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Chapter 19
  As soon as the words "Jiang Yunyan" came out, the director, assistant director, male and female lead, and others who knew who the boss of Jiangshang Entertainment was, took a breath of air.

  Only the two junior actors were still a little confused, but looking at the faces of the others, they were too cautious not to breathe loudly.

  Liu Yue's expression changed slightly and he stared at Wen Yu, extremely embarrassed and couldn't believe it.

  Her surname is Wen, and her name is Brother Jiang Yunyan?

  And she is so powerful backstage, but she only wants one female lead?
  Director Zhang had already stood up immediately and took the phone with both hands with a smile: "Hey, Mr. Jiang, hello, Mr. Wen is joking, how can I ask Mr. Wen to toast, no, no, no, hey, extra drama. The producer has already explained the matter, and it will definitely not happen. This kind of thing will never happen again..."

  "That's good." The man's voice was still cold, but when he mentioned Wen Yu, he seemed to soften a lot: "My child is young and ignorant. Please forgive me, Director Zhang. Moreover, the family is very strict and they are not allowed to drink outside."

  He spoke politely, but inside and outside his words, it was me and my family who protected his shortcomings!

  "How is that possible? Teacher Wen's filming is very good, he is very good at fighting scenes, and he is also a good member of the crew." Director Zhang laughed and said, "Teacher Wen drank juice, don't worry."

  This is the truth.

  Except today.

  If he had known that she was such a thorn, he wouldn't have called her.

  But don't shout...well, after knowing her background, I really don't dare.

  Director Zhang was muttering in his heart, but no one else knew. The man on the other end of the phone seemed very satisfied after hearing this, and said "Yeah", but then he spoke again, with a calm tone, but with an unmistakable indifference: "That's good, that's right. I remember that the contract I signed had one clause: the artist must cooperate with the crew's reasonable shooting arrangements, rather than the crew cooperating with the artists' shooting arrangements. If anyone doesn't want to shoot, they can just pay liquidated damages without stopping." As soon as

  these words came out . , and there was even more deathly silence in the box.

  Then who~ Liu Yue: "..."

  The people who just held Liu Yue in their arms said: "..."

  Who could have imagined that the situation would suddenly change and take a turn for the worse? !
  Who would have thought that there is a giant Buddha sitting among them?
  Yuan Tan lowered his head and covered his mouth with both hands, fearing that he would laugh out loud and break the serious scene.

  So cool! ! !
  Liu Yue had been fussing for so long and finally hit the wall!
  The director naturally agreed to what the investors said, which really made the investors dissatisfied. It was very easy for him to replace the director.

  After dealing with this phone call, Director Zhang felt that half of his life was gone.

  But looking at Liu Yue, who looked ugly and gloomy, he felt inexplicably happy.

  To be honest, as a director, it is very frustrating to be manipulated by actors, but he is afraid of the heavy traffic!

  Now investors have spoken.

  He straightened his back subconsciously: "Teacher Liu..."

  Wen Yu had already hung up the phone at this moment, and only hung up after promising Jiang Yunyan not to drink. After hanging up, she saw that the director was about to speak, and she waited with a smile.

  Liu Yue's face twitched and he looked at Director Zhang. Based on what Wen Yu said before, he probably had a guess, and his expression became even more ugly.

  There was a faint smile on Director Zhang's face, and he said sincerely: "Our screenwriter is the royal screenwriter of Jiangshang Entertainment. The script has been completely revised. What they mean is that we will shoot according to the script. The previous ones will be cancelled, and the cast will be based on it." What do you think about the number of scenes?"

  Liu Yue stared at him.

  Director Zhang looked back with a sincere face.


  There is a backstage.

  Not afraid anymore.

  Liu Yue seemed to know what he was thinking, and his teeth were almost broken.

  You even asked him how he was doing, pretending?
  Does he have any choice?
  Jiangshang Entertainment's legal team is not joking, not to mention that person said that if you don't cooperate, you will have to pay liquidated damages.

  His salary for this drama is 50 million. If he breaks the contract, not only the remuneration will be refunded, but also the liquidated damages will be 50 million. He believes that if he dares to do this, Jiangshang Entertainment will allow him to pay every penny of the liquidated damages!

  Not to mention offending Jiangshang Entertainment, the follow-up will definitely be greatly affected.

  He is not a fool to get to this point. It is not worth paying a price of 50 million or more for a moment of enthusiasm.

  Liu Yue took a deep look at the people present and focused on Wen Yu.

  Wen Yu smiled provocatively.

  I wanted to keep a low profile.

