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Chapter 61:

  After coaxing Jiang Yunyan away, Wen Yu jogged for two steps. Suddenly she felt a pain in her stomach and quickly slowed down her pace.

  After all, it seems that these days are my menstrual periods?
  But she was too lazy to remember this kind of thing. She had always planned it out and prepared sanitary napkins in advance.

  It's just... I ate a little too much cold food today.

  I wonder if you will come early?
  Wen Yu muttered, it's better to finish the photo quickly.

  Without Jiang Yun Yanchu there, the male actor who plays the opposite role will not feel uncomfortable, and the filming went smoothly. When the villain wanted to bully his sister, the sister resisted desperately, activated the blood of Tianhu, and successfully killed the villain.

  This is also a big scene, and it is a brutal fight scene.

  Wen Yu's shooting went smoothly, but for the sake of the beauty and strength of the picture, he still had to keep repeating it, and at the same time his emotions had to keep up.

  The role she plays is different from the heroine. She is a primitive demon who has not been corrupted by human thought. She kills demons without mercy. She must be cold and cold enough to show her attitude.

  Although Wen Yu didn't know how many minutes he could stay in the movie after all this effort, he still did his best.

  However, because of this, there were many more beating and beating scenes in this scene.

  By the time all the shots were finished and one scene was finished, it would be dark.

  Wen Yu was so tired that her hands and feet were so weak. When Yu Yu came to help her, he found a small cut on the back of her hand, which was scratched by a stone when she fell to the ground.

  Fortunately, this was an ancient setting. She was wearing layers of clothes, and only her arms and knees were exposed. There weren't many wounds, just a little more bruises and bruises.

  Yu Yu was already accustomed to this situation. After he was sent to the dressing room, he went to get the small medicine box.

  Wen Yu had just taken off her makeup and changed back into her own clothes. She felt relaxed all over. She was used to wearing loose clothes. Short-sleeved pants, and a jacket if the weather is cold.

  This was the most common outfit she wore in her previous life, and she was dressed exquisitely at the beginning of this life.

  It wasn't until I started acting that the scenes started to get heavier.

  I no longer think about dressing up.

  It's good to be dressed neatly. In winter, I can't wait to go to the venue wearing just this pajama.

  After changing her clothes, Xiao Yu also came over to apply medicine for her. After vomiting out all the medicine for bruises and iodophor, Wen Yu stood up and left.

  But when she walked out of the dressing room, she hesitated for a moment, looked in the mirror, and hesitated whether to put on makeup?

  But after thinking about it, I gave up.

  Her technique is not very good and she puts on lipstick without even applying makeup, which is not good.

  And the people in the car have been waiting for a long time!
  Wen Yu thought of this and ran out quickly.

  Yu Yu stopped chasing him: "Boss, I'll take our car and leave."

  "Okay." Wen Yu waved her hand and had already reached the car door.


  as the car door opened from the inside, Wen Yu immediately got in, but in vain, only Xiao Chen was left inside with a grin: "Mrs. Boss, please."

  Wen Yu: "?"

  She raised her eyebrows and was about to ask a question.

  Xiao Chen had already quickly explained: "The boss went back early and said he would cook for you. What do you want to eat? Tell the boss now that it will be ready when we get back."

  Wen Yu was dumbfounded, and before she could get angry, she turned into With a smile, he said casually: "I borrowed the kitchen of the hotel again."

  Xiao Chen shook his head: "No, this time I borrowed it from the Yuexia Pavilion."

  "Can you borrow these?" Wen Yu was shocked.

  I heard this store is very cold.

  He is taking the high-class route, and it was already surprising that he brought her breakfast last time.

  Xiao Chen's expression became strange: "You don't know?"

  Wen Yu blinked: "Should I know?"

  Xiao Chen immediately explained with a smile: "Yuexia Pavilion is the second boss's shop."

  Second boss? Jiang Yunjin?

  Wen Yu looked suspicious: "I remember this store has been there for many years."

