102. June 26, 2015

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He was staring blankly at the ring again. He would often find that he'd be staring down at the gold engagement ring on his finger, given to him by his fiancée, Dean.

This was all he could ever want in the world. Then again, he would also like to be able to legally marry him one day. They'd considered moving to a state where it was legal, but Dean nixed the idea. "I have faith." Was all he said.

Castiel could remember the night he was given this ring as though it had just come to pass. They went out for a late night picnic under the stars. It was so cheesy, one would think he'd see it coming. But he honestly didn't, and was pleasantly surprised.

"So, how's your book coming along?" Castiel asked Dean, referring to the LGBT novel he'd been working on for several months now.

"Pretty good, actually. I think I'm finally done with the rough draft, now I just have to edit."

Cas was happy to hear this. "Really? That's great."

"I actually brought an excerpt from the last chapter if you wanna read it."

"Sure, of course."

Dean opened the picnic basket and got the excerpt from the bottom, handing it to Cas. "Keep in mind that it's a rough draft, so it's not quite at its best yet."

"I'm sure it's beautiful." Cas smiled, reading the first line. "'It was a warm summer's evening, a cool, crisp breeze in the air, and Jensen decided to take Misha out to a picnic'." He grinned slightly. "Huh. Is this why you wanted to have a picnic, Dean?" His smile grew.

Dean returned the smile, anxious for him to read to the end. "Yep. Go on, you're almost to the good part."

"'As they sat beneath a blanket of stars, the full moon like a spotlight against the lake-'" He couldn't help but glance at the lake they were sitting by currently and become intrigued. "'-Jensen smiled at his lover. 'Misha?' He began softly, his stomach writhing and binding as he spoke. He couldn't have been more nervous, nor has he ever been so nervous before in his life. 'Yeah, Jensen?' Misha returned the smile, unaware of what his boyfriend had brought him here for.'" But before he could continue, Dean spoke up.

"How about I read Jensen's lines, and you read Misha's?" He smiled.

Cas was beginning to catch on now. "Alright."

"I remember everything I wrote, so I think we're at, ''Misha, I love you more than you could ever know. I say it every day, every hour, every minute, but no words could ever amount to how I feel. Before we met, I was in the worst case of depression and general fucked-up-ism. But then, you dragged me out of that hell. And nothing I could ever say or do could ever thank you for that.' There was a pause as Jensen caught his breath and Misha had tears in his eyes. 'But I'd like to start with this.'"

"Dean," Cas interrupted with a catch in his throat. "What are you-"

Dean placed a silencing finger on his lips. "You have a line."

Cas looked down at the page and saw Misha's line as Dean removed his hand. "'Oh my god, D-" he caught his mistake. "-er, Jensen, what is this?'"

"'Jensen reached into his pocket and showed Misha the small black box, opening it and revealing a beautiful gold engagement ring.'" Dean did just as his character did. "'Misha Collins...'" He went off book for a moment. "Castiel Novak. 'Will you marry me?'"

This was a life changing moment. Of course he wanted to marry Dean, more than anything, but were they ready? They'd only been dating for a little over six months. His mother always said to wait a year, or else you'll get stuck with a deadbeat that can't pay the rent on the crappy apartment you'll surely be forced to live in. She knew this because of her father, and then her husband. His father, who he hasn't seen since he was three years old. He didn't want that kind of relationship with Dean, yet at the same time, he knew this was right.

"What do you say, Cas?" Dean smiled, tears in his eyes. "You wanna go by the book?"

Cas smiled at that, tears falling down his face. Without a second thought, he nodded. "Yeah. Let's go by the book."

And ever since then, he's been on standby. Waiting for the day that it would be legal. Every chance he got, he'd be watching the news, checking on Twitter, Facebook, all his social media, just waiting for the day that it would happen. But it never did. Not in the 4 and a half years since Dean proposed.

It was far too much time to wait, but they had no choice. It was illegal, plain and simple. And unfair. He was beginning to think that he'd never marry the love of his life.

This thought never left his mind as he stared at his ring, the local news playing on the TV. He'd wait. He would wait forever if that's what it took. And maybe he'd stay up for all the nights of forever as well. Lately he's been plagued by insomnia. He's been extra antsy the past few days. Though now, he felt a bit more relaxed, just enough for him to doze off on the couch.

He dreamt of a big wedding. All his friends and family watching him walk down the aisle, prepared to be wedded to the one he loved. It felt so real, yet too good to be true. It was all he wanted, yet out of his reach, and he couldn't stand it. But he could live in this dream for now. It was a good dream for once. But it didn't last long. Just as the minister said, "The grooms may kiss," he was awoken.

The first thing he saw was the TV, where a flag covered in rainbow colors was being waved. The announcer was saying that same sex marriage was legal in all fifty states. He must have awoken into another dream, that was the only explanation.

He had to rewind the broadcast over and over again, and on the 18th time, he finally managed to believe it. It was legalized. It was actually, entirely, one hundred percent, fucking legalized.

He might cry at this point. This was a cry worthy moment. This was an exciting time for him. He and Dean could finally be husbands. Everything he ever wanted, and all it took was June 26, 2015.

Dean walked inside, home from work. "Cas, I'm home!" He called.

Cas ran from the living room to the front door into Dean's arms. "I don't believe it, Dean! I still can't believe it!" Joyous tears ran down his face.

Dean wrapped his arms around Cas, a bit confused now. "Can't believe what? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I'm absolutely perfect! I've never been so perfect in my life!" He rambled, hardly able to form a sentence.

"What's going on?" He smiled at Cas's enthusiasm.

Cas looked into Dean's eyes, giving him a warm kiss before whispering, "It's legal, Dean. It's finally legal."

Dean stopped breathing for a moment, knowing exactly what he meant. "Really?"

Cas nodded, tears still caking his face. "And not just here. Everywhere. All fifty states."

The shock of this nearly knocked Dean off his feet. "All... fifty? Are you sure?"

"Dean, I watched the news broadcast about fifty times, I know what I'm talking about."

He still couldn't believe his ears. "Oh my god, Cas." He smiled.

"We can finally go by the book, baby."

(A/N: YAY A REAL ONE SHOT !!! 😝 I had to publish something after that last thing so here it is!

Have I told you about my new cat? Raven? Little baby kitten baby. 🐱

Dayna (or Charlie) has an account in case you didn't know. WATSTHEPADUP who has many a wonderful short story! Well, not many. Like four. Whatever.

And my friend Nat (WHO IS AMAZINGLY AWESOMETASTIC 😍😍😍 AND HER HAIR IS BAE) is WritingIsWhoIAmOkay and she has stories too now GO READ THEM.

Alright I think I'm gonna watch some jacksepticeye now 😊👀 (if they were green 😋) LIKE A BOSSSSSS

Now PUNCH that vote button IN the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around *high five, high five* Thank you guys so much for reading (and thanks for all those supportive comments ilysfm ❤️) and I will see all you dudes... *high pitched voice* IN THE NEXT ONE SHOOOOOOT!! Peace Off Mini Marshminion Bosses!

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