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 Chapter 18
  It was already past six in the afternoon when Wen Yu and Jiang Yunyan rushed to the hospital.

  When we came out of the airport, we happened to catch up with the evening rush hour. It took us a long time, otherwise it would have been an hour earlier.

  When they arrived at the hospital and saw Jiang's mother, the two of them felt relieved. Jiang's mother was still angry: "It's so late, haven't you eaten yet? What are you doing here? I have nothing to do. It will be the same tomorrow."

  But she was still very happy when the child came to see her.

  I have raised three children, and they are all so filial.

  Before the eldest brother and the others came back, the second eldest brother had already brought his girlfriend here once.

  "It's okay, but it's just a meal, and it's the same now." Wen Yu sat on the edge of the bed, her face full of worry: "Mother Jiang, who made you so angry?!"

  Father Jiang: "It's not——"

  "Ahem!" Jiang's mother quickly interrupted her husband: "It's nothing. What's going on here? I guess I've just eaten a little better these days. It's November now. Aren't crabs really fat? There's a lot of them at home, maybe Because of this, a little thing sent me to the hospital."

  Wen Yu's eyes showed suspicion: "Really?"

  "Yeah, you don't know how fat the crabs are now. I still have them at home. I haven't eaten them yet. Are you going to stay home for two days and help Mother Jiang eat the crabs?" Mother Jiang coaxed.

  Wen Yu is also a food lover. After hearing this, she immediately thought of the many ways to prepare crabs, such as spicy crabs, steamed hairy crabs, drunken crabs...

  She was about to nod when Jiang's mother looked at her eldest son again: "You come too Go back, your dad has to take care of me, there is no one at home, Xiaoyu will be scared if he is alone at home? "

  They all go home?"

  Wen Yu's eyebrows jumped, then the situation was different.

  In the place where she and Jiang Yunyan live now, they have separate rooms, but the Jiang family does not. Wen Yu originally had her own room. After getting married, it was naturally changed back to the guest room by Jiang's mother. All her things were Was moved to a new room on the third floor.

  The new room is not Jiang Yunyan's. It was two rooms that were opened up to make one large room, which was renovated and used as a wedding room.

  So much so that in the more than half a year since Wen Yu and Jiang Yunyan got married, they never really went back to Jiang's house to stay for a day.

  She subconsciously looked at Jiang Yunyan.

  The man who was talking in a low voice to Jiang's father noticed the gaze on him, glanced at the two people on the hospital bed, and said calmly: "No, just ask aunt to take me there. This is closer to the hospital." Document Sharing and Online Reading
  Jiang's mother was a little disappointed: "That's okay."

  Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little strange in her heart. Jiang Yunyan also didn't want to go back there?

  Forget it, this is the sponsor's dad, what are you thinking about?

  The two wanted to stay for a while, but Jiang's mother heard that they had not eaten, so she rushed them to eat, and they were kicked out after a while.

  It was only seven o'clock at this time, but it gets dark early in autumn and winter, and the street lights were already on outside.

  "What to eat?" the man asked in a low voice.

  No one spoke.

  Jiang Yunyan frowned slightly, and when he turned his head, he saw the little girl looking directly at the snack street outside the hospital. At a glance, stalls were neatly placed on both sides of the road, and various snacks were filled with hot fragrance and mixed together. .

  After watching for a while, the little girl probably found what she wanted to eat most, and immediately turned around. Under the dim light, her eyes were still bright, and her voice was crisp and sweet: "Brother, I want to eat spicy hotpot, can you eat it?" ? This is delicious!"

  Jiang Yunyan followed where she pointed and saw the shiny stall, frowning slightly.

  "Brother~" Wen Yu took his arm and shook it: "I haven't eaten for a long time! Although this is not very healthy, there will be no problem!"

  Jiang Yunyan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and compromised: "I can only eat a little. Have a taste."