  Xiao Chen said: "The second boss just came here to film a movie. He thought the store tasted good, but it was about to collapse, so he bought it. Let our boss help hire someone to reorganize it." After a pause, he added: "But the second boss didn't tell others, mainly because he was afraid that if he did, it wouldn't be easy to make money. After all, people come and go here. All the guests know him."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Good guy.

  As expected of the Jiang family!

  Wen Yu couldn't help but give Jiang Yunjin a thumbs up.

  No wonder Jiang Yunjin gave her a card for her birthday a few days ago, with 10 million in it. She is not only good at filming, but also good at doing business.

  However, this talent is normal. In the book, something happened to Jiang Yunyan, and the Jiang family's parents were devastated by the loss of their son. Jiang Yunjin was ordered to be in danger. At that time, the Jiang family was also in turmoil, but he still suppressed it and performed very well.

  Suddenly remembering the plot in the book about Jiang Yun Yan's death, Wen Yu's heart tightened and her lower abdomen twitched.

  Her face changed slightly, and she felt it carefully, and there should be nothing missing. Then she felt relieved and stopped chatting. She urged Xiao Chen to drive quickly and handed out what he wanted to eat tonight.

  She has been too tired from filming these days. Her appetite is not that good. She has lost a lot of weight and can be more indulgent. She orders: [Brother, I want chicken steak, boiled fish fillets, spicy beef cubes...]

  Jiang Yunyan: [Eat Finished? ]

  Wen Yu: [Can you give some to your brother? ]

  [Cat rolling.jpg]

  On the other end, the man who was heading to the kitchen looked at his phone and chuckled before typing: [Okay]

  Wen Yu immediately pushed further: [Beef cubes should be spicy! 】

  Since you are treating yourself, you have to be thorough. The aunt period is coming soon. During this period, you should avoid food. Take a bite before the aunt comes completely.

  However, the next second, when she saw someone's cold reply: "No",

  Wen Yu suddenly felt a great pain in her heart and stared at the phone without replying.


  person who was about to start cooking suddenly found that his phone was silent. He was surprised, but took out his phone again and called the little girl over there who was probably angry.

  Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, a sobbing cry came from the phone: "Why are you still calling? Aren't you not letting me eat?!"

  Through the phone, her voice was still nice, especially her acting skills were probably getting better, and her crying voice was becoming more real. In the corner of the noisy kitchen, Jiang Yunyan had a look of helpless pity in his eyes, and said softly: "It's not that I won't let you eat. It's not good if you eat too much."

  His voice was low and gentle, which was pleasant to listen to. Now when he was coaxing, it sounded like a melodious ancient tune, with a bit of electric sound, reaching Wen Yu's ears through the phone line.

  She cried for a while, and her ear against the phone seemed to be swept by a tingling electric current, and her shoulders shrank unconsciously.

  The originally rather careless momentum suddenly dropped a lot.

  Fortunately, Wen Yu quickly stabilized her voice and said plaintively: "Okay, I'll just listen to my eldest brother. Originally, I just felt a little bit depressed and felt a little sad, so I planned to reward myself with something I've been thinking about, but what my eldest brother said It makes sense, I'll just listen~~~Hey, my heart is still feeling uncomfortable right now..."

  Jiang Yunyan asked patiently, "Why are you feeling bad? Someone is bullying you?"

  "Yes," Wen Yu answered decisively.

  Xiao Chen, who was driving, felt his eyebrows twitching and panicked subconsciously. He stepped on the accelerator a little more, but fortunately, it quickly slowed down and maintained a stable speed.

  Jiang Yunyan's voice also changed slightly: "Who?"

  Wen Yu: "You!" Jiang Yunyan: "..."

  Xiao Chen: "..."

  Wen Yu heard the deafening silence over there, and immediately complained: "Just now I

  I'm afraid that you waited too long and were busy taking off your makeup as soon as work was over. You didn't even have time to put on your makeup, so you came right over. As soon as you got in the car, you weren't there! I'm crying. If you don't believe me, just ask Xiao Chen."

