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Chapter 26

  Restaurant Private Room
  Xu Ruoyan smiled sweetly and said a few words to the man on her left. From the corner of her eye, she saw that Jiang Yunyan on the right had put away her cell phone. Her heart tightened, and she turned around and said with a smile: "Why, the company still has it?" "Is something wrong?"

  "No." Jiang Yunyan said quietly.

  But he didn't say much.

  He doesn't like to talk about his personal affairs with irrelevant people, and he doesn't interact with other people. He only has a few friends since he was a child.

  Xu Ruoyan's eyes dimmed and she stopped asking.

  Just my heart sank.

  She and Jiang Yunyan were old acquaintances, old classmates. They went to the same school in high school and were in the same circle before. However, after the death of her grandparents, she was taken abroad by her parents after graduating from high school.

  After working hard abroad for these years, she almost completely lost contact with the country. It was not until last year that she learned a little bit about Jiang Yunyan's current situation through her high school classmates.

  Xu Ruoyan was ecstatic to learn that he was still single.

  She knew that this man would not get married easily. Everyone was obviously about the same age, but he was so mature that he seemed to have experienced a lot.

  When I was in school, I was obsessed with studying and didn't participate in any clubs or interest classes. I was only dragged by a few boys to play tennis, which was considered a hobby.

  Later I heard that I had joined my family's company and that I would be the future heir. I was very busy and never came to class reunions.

  Xu Ruoyan thinks this is good.

  At least it would give her enough time to accumulate strength so that she could stand by his side in the future.

  For such an outstanding person as Jiang Yunyan, it is natural that his other half cannot be a vase, and she happened to be in the company's rising period last year. At the end of this year, the company was successfully listed in country M, which gave her some confidence, so she took advantage of the opportunity of cooperation. return.

  She thought that Jiang Yunyan had probably forgotten her after so many years, but she didn't expect that when she introduced herself and mentioned her high school classmates, the man said calmly but firmly: "Well, I remember." At

  that moment, Xu Ruoyan wanted to cry, she I thought they had been forgotten for a long time. After all, they were just ordinary members of the tennis club, just acquaintances.

  In fact, her family conditions are not as good as those of the Jiang family. She is not in the same circle as them and cannot fit in. After going abroad, Xu Ruoyan was accidentally spotted by her agent and was selected to be a model.

  It's hard to get started, and it's not easy to gain a foothold in the fashion industry, but she may actually have some talent, but within three years, she has become famous, and her reputation once spread back to China.

  Then she chose to study fashion design, and founded a clothing brand with her friends. Relying on the reputation she accumulated as a model to promote the company, the company did very well until the end of this year when it was successfully listed.

  Xu Ruoyan could finally stand next to him with high spirits.

  It's just...

  She thought there was no one else around him all the time, but a man deliberately took photos and sent them to another person at the wine table. She didn't dare to think about what this meant.

  Xu Ruoyan felt sour in her heart. Could it be that something happened in the year she missed?

  It's a pity that Jiang Yunyan doesn't like to be in the limelight, and he doesn't appear in financial news. In addition to working, he is so low-key that nothing can be found online.

  She could only hold it down for the time being and continue socializing as if nothing had happened.

  But it didn't take long for these fat-bellied bosses to want to move to other places. What's the point of just eating?
  So the group went out.

  When she arrived at the door, Xu Ruoyan felt as if someone was taking pictures, but she didn't pay attention. Although she had withdrawn from the circle, she was still considered a public figure, and paparazzi or passers-by often took photos and posted them online.

  A car was driven over by the driver of their respective bosses, and Xu Ruoyan's driver also came over. For the first time, she felt that the driver came too early.

  But soon Jiang Yunyan's special assistant Zhou Han also reminded that the car was coming.

  Xu Ruoyan was anxious: "Mr. Jiang, we haven't seen each other for many years. When are we going to have dinner together?"

  Most men would be happy to be invited by her.

  It's not that Xu Ruoyan is arrogant, but that she does have the capital. //
  But the man in front of him frowned subconsciously, almost invisible. When he faced her, his expression was indifferent, and his voice was polite and distant: "Sorry, I'm too busy and don't have time."

  Xu Ruoyan squeezed out a smile: "Yes. Well, let's do it another day..."

  This time he didn't respond and turned around to get in the car.

  Unconsciously or not, his assistant suddenly said: "Boss, the salt and pepper shrimps in this restaurant are very delicious. Do you want to pack them for the boss lady to take back?"

  The man who just said he was too busy and had no time made a move and said very He nodded naturally: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, and

  you will get a bonus." The assistant grinned: "Okay, please wait a moment."

  The car door closed, and the driver drove the car to the parking area to avoid being in the way.

  Only Xu Ruoyan's blushing face quickly turned pale.

  Boss lady?
  Are you already married? !
  She was only a year late, and Jiang Yunyan got married?

  balcony window is open, and the cold wind blows in.

  When Wen Yu came to her senses, she found that her hands were frozen and she hurried back indoors. Her hair was half-dried, with the area on the back of her head being the driest. Fortunately, the hair dryer was not the one she had in her previous life, and the temperature would not hurt her scalp.

  She put down her mobile phone, took care of her hair again, and made up for the skin care steps she had missed one by one. She looked at her beautiful face in the mirror, which was white and rosy. However, the corners of her mouth were straight and slightly downward, and she was no longer as clever and agile as before , but revealed that he was a bit difficult to mess with.

  Feeling inexplicably depressed, Wen Yu simply had some fun, taking selfies with her mobile phone, adding special effects one by one, and finally selected the ones that looked the best and posted them on Weibo.

  It happened that Sister Liu was urging her to open her business and stabilize her few face fans.

  [Weibo from @文宇: Does it smell like that? [Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]】

  The special effects in the photo are the one with straight bangs, smoky makeup, and dark red lips. Coupled with the built-in microdermabrasion effect, Wen Yu's face looks more beautiful. It's a bit pure, and with this special effect, the contrast is great.

  As soon as it was posted, many comments immediately appeared: [Ah ah ah, my wife is finally back]

  [It's so beautiful, I was suffocated for a moment, I didn't know what to say even if I got in the front row]

  [awsl! ! ! ]

  [Yes, yes! I watched it at night to the point where I was dreaming, hehe, hehe...]

  There were a lot of rainbow farts, and black fans also rushed to occupy the comment area after hearing the news, but Wen Yu was too lazy to read it. After watching the rainbow farts, she happily closed it and played another one. Yawn and sleep.

  Her head started to feel dizzy again.

  It's probably because the cold wind accidentally blew in just now.

  Wen Yu took out the cold medicine she had just put away and took two more anti-inflammatory pills. She huddled under the quilt, closed her eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

  Just in my sleep, a scene suddenly appeared in front of me. A man and a woman stood side by side. Both of them were dressed in black and had a strong aura. Someone seemed to be shouting something in their ears.

  Listen carefully: [Ah ah ah, the wealthy couple is proud! 】   

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