105. Transgender

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._.__.~Dean's POV~.__._.

Back in high school, junior year, there was this girl I had a crush on in government class. She had long, dark hair and the bluest eyes. We sat next to each other, and I honestly couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Maybe that's why I was this close to flunking that class.

One day, around the end of the year, I decided to ask her out. I just figured, what the hell. After this year, I may never see her again. You never know what classes you'll be put in, or she might end up moving, anything could happen. So I decided to go for it.

Class started, and I looked over at her and said, "Hey, Angela." Giving a flirty smile.

She smiled back. "Hey, Dean." I loved the sound of her voice. I bet she was a great singer.

"Well, I was wondering if... you wanted to get coffee sometime?"

She blushed slightly, clearly knowing that I meant as a date. "Oh... um, sure. How's Friday? After school?"

My smile grew, glad to hear her say yes. "Friday's perfect."

Friday rolled around, and I couldn't wait. Although, when I got to government class, Angela wasn't there. Maybe that should've raised a few flags, but I didn't think much of it. I was too lovestruck to know better. I eagerly awaited 3:20 to get here, as I sat in my last class of the day. It was the last day of school, and I finally got a date with Angela, things were shaping up to be a great day.

Finally, just when I thought 3:19 would last forever, the bell rang. I was the first one out the door. I couldn't wait to meet up with her. We were meeting at 5:00, so I had plenty of time, but I was too excited to delay.

I got home and quickly started getting ready. I tried many shirts, many jeans; my floor was covered in my entire wardrobe by the time I finished. My brother, Sam, helped me out a bit.

I tried on what must've been my hundredth outfit, and looked to Sam. "How do I look?"

Sam grinned as he sat on my bed. "Like a lovesick idiot."

I scoffed and looked back in the mirror at my blue plain button up shirt and blue jeans. "I dunno. Is it too much blue? I just thought... y'know, her eyes are blue, it's almost like we're matching."

I heard Sam gag from behind me. "Oh, give me a break! You've never been this sappy before, dude!"

"Well I can't help it. I love this girl, Sammy."

"Wouldn't bring that up. Women don't typically swoon at that on a first date."

"Trust me, I won't pull a Ted Mosby. Seriously though, am I good?" I looked back at him.

"You're golden. Can I go now? I have very important procrastinating scheduled for the next few weeks."

I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Yeah, yeah, dismissed."

He quickly left, and I looked back in the mirror. Was I really in love with her? It felt like love. But what does love feel like? I wasn't even sure. But if this is what love feels like, then I love it.

I got to the coffee shop at around 4:55, so Angela should be here any minute now. I was really jittery and nervous, although I told myself everything would be fine. Everything raced through my brain at once. What would we talk about? What all do we have in common? Maybe I should've brought something. A rose? No, too cliché. Some type of jewelry? No, it's a bit soon for that. A card? No, too Valentine's-y. Also kind of cheap. God, being in love is hard work.

I waited there for a while, wondering what was holding her up. It had been nearly fifteen minutes and she wasn't here yet. Maybe it was just traffic. Yeah. Traffic.

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