64. Eight Legged Freaks

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Cas hated scary movies. He learned that the hard way.

There was a kinda old movie about this spider invasion after a group of scientists accidentally brought one over from Venezuela. It mated with a normal house spider, and the offspring then began to wipe out the whole town. It was aptly named.


He and Dean watched it together, and it scared the pants off poor Cas. His fears overpowered him since he was human now. Spiders were his enemy. His nemesis. His adversary.

Spiders were from hell.

One night, Cas had to get a shower. He walked in the bathroom and went to turn on the water when he caught sight of something small, brown, and eight-legged sitting in front of the drain.

He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Dean ran into the bathroom and attempted to calm Cas down.

"Cas, what is it? What's wrong?" He demanded.

Cas could only shout, "IT'S FROM HELL!"

"Cas, it's just a spider! Okay, it's only a spider."


"Cas, that wasn't the same spider, okay? Completely different spiders. This one isn't poisonous. Just relax."

"But... but it's a s-spider."

"I know. It won't hurt you. Not unless you give it a reason to hurt you. Okay?"


"Yeah, Cas?"

"I-I can't take a shower now."

Dean grinned faintly. "Yes you can. It'll be okay. I'll take care of the spider, alright?"

Cas nodded as Dean went to kill the spider. Cas couldn't even watch. He just squeezed his eyes shut until he felt Dean's hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked.

"No one is safe from the spiders. Spiders are the enemy."

Dean chuckled. "Well, they're down one soldier now. It'll be fine."

"Is your dungeon free of spiders? Because... I'd like to hide there."

"Cas, you can't hide from spiders. They get in and out of places like its nothing."

"They're everywhere. They're watching us. They're watching me."

"Okay. Look, if you can't get a shower, that's fine, just go to bed or something."

"No!" He wrapped his arms around Dean. "It's not safe in there. It's. Not. Safe. ANYWHERE."

"Okay, now you're just worrying me."

"They scare me, Dean. They are everywhere." He whispered.

"Cas, do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?"

"Will you be there?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Okay then."

They went to Dean's bedroom, Dean turning off the light. Cas couldn't see a thing in front of him, which got him paranoid. They could've been right there.


"Cas, it's fine," Dean cut him off. "Just don't think about it."

"I can't see. Where are you?"

"I'm right next to you." Cas felt his hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly.


"C'mon, go to sleep. You'll feel better."

"I can't. I'm... I'm scared."

"Of a spider?"

"Not a spider. All spiders. I shall smite them all."

Dean nodded. "Okay then. Just lay down and pretend you're gonna sleep, alright?"

Cas obeyed and laid down next to him. He realized he was a bit close to him.

"Am I... intruding on your personal space?"

"It's fine, Cas. Just go to sleep. Or let me go to sleep."

Cas was bundled up in the covers, still worried that there were spiders stalking him. He could sense them.

"Dean?" He whispered. He got no response. "Dean?"

Dean groaned softly. "What?" He mumbled.

"They're here. I can feel it."

"What, is there a disturbance in the force?"

Cas tilted his head slightly. "What force?"

A small smirk played on Dean's lips. "Nothing. Never mind," He looked into Cas's baby blue eyes. "You've just gotta relax."

"I can't. They're everywhere. I can feel their many eyes watching every move I make."

"It's the most literal form of spidey-sense ever."

"I... I don't understand a word you're saying."

Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's waist. "Just relax. Don't think about it. Focus on my voice, okay? We're the only ones here. Just you and me. There's nothing or no one else but us, alright? Nobody else. There's nothing to worry about, okay? There's nothing to be afraid of. You know I'll keep you safe. Okay? Cas?"

He looked down at his angel; he was sound asleep.

The sight made him smile. He gave him a kiss on the temple. "Goodnight, my little arachnophobic."

(A/N: Show of hands, who else has seen Arachnophobia?

Okay, who else has NOT been comfortable in the shower since?

Okay, then. Dat shower scene, doh. If you come up behind me in the shower with an axe, fine. Drop a spider on me and let it slide down my skin, AW HAILS NAW!


Peace Off, My Mini Marshminions!)

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