  "Okay!" Wen Yu ran quickly on her legs and clicked in front of the stall, fearing that he would regret it.

  None of the Jiang family loves roadside stalls. Even the most down-to-earth Jiang Yunjin, who had been manipulated by plots and forgotten her past life, would not touch them.

  However, now that I have woken up, I suddenly realize that I haven't eaten from a roadside stall in years!
  That greediness, it's easy to say if you don't see it, but if you see it, you can't control it.


  the Malatang is a grilled sausage stall. Wen Yu was bored waiting for the Malatang. He noticed it at a glance and immediately stared at it. The stall owner was a young girl. When he saw this, he asked: "Miss, do you want one?"

  Wen Yu glanced guiltily at the man waiting not far away. At this glance, she saw two girls in front of him, who seemed to be talking to him, but the man's expression was dull and his thin lips were slightly pursed.

  He must have been accosted.

  Wen Yu took advantage of him not looking here and said quickly: "Have one."

  She quickly scanned the QR code to pay.

  After a while, the spicy hotpot and grilled sausage were ready together. She walked over with the spicy hotpot in one hand and the hot crispy grilled sausage in the other. In just two steps, she couldn't help but take a small bite.

  But that taste is right!
  Then with a flick of his left hand, Jiang Yunyan had already taken the malatang from her: "Eat it."

  Wen Yu's eyes flashed, and she looked behind him and saw that the two girls had not left yet, but now they saw her, two The girls were a little embarrassed, smiled at her, and ran away holding hands.

  While running, he covered his face and said: "I'm going to die, I actually have a girlfriend!"

  "Let me tell you, why are you standing here alone without a girlfriend?"

  "Crying, but I have really good eyesight. , He's actually a father's boyfriend, even more handsome!"

  "...Why do I think that girl looks so familiar?"

  The voice faded as the two of them ran away.

  Wen Yu's eyes were crooked, and he took one bite after another. The grilled sausage was not enough, so he picked up a piece of fish cake directly from someone as a dining table and took a bite.

  "Delicious?" Jiang Yunyan stared at the thing in his hand, his eyes revealing suspicion.

  Wen Yu ate happily and didn't mind his disapproval: "It's delicious! This grilled sausage has no meat at all, it's just right, and this spicy hotpot, it tastes good, and ordinary cabbage is also delicious."

  After finishing speaking, She thought for a while, picked up a piece of tenderloin with the other side of her chopsticks, raised her arms, and brought the piece of meat to his mouth: "You try it? It's delicious!"

  Jiang Yunyan did not move, but looked down at her.

  Wen Yu blinked, a little confused.

  Did she change the end of her chopsticks?

  "Forget it, I'll eat it myself-" Wen Yu muttered and was about to take it back.

  The man suddenly lowered his head and took the meat off the chopsticks.

  His eyebrows were lowered, as if he was looking at himself, but the streetlight above his head was down, which just obscured his expression. Wen Yu felt a little uncomfortable, quickly took a bite of the sausage, threw the signature into the trash can next to him, and picked it up himself. After passing the spicy bowl, he asked: "Is it delicious?"

  Jiang Yunyan nodded slightly: "It's okay."

  Wen Yu smiled and said: "Then you want to buy it?"

  "No." Jiang Yunyan decisively refused.

  Wen Yu curled her lips. She was indeed a tyrant who had been trained according to the standards since she was a child. She was restrained. She casually glanced to the side, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

  "Someone took a picture of me?" Wen Yu was confused.

  Jiang Yunyan's face changed slightly, and he handed the Malatang back to her. He said "wait" and ran towards the other side. The man was wearing a coat and leather shoes, but his long legs were still strong and strong, and he could not be seen in the blink of an eye.

  Wen Yu looked confused, thinking: Is she really blushing?


  But someone actually secretly filmed her?
  Eat meat quickly to calm down the shock.

