84.2.2 Squirrel

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"Let's watch some television. I'll do anything as long as I'm with you."

Dean smiled and planted a kiss on his angel's chapped lips. "Okay then. What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't know. Any particularly good movies?"

"Let's just see what's on."

Since it was around Christmastime, there were numerous Christmas movies playing on several channels. They happened to come across Frosty The Snowman playing on ABC Family.

"Let's watch that one!" Cas exclaimed excitedly.

Dean smiled. "Alright then."

During the movie, they both laughed at many comical moments. Dean loved to see his angel so happy. It warmed his heart.

But then came the scene when Frosty melted. Cas was sobbing his eyes out.

"Dean," He blubbered like a baby. "He-he melted, Dean! Why would they do that?!"

"Cas, are you okay?"


"Just wait a minute, Cas. Just watch and see what happens."

They both watched and saw Frosty come back to life. Cas wasn't sure what to do with himself.

"First he's dead, then he's back, WHY ARE THEY MESSING WITH MY HEAD?!"

"Hey, are you alright? I've never seen you like this."

Cas clambered into Dean's lap, sobbing into his shoulder. Dean tried to placate him, but he was honestly just confused.

"Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay, baby. Shh." He rubbed his back up and down.

"I just... first I lose my grace and become human. Then I have all these... human needs like eating and sleeping and urinating. And now... I've sustained a neck injury that makes me feel... horrible. I mean... my neck is stiff, my back is in pain, and... my arms... feel... weak." Cas started wearing himself out with his own ranting. It wasn't long before he faded off to sleep.

"You'll feel better when you wake up, baby."

Over time, Cas developed a serious chronic case of whiplash associated disorder. He was depressed and angry and stressed out all the damn time. And it eventually reached the point where the aspirin started to go missing.

Dean had to confront his suffering little angel about it. He couldn't stand to see him like this. But he knew it was all his fault. He wasn't paying attention to the damn road.

Dean walked into their room, where Cas was on the bed popping an aspirin in his mouth.

"Cas, we need to talk. Like right now."

"What is it?"

He sat next to him and spoke gently. "Cas... you need to fucking relax."


"You've been stressed, depressed, and pissed off all the time. You're practically a junkie for aspirin, man. What's going on with you?"

"Dean, I'm fine." He snapped.

"Yeah, clearly."

"I said I'm fine, Dean!" His voice quivered as tears formed in his eyes.

"Cas... if you ever need to talk, you know I'm here. Okay?"

"Fine. Okay. I don't need to talk."

"Well okay then. But if you ever do-"

"Yeah, I know. You're here. Got it."

Dean sighed. "C'mon, let's get some sleep. It's getting pretty late."

"I don't sleep."

"You're human, remember?"

"No, I mean I don't sleep. I can't."

"You have insomnia?"

"It would seem so. I'm sorry. Please don't yell."

"Why would I yell?"

"You might get mad because I don't sleep even though I'm supposed to and I'm not being a proper human and that might make you mad, I'm sorry Dean, please just don't yell." His voice shook with fear of being chastised.

He put his hand on his angel's shoulder. "Cassie, I'd never yell at you."

"I-I'm sorry that I'm not being human right. I'm sorry." He started to cry.

"Jeez, Cas, c'mere." He wrapped his arms around his broken angel, who sobbed into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Cassie, you don't have anything to be sorry for. Okay? Nothing. You're perfect to me, baby."

"I'm not perfect! I'm horrible! I'm a poor excuse for an angel! I'm a poor excuse for a human!"

"Don't you say that. Don't you dare say that."

"But... I... I can't... I'm sorry."

"Shhh, just stop apologizing, man. Just stop. Just know that you'll always be forgiven."

Two days later, he found out just how broken Cas really was.

And two days after that, he realized just how broken he was.

And two days after that, Sam found himself alone in the bunker, as it would be for a while.

(A/N: Aaaaaand, DON'T KILL ME!!!

You made the decision to read this ending of your own free will. Can't blame me for that. You had options. YOU HAD OPTIONS.

Peace Off My (now crying) Mini Marshminions!)

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