  But there is no way, who wants someone to have to cause trouble?
  Isn't it good to film honestly? !
  It's not like they don't want to pay!

  Wen Yu really doesn't understand the brain circuits of people like Liu Yue, but there are many such people in the entertainment industry.

  Fortunately, she can save one by one.

  Liu Yue was stung by her smile, as if boiling oil had splashed into his eyes. He quickly moved away due to the sting, and said with a smile on his face, "Do as the director said, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.

  " , he strode away.

  The back of the chair made a clang. ▃This ▃work▃▃ is provided▃▃online▃read▃read▃


  But as the box door opened and closed, the relaxed atmosphere returned to the box.

  Director Zhang and the assistant director took a breath, looked at the actors who had different expressions, and said with a smile: "Hey, eat them all. Order so much, don't waste it. Teacher Wen, if you like this crab leg, please No more?"

  Wen Yu shook his head: "No, no, I've eaten a lot."

  Seeing this, the others ate quickly, whether it was to show their respect or because they were really hungry, they all ate enthusiastically.

  Qiu Luo, the female number three sitting next to Wen Yu, struggled for a long time and asked in a low voice: "Are you really the sister of the boss of Jiangshang Entertainment?"

  Liu Yue didn't know about Wen Yu's scandal, but Qiu Luo did!
  Wen Yu pursued Jiang Yunjin so straightforwardly before. Except for not publicly confessing her love, no one knew that she loved Jiang Yunjin, and Jiang Yunjin and Jiang Yunyan were just one word apart, and they were brothers at first glance.

  Wen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "I call him mom and dad."

  He didn't say it directly, but when he said it, Qiu Luo's eyes changed: "It's actually true."

  Could it be that Jiang Yunjin was adopted?

  The girl next to her was letting her thoughts wander. Wen Yu was already full. Seeing this, the others also put down their chopsticks. Now among the group of people, Wen Yu was the biggest, and they all supported her as if they were supporting Liu Yue.

  This made Wen Yu feel uncomfortable.

  She was so angry that Liu Yue made a fuss, and the result was like this.

  She gave a few words of advice, and everyone ate for a while before leaving. There was still a movie to be filmed tomorrow, so everyone didn't dare to play too late, so they all went back to the hotel together.

  Wen Yu and Yuan Tan are on the same floor.

  After everyone else left, Yuan Tan said sincerely: "Teacher Wen, thank you for today."

  Wen Yu smiled: "You're welcome, I'm also an audience member, and I don't want my favorite heroine to be weakened to set off the hero." Yuan

  Tan Tan also smiled: "Well, I don't want to either, so I will definitely perform well and give full play to my potential!"

  Wen Yu was very satisfied.

  Although she is not an investor, Jiang Yunyan is. In the name of the company, although he is no longer in the company, the shares are still there, and the money he made is also his!
  And he was so generous that he might give her money when he was happy.

  Both parties were happy and contented and left back to the hotel.


  the other side,

  Jiang Yunyan hung up the phone and closed the computer.

  In the quiet private room of the club, there was finally some movement.

  Several young people in their twenties winked at each other, bumped arms and legs, gesturing for each other to speak first, and finally one of them was pushed over.

  Jiang Yunyan frowned slightly and moved away a little in disgust.

  Xiao Qiyan suddenly muttered with dissatisfaction: "What do you mean? I am also a handsome guy who has fascinated thousands of girls!"

  Jiang Yunyan glanced at him.

  Not a word was said, but the meaning was very obvious - disgust.

  Xiao Qiyan was discouraged, this person was so ruthless and unreasonable!

  But what's important now is not this, but... Xiao Qiyan smiled strangely and moved closer, regardless of his dislike: "You and your little sister are getting along quite well now, one of my children, tsk... this What a disgusting nickname."

  Jiang Yunyan was puzzled: "She was originally my child."

  Wen Yu was only ten years old when she came to his house. At that time, he was already eighteen years old and had just entered college. Although he was busy with work and school, he was not there . He has been at home for a long time and has hardly gotten along with each other, but he also knows that this is family.

  Although the relationship changed a little more than half a year ago, we are still family.

  It's not a nickname for him.

  Xiao Qiyan, who was so serious that his mind was full of yellow waste, said: "Lao Jiang, no girl likes you like this."

  "No need." Jiang Yunyan calmly took a sip of wine. "Oh, are you getting along well with your little wife? Are you so confident?" Xiao Qiyan smiled slyly: "Is it because you are too good in bed?"

  Jiang Yunyan frowned: "Don't talk nonsense."

