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Chapter 47

  Yao Xi didn't believe it and even laughed at her.

  Wen Yu simply ran away.

  But I couldn't escape too far, so in the end I had to go back to my room.

  The room was quiet. Wen Yu came in quietly and caught a glimpse of a sleeping figure on the bed inside.

  She breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, took her clothes and went to the bathroom. When she came out, she looked at the quilt on the bed, feeling a little tangled.

  They used to sleep on the same bed at Jiang's house, but there were two quilts there. Now this bed... seems to have only one quilt.

  Wen Yu stood by the bed and hesitated for a while, then gritted her teeth and climbed up. There was a dim night light on in the room. Although it was not very bright, she could still see clearly. She silently picked up the quilt and covered herself.

  However, in the afternoon, she was covered with a rather large quilt by herself, but now it was not enough. She had to pull it quietly for a long time before she could barely cover her.

  At this time, she was only about a fist away from the man next to her.

  It seems that the arms can feel the heat coming from the other party.

  Wen Yu was not used to it, and she still felt very sleepy when she came back. After all this trouble, she felt less sleepy. She turned her head slightly and looked at the person next to her.

  The light was dim, and only an outline and a rough face could be seen, which was not clear.

  He was also sleeping upright and well-behaved. His eyebrows and eyes were quite far apart during the day. At this moment, his eyes were closed. Under the high bridge of his nose, there was a pair of lips that seemed to be slightly pursed even when he was sleeping. He may have been exercising for a long time. She has a low body fat percentage and no excess fat on her body. Even when she lies flat like this, her jaw line is very clear.

  Wen Yu saw his figure that time and it was also very good.

  Such a person is very outstanding, both in appearance and ability.

  Every time I think of his ending in the plot, Wen Yu always feels that he may be God's golden finger for Jiang Yunjin, the male protagonist, who meticulously expands the Jiang family, and when the time is right, he abdicates in favor of others.

  Give Jiang Yunjin a stable, upward, and sufficiently superior ultimate career.

  That's why he told 'Wen Yu' when he got married that he could give her anything, but he couldn't give her love.

  Actually this is quite good.

  All she needs is material things.

  So be it.

  Wen Yu pursed her lips, lay down again, and closed her eyes.

  The surroundings were very quiet, and the disappearing sleep quickly came over her. After a while, she also fell asleep.

  When I woke up again, it was already bright.

  I forgot to close the curtains last night, and the window faced the blue sea, which illuminated the room early.

  Wen Yu happened to be facing the window, and she felt keenly that the light was not comfortable. She wanted to turn over and avoid it, but she tried to move, but she couldn't?
  She froze.

  Thinking of something, he quickly opened his eyes and saw a stern face facing him. Compared with before going to bed, he frowned slightly at this moment. He put one hand under her neck and the other on her waist. At the same time, his legs locked her legs so that she could not move.

  Wen Yu: "!!!"

  Oh my God!

  how so? !

  The melon seeds in the little head that were usually too lazy to move were spinning crazily at this moment. Could it be that he was suppressing it because he was not honest in sleeping and took advantage of Jiang Yunyan? Most likely, because she has always been dishonest when sleeping and likes to roll around.

  Wen Yu felt ashamed and ashamed that she had finally managed to get some sleep and ended up being like this.

  She asked why Jiang Yunyan didn't get up so late today? !

  This is how to do? !

  Wen Yu's mind was blank. He had a lot of random thoughts last night. He couldn't remember anything at the moment. All he could think about was - who can teleport? Take her with you!
  Suddenly, the eyelids of the face in front of him, which was no more than ten centimeters away from him, moved.

  Wen Yu quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

  He also showed off his acting skills of pretending to be a dead body.

  I waited and waited, but didn't see the other party move.

  What is Jiang Yunyan doing? !
  Just when she couldn't hold it any longer, the arms around her waist moved away. The next second, her face was pinched gently, and then she was let go little by little. The position next to her suddenly rose a little, and she seemed to be the only one on the bed. People.

  Soon, the sound of water also sounded in the bathroom.

  Wen Yu waited for another minute, then pretended to open her eyes. The room was empty, and all the movement was in the bathroom.

  She thought for a moment, then decisively changed her position and lay back down again.

  She didn't get up until all the noise in the bathroom disappeared.

  I looked at the time and saw it was still early, only half past seven.

  But Jiang Yunyan got up late as expected.

  He usually gets up at six o'clock to exercise and has breakfast ready at eight-thirty!


  Yu didn't go out until early eight o'clock.

  The dining area on the third floor is filled with the aroma of breakfast. There are Western and Chinese food, all buffet, and you can also order.

  Wen Yu took a basket of xiaolongbao and sat down to take a few bites. Yuan Tan also came and ate her xiaolongbao directly, with a surprised look on her face: "You got up so early today?"

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Although but...she understood!
  What's going on, what's going on!

  Have you all learned bad things from Yao Xi? !
  She pretended not to hear, slapped Yuan Tan's hand that was about to take the second bun away and

  said, "Go get it yourself!" Yuan Tan clicked his tongue, went to the dining area, brought back a piece of seafood noodles, and said with a smile, "This is I have eaten seafood noodles with the most seafood and the least noodles."

  Wen Yu glanced at the shrimps on it, her eyes twitched again, and she said casually: "After all, seafood is cheap here." Read@Read@
  "Hahaha, I accept this reason." Yuan Tan gave a thumbs up.

  As expected of Wen Yu, who still feels poor despite having a lot of money.

  It doesn't have the strong smell of copper that rich people have at all.

  There were very few people on deck at this time.

  We were too tired from playing last night, so most people got up late today.

  Wen Yu finished her breakfast and went for a walk around the overtime office. She didn't see Jiang Yunyan. She felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She was a little lucky, but also a little...


  Wen Yu was not a troubled person, so he just ignored it if he couldn't think of it. The sea was still a bit cool early in the morning and there was nothing to do, so he simply went back to his room to catch up on his sleep.

  When he woke up again, he was woken up by Yao Xi.

  "Xiaoyu! Get up!"

  Wen Yu got up and opened the door when she urged her to change into a swimsuit. Yao Xi said, "Your husband wants to compete, and you also want to participate!"

  Wen Yu: "??

  "What competition?    "

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