  She didn't buy much, just one of the same things, and there were a lot of things she didn't like to eat. After a while, she almost finished eating. Jiang Yunyan just came back. After running, his hair was a little messy, but his breath was still calm. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and explained He said: "It's the paparazzi. I've asked him to delete the photos, don't worry."

  After saying that, seeing Wen Yu's strange expression, his eyes darkened: "Don't worry, it won't be posted online."

  Wen Yu shook his head with a serious look on his face . : "Brother, am I really popular?"

  Jiang Yunyan: "?"

  Wen Yu: "There are actually paparazzi secretly filming me!"

  Jiang Yunyan: "..."


  Wen Yu was lying in bed that night and went to Weibo specifically Glanced.

  Still his eight million fans.

  The main reason for this was that when she was manipulated by the plot, she had an affair with Jiang Yunjin, which caused a lot of trouble. Jiang Yunjin had a lot of traffic, and she could get a lot if she evened it out a little.

  All that's left is some powder.

  Her face is really good-looking. In this life, she has combined the advantages of her parents. She has been pampered and has a controlled diet. She usually doesn't get acne.

  When such a face appears on the screen, it will naturally attract people. Coupled with the makeup changes of the crew, even if she has a small role, she will have a place in the small station.

  This is how makeup comes about.

  But after watching it for a while, Wen Yu also felt that something was wrong. Fans were still like that, licking the screen, and even because she hadn't posted photos for a while, she was not very active. On the contrary, the black fans were even more lively. When they saw the topic about her, they started to Go up and spray twice.

  Doesn't it look like it's red?

  After waiting for two days, Wen Yu suddenly realized after seeing the news that a well-known male artist went to the men's department for medical treatment.

  Is her relationship just incidental? !
  Wen Yu was chatting with Mother Jiang while scrolling Weibo. When she saw the news, she knew that she was being sentimental. She covered her face and threw herself into Mother Jiang's arms: "I was almost embarrassed! I thought I was famous! Fortunately, I didn't I went everywhere to say that paparazzi were secretly filming me!"

  Jiang's mother smiled and hugged her: "Our little fish is so good-looking and has a strong learning ability. We will definitely become famous soon. It's not embarrassing or shameful."

  Wen Yu is always a coquettish person . Hearing this, he felt uncomfortable: "I can't do it."

  How could a salty fish like her become famous?
  Being a star-studded star was too far away for her in her previous life. Her goal in this life is to save more money so that she can provide for her retirement in the future.

  Mother Jiang said sternly: "You can't say that! We, Xiaoyu, have been either first or second since we were young. We are so good in exams, but you are not popular yet. That is because you have not received professional training and have never played a female lead. I heard that you need to play a heroine to become famous. Don't you think the second one is famous for playing a male lead? "Why don't you let the boss give you a female lead script first?"

  "No, no!" Wen Yu hurriedly refused and pressed the button. Mother Jiang's hand was about to move, and she couldn't laugh or cry. Jiang Yunjin didn't become famous only after playing the male lead. He became famous when he debuted, but later he acted in an idol drama, and then he became a top star. Then Jiang Shang Entertainment strictly controlled him. Even if the dramas he acted in were not that popular, they still received excellent reviews, which is why he has been able to stabilize his deity.

  But Wen Yu also had some deep thoughts.

  Does she really not want to be famous?
  Wen Yu felt that she didn't care before. Now she is young, beautiful, rich, and a rich woman. Even if she divorces Jiang Yunyan, she can still live a good life. The life she has now is what she dreamed of in her previous life.

  But in fact, she was a little happy when she found out that the paparazzi secretly photographed her and thought she was famous.

  Wen Yu thought, if he worked harder, he might become famous?

  It's just that my salted fish pension plan has not been fully implemented yet, and I feel a little pity.

  But when I think about it, if she really becomes famous and a bunch of scripts are sent to her, wouldn't these just be enough to make up for it when the scripts that can be invested in the plot are used up?
  Both sides were very conflicted. Wen Yu couldn't make a decision, so she simply lay down for now. She would have to join the next crew to film tomorrow.