  Xiao Qiyan: "..."

  He was convinced. .

  This person was serious before getting married, but he was still so serious after getting married. The Jiang family raised the little girl to be so squeamish, how could she bear it?

  Recalling that when they got married, a group of people were shocked.

  They are not in the same age group at all, and they don't play together. At most, they are barely acquaintances and have met a few times.

  When attending a wedding, I looked at the bride and groom, and they looked awkward. To exaggerate, they looked like a father and his daughter. One was too mature, and the other was too pampered and had not yet grown up.

  At that time, they secretly made a bet that they would get divorced within half a year at most.

  After all, Wen Yu likes to chase Jiang Yunjin, and they also know this.

  Although Jiang Yunjin has a girlfriend.

  But the two are so incompatible in every aspect that the marriage will not last long.

  Unexpectedly, it has been almost a year and it is still stable.

  Today, the workaholic finally found time to have a drink with them, and it was barely normal to take some time to deal with odd jobs in the middle.

  As a result, they were chatting and received a call. They were immediately told to be quiet and no sound was allowed to be uttered. It seemed that they were in strict control of their wives, for fear of being discovered by their daughter-in-law.

  Especially the sound on the phone sounds like coaxing a child.

  Nasty to death.

  He is completely different from Jiang Yunyan before!

  Xiao Qiyan was still thinking, is this the legendary thing that brings down another thing?
  The cold workaholic was surrendered by the little girl?

  As a result, this person was still so serious to them, and he didn't joke at all.

  Another young man laughed: "So when will we meet?"

  Jiang Yunyan pondered for a moment and said, "Let's celebrate the New Year."

  "Okay, I'll wait. What does sister-in-law like? The meeting gifts must be prepared in advance."

  "...eat "Jiang Yunyan wasn't sure. The two of them had lived together for a long time, but he really didn't find anything that Wen Yu particularly liked, except for food.

  What he usually buys the most is all kinds of vegetables, waiting for him to cook them when he comes back.

  Several people: "..."

  Xiao Qiyan was shocked: "I don't even know this, how did you survive for more than half a year?!"

  Jiang Yunyan fell into silence, and after thinking carefully, he said: "She likes money." What

  appeared in his mind That day I found out that I could invest in the Tiangong project, and I was so excited that I hugged him.


  Everyone laughed, but they didn't think it was true. They thought, since they don't have any preferences, it's really hard to give gifts.


  crew of "Mou Zhi"

  Ever since Wen Yu started killing everyone, her status in the crew suddenly became transcendent.

  Everyone was quite polite to her originally, knowing that her family background was good and she probably had some background, but no one expected that it was Jiang Yunyan.

  Jiangshang Entertainment is a behemoth that cannot be underestimated in the entertainment industry, and its founder's natural status is even more different. With such a backstage, the directors are very polite to her.

  Wen Yu is a little uncomfortable with it, but that's okay. She doesn't have many roles. Most of them are fighting scenes. She mainly shoots with the assistant director in the B team. The occasional literary scenes are opposite the male and female protagonists. She is polite and polite, and they are familiar with each other. You won't be polite all the time.

  This crew is a little more lively than the last one Wen Yu worked on.

  For example, the second female lead and the third male lead are actually ex-girlfriends, but now their status is different. The third male lead wants to get back, while the second female lead is particularly cold-hearted.

  The third girl had a boyfriend, and they all came to deliver milk tea to the crew, but Wen Yu accidentally discovered one time that she and her agent had a close relationship, and they didn't look like ordinary friends.

  However, everyone has a tacit understanding and never mentions this.

  We usually film together and call it a day. Occasionally we have hot pot together to keep warm in the winter. On the surface, they are all friends.

  Wen Yu had more scenes with the heroine, and they ended up working together several times. Perhaps because of the hot pot game, Yuan Tan was very friendly to Wen Yu and often took her to dinner, and the two of them became familiar with each other.

  As soon as work was done, Yu Yu immediately gave him a military coat, and the cool wind suddenly disappeared. Wen Yu drank hot ginger tea and felt like she was alive.

  Looking next door, the heroine is already filming her last scene.

  There was a click in the middle, and Yuan Tan took the opportunity to wave to her: "Wait for me, I promise to finish the work in ten minutes!"

  Wen Yu smiled and nodded: "No rush."

  ​​After sorting it out, everyone resumed filming, and soon the director nodded with satisfaction. , today's scene ends, Yuan Tan gets up from the ground. This scene is about the male and female protagonists encountering danger during their spring outing.

