84. Is This Going To Be Forever?

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Dean was driving Cas to the dentist in the Impala. Cas was in the passenger seat, covering his sore mouth with his hands.

"Hoe bunsh lunkur?" He asked with his hands still at his mouth, causing his speech to be muffled.

Somehow, Dean understood what he was saying. "Not too long now, buddy."

"Id hurds, Dean."

They soon arrived at the dentist so they could fix Cas's broken tooth. He still wasn't sure what happened.

"An den I jus vell. I hid mah toof, an id hurd." Cas recalled what happened in the library earlier, still covering his mouth with his hands.

"Don't worry. They'll fix you up."

And when they were called into the room where the dentist was, Cas saw all the tools and needles and things which kind of freaked him out.

"Den, I don wanna do dis." Cas held his hands to his mouth tighter.

"C'mon, Cas, don't tell me you're afraid of the dentist."

The ex angel's horrified blue eyes answered his question plenty. He didn't want those needles in his mouth. Or anything on the tray next to the chair.

"Don led em stig da needlths in."

Dean put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Cas, it'll be fine. I promise."

Cas just shook his head nervously.

"Perhaps we should use the gas." The dentist suggested.

"Whad gazth? I don unnurthand."

"It's just laughing gas," Dean answered. "It'll make you feel better. In that... acid sorta way."

Cas cocked his head at the hunter. "Whad athid?"

Dean looked to the dentist. "Yeah, go for that gas. He's gonna need it."

And when Cas was under the influence of the laughing gas, he was just having the time of his life.

"Dean! Look at the ceiling!" He guffawed as the dentist prepared to fix the tooth.

"What about it?" Dean sighed, regretting this whole thing.

"Dean... it's WHITE!" He cackled.

"Is the color of the ceiling funny?"

"But, Dean," He could hardly breathe past his giggles. "It's really, really, REALLY white!"

All throughout the procedure, Cas would laugh at the tiniest things. Everything was just a big joke to him. And after a while, Dean couldn't help but grin. It was kind of adorable.

When it was finished, they went back out to the Impala, Cas looking rather deflated.

"Dean?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, Cas?"

"Is... is this real life?"

Dean was overly amused then. "Yes, Cas, this is real life."

Cas started rolling his head like he was stretching his neck. He stopped and sank in his seat. "Now... now I..." He looked down at his hands, holding up his index fingers. "I have two fingers."

Dean was struggling to contain his laughter. "Good, man."

He held his fingers up to his face, about to put one in his mouth.

"Cas, don't do that! Don't put your finger in your mouth!"

He looked over at him, moving his finger so it touched his cheek instead. He moved it away and pretty much went limp.

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