  So angry!
  Finally unable to hold it in any longer, he paddled for a while and saw that he was far away from the other three teams, so he leaned into Su Lengyue's ear, pressed the microphone, and whispered about it.

  "Do you think he is partial? He actually gave it to Wen Yu directly! I didn't go back for the Chinese New Year last year, and he stopped lending it to me for my birthday last year. He said that since I was so good at making money, I might as well buy one myself, but he gave it to me right away. "Wen Yu!"

  "I want to buy it too, but I don't have enough money. I'm not like Wen Yu. I have a team to support, parents to honor, and a lot of other things. How can I have so much spare money to buy something like this?" A big cruise ship?! He didn't lend it to me, but he gave it to Wen Yu! I was so angry!"

  Su Lengyue touched her boyfriend's head lovingly and said silently, "What are you comparing to Xiaoyu? ? You already said that this cruise ship belongs to your eldest brother. Xiaoyu is now married to him. This cruise ship is the joint property of the husband and wife. What is the difference between giving it away or not?"

  Jiang Yunjin argued: "No, the cruise ship belonged to my eldest brother before he got married. , not counting common property. "

  This is a basic legal issue, he knows.

  Su Lengyue: "?"

  She sneered: "You know this very clearly."

  Jiang Yunjin: "!!!"

  He knelt down: "No, no! You are right, it is the joint property of husband and wife. Xiaoyu's share, don't get me wrong, I really don't know anything, I'm blind!"

  Su Lengyue: "...Pfft."

  She laughed.

  Jiang Yunjin also felt at ease: "You're right, I can't compete with her. She participated in a show with me, but my elder brother didn't like me, but he still treated her well. Hey, I hope they can be well."

  Otherwise, if this is the case The two divorced and Wen Yu ran away with the cruise ship. He would really be jealous!

  "I will." Su Lengyue felt that the two people were getting along very sweetly. It was completely different from the previous unfamiliarity. Jiang Yunyan was so good, and Wen Yu chose to divorce because he had a problem.

  At this time, Jiang Yunjin looked around and immediately looked stern: "Ah, ah, why are they so fast!"

  He started sprinting again.

  The barrage in their live broadcast room: [...]

  [Ah ah ah, Brother Jiang, what are you telling your sister-in-law! 】

  【What secret can't we hear? ! ]

  [Brother Jiang! You forgot to turn on the radio! ! ! ]

  [ Yueyue, share the gossip too! I'm so anxious! 】


  the final round, Jiang Yunjin and Su Lengyue were first, Liang Heng and Wen Yu were second, Yuan Tan and Shen Xi were third, and Xu Bin and Fu Chun were fourth.

  They each get their points.

  Liang Heng quickly handed over half of the points he received from Shen Xi.

  "Xiaoyu!" Yuan Tan looked over fiercely.

  Wen Yu turned around with a guilty conscience and consolidated all the points cards. Everyone else had bought clues, but she had never bought them, so her points now totaled 105!
  Not surprisingly, it's hard to beat.

  The director held a loudspeaker: "Now, please identify who the undercover is."

  Several people quickly pointed at Wen Yu and Liang Heng: "Them!"

  Director: "Correct answer."

  He smiled: "Now let's take a look at the points. We know The traitor Wen Yu has a score of 105. Is there anyone higher than her?"

  The remaining three teams looked at each other, looked at the points in their hands, and said with frustration: "No."

  Director: "Okay, then congratulations to Wen Yu and Liang Heng, you two will get the luxury suite tonight, the others will only get it tonight. I can sleep in a tent."

  Yuan Tan quietly said: "A tent~"

  Su Lengyue also sighed: "A tent~"   Wen

  Yu: "...I will open the door at night and welcome the two sisters to climb into the bed."

Curtain: [Hahaha! Wen Yu knows how to play]

  [Climb up and down the bed, hehe, do you dare to live broadcast all night]

  [Let the flying guest be the traitor in the first episode, the directing team is so brave, not afraid of messing up]

  [Wen Yu really follows What is said online is different. At least she does not like Jiang Yunjin. Instead, she has a very good relationship with Su Lengyue. She really likes to see beautiful women's posts. She is in love with her face.]     Since the morning, there have been very few one-sided black barrages. As Wen Yu's relationship with Su Lengyue seems to be really good inside, at least ordinary passers-by have believed that Wen Yu doesn't like Jiang Yunjin.

  Regardless of whether I liked it before or not, at least I don't like it now.

  In this case, the person involved is not angry anymore, and most passersby are too lazy to pay attention to it. They only watch the show. If it is funny, they will praise it, and if it is not funny, they will criticize it.

  Su Lengyue's fans didn't dare to complain anymore when they saw the real owner taking the initiative to get close to Wen Yu.

  There are no more rhythmic ones, no more arrogant ones, and the barrage has returned to normal, with everyone paying attention to the show.