  Because the heroine discovered the plot of the prince's rivals and defeated them, the other party suffered a huge loss. The heroine was also exposed and provoked the murderous intention of the other party.

  They thought he was just a little guy and killed him casually. Unexpectedly, the male protagonist was by her side, so they saved the female protagonist.

  After a high-octane fight scene ended, the scene was naturally in chaos. Suddenly, Liu Yue kicked away an actor dressed as a maid, frowned and said: "I accept you, this dress will be used for the evening scene. It turned out to be scratched by you!"

  The actor's face turned pale, and he was so frightened that he kept saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..." "

  I'm so annoyed, you idiot!" Liu Yue said angrily.

  Seeing that the actor seemed to want to get closer to see where the break was, he tried to kick it again.

  Suddenly, a leg came from beside him and kicked his raised leg away. The toe hit his leg bone. The pain caused Liu Yue's expression to change: "You..." Before

  he could finish his words, Liu Yue's throat froze and he stared. Holding her.

  But after knowing who was behind her, he didn't dare to say anything and could only feel angry and anxious.

  Wen Yu glanced at him coldly and pulled the actress to hide behind him: "If the clothes are torn, the prop team will deal with them. Besides, it's just a small spot, isn't it enough to sew it on? It's not your private property, even if it is, You shouldn't hit anyone."

  As soon as Liu Yue saw her, he remembered what happened in the hot pot restaurant box that day.

  This is the most embarrassing time since his debut!
  Liu Yue raised his tongue to his cheeks, with irritation and anger written all over his body, and sneered: "Do you really think you are a messenger of justice and you are here to teach me a lesson? If you have the ability to guard it 24 hours a day."

  After saying that, he turned around with a sullen face and left. Two steps later, he found that his leg was sore from being kicked, and his face became darker.

  Since that day, everyone else has been as usual, except Liu Yue, who has become more and more irritable. Fortunately, Director Zhang can use the name of Jiangshang Entertainment to suppress him, so that he can perform stably when acting.

  Wen Yu frowned and looked at the young actor.

  The little girl had a tender face. She had probably just entered the industry. Her eyes were red with fear from Liu Yue. When Wen Yu looked over, she smiled quickly and said, "It's okay. I've already finished it."

  Wen Yu nodded and said, "Avoid it next time. " Wait for him."

  The little girl responded. Yuan Tan also called her, and Wen Yu hurried over.

  The two of them went to remove makeup, change clothes, and then go out for hot pot. They both brought their assistants. The four of them could eat a lot. They went to the private room as usual. There were no outsiders. Yuan Tan immediately talked about this matter: "I think Liu Yue is too arrogant now. This is not the first time this has happened. "

  Is this the same as today?" Wen Yu frowned.

  Yuan Tan shook his head: "That's not true. I am the most irritable today."

  Wen Yu ate beef slices and thought, maybe Liu Yue was more irritable because he was next to him? After all, almost all his grievances were caused by himself.

  Of course he deserves it.

  Yuan Tan said: "I'm a little afraid that he has gone too far. If he becomes a tainted artist, the show will be over."

  At this point, Yuan Tan was full of resentment: "Can't these men take good care of themselves? They want to make money. I wanted to be wanton and take advantage of everything. In the end, when the incident came to light, we were the ones affected. I had a drama before and worked hard for five months. I buried it."

  Wen Yu gave her two yuan sympathetically . Duck blood: "Take a bite of duck blood to relieve the qi." He took a few mouthfuls and said, "I will contact the company."

  Yuan Tan felt relieved. At least there was someone to suppress Liu Yue. He couldn't do anything Something that goes too far.


  Yu didn't joke, he was eating directly at the dining table and sending messages to Zhou Han at the same time.

  Jiang Yunyan was very busy, and she was too embarrassed to ask him for everything, so she always contacted Zhou Han. She remembered that Jiang's father had previously chatted and mentioned that her eldest brother had officially joined Jiang's family last year and became the CEO. Maybe in a few years, Jiang's father would I can retire and travel around with Mother Jiang. ⑥ This ⑥ work ⑥ work ⑥ is organized by netizens ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ uploaded ⑥ uploaded ⑥

  However, even after entering Jiangshi, Jiangshang Entertainment, the company he founded, did not directly abandon it, but chose another general manager. Then continue to control the overall situation.

  Therefore, the assistants around him are the responsibility of both companies.

  The same thing applies to Zhou Han.

  It was still early at this point. As soon as she sent the message, Zhou Han immediately replied respectfully: [Okay, boss lady, I will follow up. 】   

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