  After saying that, Wen Yu handed the phone forward: "Xiao Chen, tell me."

  Xiao Chen: "...Yes! The boss lady was so happy just now. The car, the smile is gone!"

  After saying that, he pursed his lips guiltily and focused more on driving.

  This is not a lie.

  Wen Yu, on the other hand, was satisfied and took back the phone: "Are you going too far?! Should I be sad? Am I being bullied by you?!"

  "I was wrong." The man on the phone admitted his mistake very quickly and also Very cooperative: "There's no next time, how can Xiaoyu not be sad?"

  Wen Yu raised a smirk on his lips, instantly put away his sad voice, leaned back, and said softly: "Brother , I want a kiss!"

  That's it.

  She has been frivolous so many times in real life, and she has become much more courageous.

  Since Jiang Yunyan doesn't mind, she can climb along the pole.

  If adding spicy and spicy food doesn't work, then find it elsewhere.

  At this time, when he heard the voice on the phone, a faint blush appeared on the man's cheeks. He coughed lightly and his deep voice became hoarse: "Wait until you get back."

  "No!" Wen Yu refused: "Just call. Here!"


  Wen Yu whispered: "How about adding spicy sauce to my beef cubes?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "..."


  minutes later, the man who finished the phone call in the back kitchen had a blank expression. Returning to his own position with an expression on his face.

  However, the uncontrollable blush on the handsome face still startled the waiting chef, who almost asked the boss if he was sick and had a fever.

  Fortunately, before he could speak, the other party glanced at him with a cold look, and he didn't dare to say anything.

  But this man who was calm and composed just now seemed to have lost his soul at this time. He wanted to marinate beef cubes, but he turned the salt into sugar. The chicken steak was cut into pieces before it even started to be fried. After cutting, he was stunned, and so was the cook.

  Finally, the cook said weakly: "How about you ask my master to help you make it?"

  The man pursed his lips, and his stern face became more and more intimidating, but he still shook his head: "No need."

  He went to the bathroom simply, I poured cold water on my face and calmed down completely before returning to the kitchen.

  This time, the operation was so smooth that I was shocked to see the helper cook. Such a rich boss actually cooked for himself? !


  car drove out of this wilderness and accelerated.

  After receiving a kiss over the phone, Wen Yu, who was also blushing, happily waited for the food.

  However, as she approached the city, her expression became more and more strange.

  Until you get to the hotel entrance.

  Wen Yu already looked panicked. When the car stopped, she immediately put on her coat, said hello to Xiao Chen and ran away, leaving Xiao Chen scratching his head and sighing.

  No wonder the boss loves to go home and cook so much now.

  With such a supportive person, the cook feels so comfortable.

  Look at this person running so fast for stuttering.

  But in fact... Wen Yu's face turned pale as he hurried back to change clothes.

  She is in good health and does not have much pain during menstruation. She usually has some backache and dull pain on the first or second day. Her current condition is a little more serious than usual, but she is still fine.

  But here in the film and television city, paparazzi are everywhere and can be photographed anytime and anywhere.

  If it was missed, photographed, or seen by someone, it would really be embarrassing to the entire internet.

  Fortunately, the jeans she wore were quite thick and she ran all the way back to the floor where her room was.

  He happened to bump into Jiang Yunyan who was carrying a food box.

  He was holding the food box in one hand and swiping the door of her room with the room card in the other hand. The moment he saw Wen Yu, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

  "Brother!" Wen Yu was surprised: "You are back first? Have you got the card?"

  Jiang Yunyan glanced at her, shook his head, and said with a tense face: "No."

  The door opened, and he let Wen Yu go in first.

  Wen Yu slipped in, immediately went to the closet to find a change of clothes, and said to Jiang Yunyan, "I'm going to take a shower first."

  "Yes." Jiang Yunyan responded, not paying attention, but looked at the room. Sure enough, it was the same as before. It was still messy, and he barely found a place to put the food box. He unbuttoned his cuffs, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and started packing.

