79. Could You Hand Me A Kleenex? NEW AND IMPROVED!

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Cas was just coughing up his lungs. The poor guy was miserable. He was running a serious fever, yet he felt like he was freezing; he was violently coughing; he was seriously congested; he overall felt like he was dying. He just hoped he wasn't.

Dean walked in his room to check on him. "How you feeling, buddy?"

Cas just groaned in response.

"That bad, huh?"

"That bad." His voice sounded horrible, and the coughing didn't help.

Dean placed his hand on his ex angel's forehead. He was still running a fever. He put a thermometer in his mouth so he could check his temperature.

"Dean," He sniffed. "Am I gonna die?"

Dean half smiled at his extreme drama queen demeanor. "No, you're not gonna die."

He sniffed again. "Promise?"

"Promise," Dean took the thermometer out of his patient's mouth and checked the temperature. "101. You're one hot little angel." He smirked.

Cas groaned again. "Can't you just smother me with a pillow and get this over with?"

"Don't talk like that. You'll get better. I'll make sure of it."

"Dean, if you keep doing this, you're gonna get sick. I don't... want you to... do that." He was growing more and more tired, until he couldn't even keep his eyes open.

Dean leaned down and placed a kiss on his angel's burning forehead. "I don't care. I don't get sick."

"I'm an angel of The Lord, Dean. I'm not supposed to get sick." He mumbled.

"You should get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He was about to walk out, until Cas stopped him.

"Wait." He called weakly.

Dean looked over at his little angel. "What is it?"

"Stay with me. I... I don't wanna be alone." He strained against the sheer soreness of his throat.

Dean half smiled and knelt by Cas's side, holding his hand. "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep. Okay?"

Cas only hummed a reply. It wasn't long before Dean heard barely audible snores escaping his angel's lips.

He yawned and joined his little baby angel in the bed. He may have told him he'd stay just until he fell asleep, but he's lied before, right?

He cuddled up next to his shivering angel. He would've gotten a blanket for him, but he knew he was running a fever. Still, he hated seeing him like this.

Pretty soon, the sound of Cas's heartbeat and light snores lulled him to sleep.

._.__.~A Week Later~.__._.

Cas was feeling a lot better. His fever had gone down significantly, his coughing had stopped, he was no longer congested. Cas was back in town.

Dean, however....

Cas walked into his hunter's room with chicken noodle soup. "Dean, you feeling any better?"

Dean coughed. "What do you think?"

"I've brought you some soup. I'm sure it'll make you feel better."

He coughed again. "Not really hungry. Maybe later." He shivered.

Cas took his temperature. "One hundred degrees. Better than it was before."

"Yeah, by one friggin point. How delightful." He coughed again.

"Is your headache gone at least?"

"Yeah. For now."

"The medicine is working. You'll get better."

"I can't feel my legs."

Cas half smiled. "There is no need to be so melodramatic."

"Well, at least I know I'm not dying." He grinned.

Cas chuckled softly. "Shut up."

Dean was still shivering, his teeth chattering ever so slightly. Cas felt bad for him. He knew this was his doing.

"I wish I was an angel. A full angel. Then I could heal you with just a touch." He gently placed his index and middle finger on Dean's forehead.

"Well, you can't. Sucks to be you."

"Actually, logistically speaking, it sucks to be you."

Dean laughed, his laughter turning into coughs. He closed his eyes. "Could you hand me a Kleenex?" He sniffed.

Cas didn't know how many he needed, so he got him the whole box of tissues. Here he was, a former angel of The Lord, an ancient celestial being who spent many moons battling in biblical wars, and even stopping the long anticipated apocalypse.

And now he was nursing his green eyed hunter back to health.

"I'm friggin tired," Dean sniffed, throwing the used Kleenexes into the wicker wastebasket by his bed. "Can you stay here with me? I don't wanna be alone."

Cas smiled, remembering how he was when he was sick. He climbed into bed with him, holding him in his arms. He felt warm and content just having Dean all to himself. Of course, the warmth wouldn't help with the fever, but he was honestly starting to feel exhausted.

He let out a long yawn. "I love you, Dean."

"Love you, too... my little baby in a trench coat."


Okay bitches, listen up.

Over the weekend, my parents went to Ohio to look at houses. My mom came back, and I don't know where my ducking dad is, but I could care less. She kept showing me pictures and brochures and pictures and amusement park ads and pictures. Oh, did I mention pictures? UGGGH! THE ONLY REASON I'D BE EXCITED ABOUT THIS IS IF I CAN KIDNAP MORGAN AND TAKE HER WITH ME CUZ THERE'S SERIOUSLY COOL POSSIBLE DATES WE COULD GO ON THERE! THERE'S AN AMUSEMENT/WATER PARK NOT 20 MINUTES AWAY!!! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! >:(

Okay bye.

Peace Off My Mini Marshminions!)

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