37. Congratulations. More Friggin Smut. Hope You're Happy.

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Cas found Dean extremely alluring. Every time he was in his presence, he just wanted to rock him like a hurricane. He could feel his pants getting tighter, and tried to hide it, but Dean could see it every single time.

It reached the point where Cas couldn't contain it anymore. He pinned Dean to the bed, unable to control himself.

"Cas, what're you doing?"

"You. Right here, right now."

He smashed their lips together, his boner grinding into Dean. He tore off the hunter's shirt, and then his own.

They stripped each other completely, Dean quite enjoying himself. Cas entered him, Dean moaning with pleasure as Cas slammed into him.

"Did you use enough lube?" He chuckled.

"Even if I didn't, would you care?" Cas moaned. He could barely speak because of his own erotic pleasure.

The way he felt as he came was indescribable. He just kept wanting more of Dean. He needed him. He needed to hear him scream his name.

Cas picked up speed, causing the bed to creak. He bucked his hips, causing Dean to moan, his moans turning into laughs.

"Want me to come, babe? Huh? Gimme all you got."

Cas gripped his shoulders tight, fucking him as hard as he could. Harder and harder and harder, until he couldn't even feel his own legs.

"Dean." He whimpered.

"Come on, baby. You can make it. Just keep going."

He squeezed his eyes shut tight, arching his back as he reached his climax. Nothing ever felt so good.

And when he felt Dean come, he reached the pinnacle of his pleasure. He moaned louder and louder, until the moaning became screaming.

"OH, DEAN!" He began to make shallow, inhuman noises, hardly able to breathe.

"Keep going. Keep going. Oh, god, keep going." Dean arched his back and moaned.

Cas gripped the headboard so tightly, his knuckles turned white. They kept going at it until he thought it would snap. And Cas finally collapsed from exhaustion.

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