  When Jiang's mother heard this, she immediately said, "Are you going to be busy again tomorrow? Why don't you go back there tonight and prepare some delicious food for you?"

  Wen Yu quickly shook her head: "I made an agreement with my eldest brother, and he will make some delicious food for me." The chicken stewed with mushrooms is probably ready now. Mother Jiang, why don't you go there with me?"

  Mother Jiang shook her head quickly: "No, I can't let go. Will you be greedy for me?"

  As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Wen Yu's belly with anticipation.

  Heck, she's not going to be a lightbulb.

  If Xiaoyu is pregnant, she will go over to take care of the baby for her, and then the old sisters will have grandchildren. Then she will go to the old sisters to chat with her, and proudly tell her that Xiaoyu has been raised well by her, and she has lived up to her expectations. Her instructions.

  Wen Yu thought the same thing. It was too cruel to let Jiang's mother watch them eat. After sitting for a while, it felt that the time was almost up, and Wen Yu left. As soon as she left, Jiang's mother immediately said to Jiang's father: "Lao Jiang, you Do you think the relationship between the boss and Xiaoyu is getting better?"

  Jiang's father was still watching the news. Hearing this, he said, "Huh? Their relationship was not good before?"

  Jiang's mother: "..."

  She rolled her eyes and said She was so happy, thinking about what the anti-fan said about Xiao Yu's negative support for A-Jin, she snorted coldly. When Xiao Yu and the eldest child were born, she would definitely take a photo herself to show to the anti-fans!
  Xiaoyu doesn't like dick anymore! Why are you holding on to the past? !

  having a full meal of the chicken stewed with mushrooms made by the snail brother, Wen Yu took a plane the next day and returned to the film and television city again to join the crew of "Mou Zhi".

  This drama tells the story of a heroine who was born as a concubine. In order to live a better life, she chose to climb Gaozhi. Unexpectedly, the top student in Gaozhi High School she chose accidentally fell in love with the princess. She turned around and drew a clear line with her, causing her to While being laughed at, another, more shining golden thigh appears.

  This is an ancient puppet drama, with a little bit of intrigue added in. The male protagonist is the prince's prince who was praised and killed by his stepmother. He seems to be naughty, but in fact he is the prince's right-hand man. He has done many things for the prince secretly, including saving the heroine. On a whim, but not expecting the heroine to be resourceful, the couple teamed up to resolve many crises. In the end, the heroine obtained the imperial edict by following the dragon, and married the hero with glory.

  Wen Yu's character is the daughter of a general. She is the childhood sweetheart of the male protagonist in everyone's eyes. In fact, she looks down on the male protagonist very much and thinks she is too weak. She takes over half of the fighting scenes in the play.

  The remaining half is for the male protagonist and other characters.

  Therefore, as soon as he entered the crew, Wen Yu was busy learning how to act. He didn't even think about whether he should work hard or not. Everyone was already on the crew, so why not work hard? !

  When Wen Yu joined the crew, the crew had already started filming for half a month. By the time she filmed her first scene, it had officially started filming for a month. ▃This▃work▃▃ is provided▃▃online▃▃read▃read▃Wen

  Yu's character is Xu Zhaoyue. In addition to assisting the male and female protagonists, she is also the main helper on the male protagonist's side because she is a good fighter and looks... He has a delicate and weak look, so it is easy for people to let down their guard and do a lot of things.

  And she chose to join the prince and become the male protagonist's helper because she wanted to follow the dragon's merits, so that she could wear armor openly and shoulder the glory of the entire family in the future, instead of marrying early at the age of sixteen or seventeen and being trapped. House.

  Therefore, the first scene involves sneaking into the master's study at a gathering of a group of wealthy ladies to steal evidence of his corruption.

