40. I Like To Watch You While You Sleep

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As an angel, Cas enjoyed watching Dean as he slept. He looked so peaceful. And once he became human, Cas still wanted to watch him, though now there were complications. He needed to sleep too.

One night, the first night that he stayed at the bunker as a human, he quietly walked into Dean's room while he slept. He remained silent, trying not to wake him.

He knelt beside the bed right in front of him. Small snores escaped his lips on occasion. Cas smiled at him.

He knew his feelings for Dean were real, but he never said anything, fearing rejection. Or worse, Dean might not like him anymore. He didn't want to ruin their friendship with the truth.

Dean groaned and rolled over, pulling Cas out of his thoughts. He ran his hand through his hunter's hair, gently so he didn't awaken. He let out a long yawn, growing more and more tired.

He climbed into bed next to Dean, telling himself to stay awake. Though it proved to be a challenge, as he could barely keep his eyes open.

He had his arms wrapped around Dean's waist, whose back was facing him. Cas's face was nuzzled into the back of his neck so he could breathe in his scent. Leather and Axe, with just a hint of whiskey. He loved that scent.

He squeezed him tighter, giving him a faint kiss on the back of his neck. Dean groaned again.

"A bear. A bear, Sammy. Help me." He mumbled, causing Cas to smile.

He loved his little hunter. He always would. No matter what came between them. He would love him always.

His eyes fluttered shut, and he drifted into unconsciousness, dreaming of him and his beautiful righteous man. Together.

._.__.~The Next Morning~.__._.

Dean awoke to find Cas's face half an inch away from his.

He jumped a bit, causing Cas to stir. He immediately relaxed, smiling to himself. Cas looked adorable. The angel's arms were wrapped around Dean's body, their legs entangled.

He buried his face deep into Dean's chest and sighed lightly. Dean began to play with the little angel's rats nest of hair.

"You've been watching me while I sleep, haven't you?" He whispered. "It's okay. I don't mind. As long as you're okay with me watching you sleep."

Cas merely snored in response, causing Dean to chuckle softly.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled in his sleep. "Don't leave me. Just let me love you."

Dean smiled. "Who're you dreaming about?" He whispered.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry... Dean."

This surprised Dean, but he didn't care. His angel loved him back, of that he was certain.

"I don't... I don't wanna leave. Don't make me go. I'm sorry that I love you, don't make me go."

"I'll never make you leave, my baby in a trench coat." He murmured in Cas's ear.

"I wanna stay. Don't make me go. I wanna stay. Please don't make me go."

He began to whine, it was almost a whimper. Dean began massaging his fingers through the angel's hair, hoping to relax him.

"You don't have to go, it's okay. I'll never make you leave. I promise."

Cas jumped awake and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"Bad dream?" Dean whispered with a smile. Cas looked him dead in the eyes with a worried expression.

"Dean, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd wake up before I did. I didn't even think I'd fall asleep. I-I'm sorry." He stumbled over his words endlessly.

"Hey, it's okay. It's fine. I don't care. Cas, you were talking in your sleep. Do you really love me?"

Cas looked horrified. "I-I actually said that? I didn't know you-you'd hear me. I-uh-I really talk in my sleep?"

"You do. And you didn't answer my question."

"Oh. Ye-yeah. I, um, I-I do. Love you, that is. I'm so sorry, Dean. I-I didn't mean to."

Dean interrupted him by pressing his lips to his. That would be the best way to shut him up.

"I'm sorry." Cas muttered against his lips.

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

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