78. Best. Pizza Hut. EVER.

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._.__.~Cas's POV~.__._.

I was usually babysitting for my friends, Jo and Charlie. Their two kids were quite the handful, but I managed. We usually ordered pizza and watched TV. Normally we'd watch The Simpsons or something.

Over time, I became quite fond of the pizza man. He was a kind boy, and I enjoyed his company. Not to mention he had the kind of muscle tone that made me want to rock him like a hurricane.

One night, I ordered some pizza; half cheese, half pepperoni like always. We heard the doorbell, and the kids started chanting; "PIZZA! PIZZA! PIZZA!"

Once I got them settled down, I answered the door. It was him. Dean, the pizza man.

"Hello again." He smiled at me, causing my heart to flutter.

"Um... hi." I greeted anxiously, just as anxiously as every night.

"You always seen a bit nervous. I can't help but notice that."

"Well, I, um... I usually get nervous around people my age." I chuckled.

"I'd take that as a compliment if I knew how old you were."

I felt the air supply in my lungs deplete. "Huh?" I squeaked, fumbling for my wallet. "I should just pay you now."

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it. This one's on me."

I looked back up at him. "No, I couldn't-"

"I insist. You just enjoy your pizza, free of charge."

I smiled. "Thank you. I-I don't know what to say." I chuckled.

He handed me the pizza box, his fingertips brushing across mine. I could instantly feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"You have a nice night." He smiled, heading toward his car, which was obviously not a company car.

I leaned against the doorframe, watching him leave. I smiled to myself, admiring his perfect ass. I bit my lip and closed the door, finding myself face to face with two children ready to have a talk.

"What?" I asked.

"Alright, look," The nine year old sister began. "We know you've got the hots for Dean."

I started blushing again. "Pardon?"

"Are you kidding?" The seven year old brother asked incredulously. "It's freakin obvious! And we also just happen to know that he's into you, too."

"Wait... what?"

The sister, Anna, put her hand on my arm. "Trust us, sweetie, we know."

"Did you just... call me sweetie?"

"Doesn't matter," The brother, Balthazar, dismissed the thought. "The point is, you two need to hook up. Like, right now."

I put the pizza on the couch. "What makes you think he's even into me?"

"Uh, hello! Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Anna exclaimed.

"Not to mention the way he talks to you. That free pizza? That whole age thing? He is one smooth motherfucker."

"Now, where did you learn to talk like that?" I asked him.

"You've heard Mommy and Mama Jo when they're outside smoking," He folded his arms over his chest. "Take a guess."

I sighed. "Well, how do you suggest I 'hook up' with him?"

And we discussed the game plan.

._.__.~The Next Night~.__._.

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