  But she was unlucky. She happened to be discovered when the male protagonist came back. For this reason, she had to evade all the way, and was finally rescued by the female protagonist. When the male protagonist arrived, she caused a scene in the mansion and attracted attention with her dandy appearance. She took the opportunity to restore her appearance and was taken back to the banquet hall by the hostess.

  It is also because of this that the female protagonist knows that the relationship between Xu Zhaoyue and the male protagonist is actually that of a superior and a subordinate. When the male protagonist comes to pick her up, the female protagonist pretends to be jealous, causing the male protagonist a headache but dare not say anything, and is unable to hold it in.

  The crew is usually divided into two groups, AB, and they shoot together in two stages to save time. Wen Yu's fighting scene is finished, and the male and female protagonists are opposite each other on the other side. They are jealous and coaxing, which is sweet.

  "Click!" the director shouted.

  The male and female protagonists, who were cuddling just now, immediately separated with indifferent expressions. Unlike Wen Yu's previous crew, they did not joke or say hello to each other at all.

  This attitude is particularly obvious, that is, not to deal with it. Wen Yu's eyes immediately brightened,   and

  he held Xiao Yu's hand and whispered softly: "Why don't you go find out what happened to these two people?"   This is another benefit of being an actor.   But Yu Yu smiled mysteriously: "I've already found out!"   Wen Yu said: "?"   Good guy, Yu Yu has been with her all day long, but he still has time to eat melon?   Then Wen Yu heard about the love and hatred between the male and female protagonists, which mainly stemmed from the battle for position.   This drama is actually adapted from a novel. The original novel seems to be about the heroine trying her best to climb high because she is weak.   In fact, the heroine has been carefully planning a marriage for herself since she was a little concubine under the control of her stern aunt, hoping to get rid of this suffocating back house. Unexpectedly, an unexpected combination of circumstances and the golden-legged male protagonist Get involved and really make a difference.   The heroine is weak, but extremely smart. At first, she was trapped in the inner house and her vision was limited. Only when she left the inner house and entered the court did she really show her wit.   The battle in the court is more suitable for her than the inner house.   The perspective also follows the female protagonist's perspective. Compared with the female protagonist, the male protagonist's role is almost three to seven.   Everyone initially agreed that the heroine was Ichiban.   But the traffic of the male protagonist of this drama is actually greater than that of the female protagonist. The male protagonist Liu Yue is an idol and turned into an actor. He has already filmed several sweet pet dramas and the feedback has been quite good. One of them even became a hit.   The heroine Yuan Tan has always been in the TV industry, and the quality of her dramas is also very good. She has three popular dramas, and her acting skills are also well-known. The only regret is that she has not won a traditional award in the film and television industry.   Relatively speaking, her status in the TV drama circle is higher than that of Liu Yue, but she can't resist Liu Yue's huge traffic and his appeal seems to be stronger than hers. Therefore, the makeup photos were sent out a few days ago, and the layout was done at Liu Yue's request. , he became Ichiban.   Liu Yue was happy, but Yuan Tan was unhappy, especially when Liu Yue added an extra element of drama, changing the heroine's highlight moment to that of the male protagonist, and acted like a hero saving a beauty to spoil the audience, but she could only protest. admit.   Yuan Tan was so angry that she couldn't coexist peacefully with him since then. Liu Yue was not easy to get along with, so he immediately turned his back on him, so the atmosphere on the set has become like this in recent days.   Because the biggest stars are the male and female protagonists, when they make trouble like this, others will more or less avoid their edge, so the entire crew seems a bit low-pressure.   ——You   don't have to practice fighting scenes. When Wen Yu was busy, he felt it and asked about it.   After hearing this, Wen Yu couldn't help being surprised: "Under such circumstances, he actually wants to grab the position?" Yu Yu   spread his hands: "There is no way, he has a lot of traffic, and he doesn't dare to offend easily."   Wen Yu frowned.   

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