  First, sort out the clothes piled on the sofa and separate the worn and unworn clothes.

  Then clean up the coffee table, desk and other places. I didn't see the takeout boxes, but there was a lot of various bits and pieces of garbage.

  Especially with all kinds of facial masks scattered around, it looks even more untidy.

  Jiang Yunyan is used to doing this kind of thing. He took care of himself when he was living with his grandfather when he was very young. Later, when he went to college and lived alone outside, he also started to learn to cook. He also had a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and was used to keeping his house tidy.

  After a while, the messy house became tidy.

  Guessing the time for Wen Yu to take a bath, Jiang Yunyan looked over there.

  At this sight, his expression froze, and then he quickly turned away, and the blush that had just disappeared quickly reappeared.

  I don't know why the hotel is designed like this, but the bathroom is actually translucent and frosted. At a glance, you can almost see the movements and outlines of the people inside!

  His thoughts suddenly became messy, and he couldn't help but recall the scene he had just accidentally seen.

  For the first time, Jiang Yunyan began to feel annoyed that his memory was too good.

  He pulled the collar unnaturally, fiddled with it twice with his slender fingers, and unbuttoned two buttons, feeling that his breathing became much easier.

  The sound of water seemed to have stopped. Jiang Yunyan pursed his lips, took the food box and put it on the coffee table. The location here was good, next to the window, the light was very good, and the bathroom was not visible.

  After a while, he vaguely heard the sound of rustling, which must have been getting dressed.

  Then the food box was opened.


  Wen Yu's moisture came out, she could smell the spicy fragrance filling the room.

  She took a deep breath, what a wonderful smell!

  she likes!
  "Brother!" Wen Yu shouted happily and took a bath. She was very comfortable now, refreshed and her backache was much less.

  Maybe she ate something cold like iced watermelon at noon, which made her feel much more violent on the first day this time than before.

  Fortunately, I can lie down after eating later.

  She was in a good mood, but the man with his back to her just responded in a low voice: "Yeah."

  Wen Yu was confused and felt something was wrong. Although Jiang Yunyan was not a talkative person in normal times, he was rarely so cold, right?

  Without even looking back?
  Or was it because of that phone call?
  Wen Yu was also a little uncomfortable. She was very courageous when no one was in front of her. Now that Jiang Yunyan was in front of her, he was still so ascetic and calm, and she felt offended.

  Wen Yu didn't speak anymore and sat over.

  The coffee table was a round glass coffee table with four chairs. The two of them sat across from each other. She immediately looked at the dishes and saw that they had everything she wanted!

  Especially the boiled fish, the spicy aroma is very authentic.

  A pair of chopsticks were handed over to me.

  Wen Yu took the answer and then raised his eyes, suddenly surprised: "Brother, why are you face so red? Can't you eat spicy food?"

  Jiang Yunyan's skin is fairly fair, mainly because except for morning exercises, he spends most of his time in the office. Or in the car, there is not much sun, so any color change on the face is very obvious.

  For example, on her birthday last time, the cyan color under his eyes was still obvious the next day.

  He has a handsome appearance, but he has always been stern, which makes his face particularly cold. However, at this moment, a trace of scarlet color appears on his cheeks, which can be seen at a glance.

  "I can eat spicy food." The man paused, glanced at her indifferently, and said seriously: "Eat."

  "Oh." Wen Yu muttered, picked up a piece of cut chicken steak and took a bite. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Delicious, marinated, and the meat inside is very flavorful.

  The boiled fish is even more delicious. Although it has a little more oil and is covered with red peppers. You can find fish in the peppers, but the fish meat is in pieces and slightly curled. When you pick it up, the fish meat seems to be trembling, wrapped in a spicy and spicy taste. Even when eaten into the mouth, there are no thorns.

  Of course, the most delicious thing has to be the spicy beef cubes.

  The beef itself is very good, the spicy taste is more than that of boiled fish, and the texture is soft and tender...

  Wen Yu's thoughts wandered for a moment, and he inadvertently raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the lips of the person in front of him.