  When the director asked the guests to change clothes, Wen Yu got her mobile phone and saw the message from Sister Liu: [There are too many people to sue, and Jiang's legal department has also come to help. The impression has been changed, don't worry, okay. Fun]

  Yu Yu said: "I have been hanging on the live broadcast. The barrage is very harmonious. Those who curse are immediately blocked. By now in the afternoon, most people are praising me. Are you happy?"

  Wen Yu smiled and said: "Happy."

  She said yesterday that she would sue those who spread rumors, spread rumors, and insult her, mainly because she felt uncomfortable seeing her poor fans being suppressed and scolded by black fans.

  With things like this now, I think that scene will never happen again.

  Xiao Yu is also very happy. Although she came here for the high salary at first, she gradually really likes this boss. He is easy-going and generous. Since she has stopped falling in love, she never loses her temper. She is simply the best in the world. boss!

  So she hopes this boss will do well.


  changing clothes, the live broadcast continued.

  Today's task has been completed, but the program team will also create some small games. After playing hard for an afternoon, everyone is tired, so the games played by the program team are not physically demanding. Most of them are guessing songs and dramas.

  We played and had dinner.

  It's starting to get a little cold.

  The program team went back and sent the guests to the B&B where they were resting. There were six tents in a large front yard in front of the B&B.

  Upon seeing this, Yuan Tan sneered again.

  Wen Yu immediately stuck to him: "How about we sleep together tonight?"

  Yuan Tan reluctantly said: "Okay."

  Director: "No!"

  Yuan Tan: "..."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  She could only say again : "I'll give you a surprise tomorrow, I promise!"

  Yuan Tan was very skeptical, but still accepted it.

  Wen Yu coaxed Yuan Tan, and went upstairs to enjoy the luxurious suite that she had worked hard for, oh, no, coaxed.

  The program team said it was luxurious, and it was indeed true. It had one room, one living room, and a projector for watching movies. The decoration was also very nice, but there were cameras everywhere.

  Although it is not live broadcast, it is still open as material for additional updates when the time comes.

  It's quite uncomfortable sitting inside.

  At this time, the phone vibrated. Xiao Chen sent her a message.

  Wen Yu's eyelids twitched when he saw the words above: [Mrs. Boss, I'm at the door of your B&B. Let's sign the gift contract first. I can go over to the property tomorrow]

  Wen Yu: "..."

  She stood up and said, 'Gone with the wind' Got out.

  Don't blame her for being so distracted, it's mainly because the cruise ship is so valuable!
  Without mentioning its significance, the amount of money it costs, without even counting its annual maintenance costs, is enough to make people stunned.

  There were a lot of staff here. After getting in the car, Xiao Chen drove out, away from the program team, and handed over the contract directly in the car.

  The gift contract appeared clearly in front of Wen Yu. Xiao Chen took the ink pad and said, "Madam boss, just sign here and press your fingerprints here."

  Wen Yu: "..."


  Although she was pleasantly surprised when she received the news from Jiang Yunyan, it was because it was too expensive, and besides the surprise, it was a little unreal, but now this person is too honest!
  The gift contract is all ready.

  This means that no matter whether she divorces him in the future, this cruise ship will belong to her. Even if she can't afford to maintain it in the future, she can directly sell it and become rich immediately.

  He really... cried to death, so great!
  But Wen Yu still asked: "Who pays for the maintenance of the cruise ship?"

  She has no money!

  Xiao Chen: "...The boss is here."

  He felt relieved.

  Wen Yu took a deep breath and signed.

  Regardless, she was greedy.

  Jiang Yunyan was so good at handling her that he couldn't refuse her.

  If there is an accident in the future, think about it later. Anyway, she is happy now.

  She got a cruise! ! !

  off the car, Wen Yu felt that her worth had soared.

  I wanted to be careful with every step I took, for fear of falling.

  Today is different from the past.

  However, when he walked to the corner of the stairs, a voice suddenly came out from behind him: "Teacher Wen, where have you been today?"

  Wen Yu frowned subconsciously. What was going on with this questioning tone?

  She suppressed the joy on her face, turned her head and looked coldly, and saw Fu Chun smiling with a somewhat unclear meaning, as if he had a handle on her?

  Wen Yu didn't like her, and the live camera on the show was arguing with her. After Fu Chun's initial failure, he didn't dare to act rashly. He spent the whole day in peace and trouble, and then came to trouble at night?

  She said quietly: "It has nothing to do with you."

  After saying that, she didn't intend to pay attention and went upstairs.

  Fu Chun said quietly behind her: "You left in the car at night. It has been forty minutes now. The man in the car is a man. Teacher Wen, what will happen if your husband finds out about this?"

  Wen Yu: "?"

  She looked silently.

  Seeing that she really responded, Fu Chun's expression became a little excited. He quickly walked up the two steps, and when he was on the same level as her, he said softly: "I advise you to divorce as soon as possible, otherwise you may be kicked out of the house~"

  (This chapter over)

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