  Most of the dishes she chose today were spicy. Jiang Yunyan ate very gracefully and calmly, but the color of his usually light-colored lips became much darker at this time.

  It was very much like what she saw at the airport entrance that day when she was leaving. ││As

  if aware of her gaze, the man moved his eyebrows slightly and looked over: "What's wrong?"

  Wen Yu quickly lowered his head and sighed.

  It's all because Jiang Yunyan is so good-looking.

  It always made her think wildly.

  Especially when she looked at it just now, she found that two buttons of Jiang Yunyan's shirt had been unbuttoned at some point, and the white collar was open and gathered in the middle, as if supporting the beautiful collarbone.

  Wen Yu still remembered where he had taken a bite before.

  Just a few days ago.

  I wonder if there are any traces left?

  Thinking like this, she glanced over again.

  Jiang Yunyan's skin is also fair, especially the part below her neck that has never seen the sun, so if there is anything, it will be particularly conspicuous. She forgot to look at it last time, but when she saw it now, it was smooth.


  there seems to be a small mole on his left collarbone. It's small, but it's particularly obvious on the white collarbone.

  "Xiaoyu." Jiang Yunyan's voice deepened slightly and he gave her a piece of beef. "Eat first."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Found out!

  definitely is!


  I'm not angry even though this happened, I just reminded her to eat.

  Wen Yu didn't dare to look away at all now and buried her head in eating.

  But she didn't see the man who had just reminded her calmly. Seeing that she was honest, her muscles that quietly tensed up relaxed slightly, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

  Call her shy, she blushes easily.

  But sometimes he is extraordinarily bold.

  The look in her eyes just now seemed to fall on his open collar with substance, and he could clearly feel that she was even a little restless just because of her gaze.

  It's just that you still have to eat when you have to eat.

  Fortunately, the little girl listened to the advice.


  Yunyan looked at the little girl who was eating a big meal, and gave her another piece of chicken steak: "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry."

  Wen Yu: "..."

  Is this telling her to calm down?
  Wen Yu bit her lip, if she wanted something else, she would definitely ask directly, but she was really not easy to ask about this matter, mainly because she moved... her eyes first.

  Wen Yu could only continue eating.

  Fortunately, the food is delicious and I am still happy.

  By the time a bowl of rice is finished, there won't be much food left.

  At the end of Jiang Yun's banquet, Wen Yu helped to clean up. After cleaning up, she wiped her hands with a wet wipe and wanted to leave. She should go to bed quickly, so that society and death would not be able to catch up with her!

  But she had already stood up and was about to leave when the man sitting there grabbed her wrist.

  Wen Yu looked back and saw that he suddenly curled his lips and put a little force on his hands. Wen Yu, who didn't want to resist, was taken over, staggered twice, and sat directly on his lap. His body leaned back and fell In the arms that have been waiting for a long time.

  She is not too petite, and her height of 1.65 meters is still good. However, she has a small frame and a little flesh on her body, but she goes to the right places.

  The man behind him was tall, and Wen Yu only reached a little past his shoulders. He also liked to exercise on weekdays. Now he held her with both hands, and Wen Yu seemed to be wrapped up in him, completely falling into his arms.

  He raised his hand to smooth Shun Wenyu's long hair, and held her waist with the other hand, explaining softly in her ear: "It's not that I don't want you to look at it, but you should concentrate on eating while eating."

  The man said, feeling uncomfortable with the extra rays in his eyes . .

  Growing up, no one had seriously talked to him about this kind of thing between husband and wife, and he didn't know how to get along with it. It was just a habit of many years, and it was not good to do things at what time. It was not good to do this during meals.

  But he saw that Wen Yu had been silent since he said he wanted her to eat. In the past, he always liked to talk about things around him, but he didn't say it anymore. When he realized something was wrong, he tactfully explained what he meant.

  After saying that, he lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on the collarbone of the person in front of him, then pursed his lips, as if sucking lightly.   

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